Waffles Recipes

How I make “Waffles” for breakfast.

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Video Transcription

welcome back to my channel she goes byIndia yup that’s me I just purchased newthe waffle maker so let me know if youwould like to see a review on it firstand foremost you need a bow this is howI store my pancake mix I put it in acontainer in this container there’s twoboxes of pancake mix and on the right Icut off the label of the expiration dayand I placed it on top of my containerso I can always know if it’s fresh ornot I’m gonna go ahead and keep ithonest with you I did not measure put asmuch pancake batter as you desire as forme it does kind of look like if it’s acup and a half so that’s what I’mworking with I’m gonna mix my batterwith a cake batter mixer time to mixwith a little beat[Music]this is the spray butter I use for thewafflesI place two scoops of batter in eachsection of the waffles this is how wascoming out so far I did flip it arounddue to the fact that I noticed that thetop wasn’t getting that crispy as Iliked it the condiments were using isconfetti sugar and buttered syrup andhere you go the waffles are done Iserved everyone their waffles this way Idid not pour on top any syrup because Ididn’t know how much to put for anyoneso I let them do it themselvesand remember always put God first[Music]

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