Waffles Recipes

Hot cross waffles

HOT CROSS WAFFLES (or bagels or buns) Makes 5. Recipe can be doubled or tripled. 💚 5sp💙💜 4sp
1c self raising flour
2tsp ground cinnamon
1tsp mixed spice
½tsp salt
2tsp Natvia
1tsp orange zest
45g currants
⅔c 99% fat-free yoghurt

1Tbs flour
4tsp water

1Tbs sugarfree maple syrup
½ tsp icing sugar
¼tsp cinnamon

Mix together all dry ingredients in a large bowl. Stir in yoghurt until combined enough to knead. Turn out onto floured bench and knead until dough is soft and smooth (about 5minutes). Divide into 5 parts.

Mix flour and water together to make a smooth paste for the crosses.

For WAFFLES: Heat Waffle iron. Shape a dough blob into a ball and flatten slightly. Using a teaspoon make a cross with the paste. Place in Waffle iron for 6 minutes.
For BAGELS: Shape dough blob into a sausage, then join ends together. Make a cross with the paste. Cook in Airfryer for 8 minutes, or oven for 10mins.
For BUNS: shape blobs into smooth balls. Make a cross on top with the paste. Cook in oven for 12 minutes at 190°.

Mix glaze ingredients, brush over Waffles, bagels or buns as soon as they are cooked, while still hot.

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locals who doesn’t love that delicioussmell coming from your own kitchen sothis is a really easy recipe to make itdoesn’t use yeast I know these sort ofvery short supply at the moment so we’renot going to lose any yeast but I’mstill going to get a nice waffleor a fluffy hot cross bunfirst of all I’ve got one cup ofself-rising flour and today I’m going toadd all my dry ingredients I’ve got twoteaspoons of cinnamon and 1 teaspoon ofextra spice and here I’ve got some saltwe’re going to a 1/2 a teaspoon of saltand 2 teaspoons of neck beer or anyartificial sweetener that use it in yourkitchen and will make the current fornow so I’m just going to stir those dryingredients together you know I’vementioned out to dudes a cup of plainyogurt we don’t necessarily need at allthat’s a good amount of start with andwe’ll just see how we get on do youdon’t want it too sticky so I made mostof it I’m flipping it and we want to hita nice boom dive a little bit more whatnow about now is a good time to pop thecurrants in about 45 grams of currantsand I’ve got 2 teaspoons of fresh orangezest[Music]they can see it starting to cometogether now and I think it’s just aboutthe texture we want because any moreyoga would make up just to sticking andyou wouldn’t be able to need it but atthe moment this will come together sonow this is gonna make five waffles allfive bands now it’s very important justto keep kneading the dough until it’snice and smooth because if you don’tneed it long enough you’re gonna nothave a very nice smooth surface on yournew bands or on your waffles and you dowant that nice nice smooth appearance soI’ve been needing the snail for 15minutes and you can see there that’snice and smooth and now I’m going todivide it with two fiber eating piecesyou can check them on the scales if youlike or we just go by ironbeat a bit up the same let’s make awaffle first I’m just going to give itanother little need and we’re going toshape it into a circle now keep my blockon iron heating up and it’s going to beon high heat and that’s what I let’sjust okay Matt nothing SuperDuper andit’s been really great tool in mykitchen and I’ve loved using it so youwant this waffle to be about that 10centimeters around you see me okay nowI’m going to show you how to make theircrosses so I use one tablespoon ofself-raising flour we’re going to standup of two teaspoons of water and we’lljust see how we go what you’re lookingfor is quite a thick paste[Music]if it’s lumpy burps it’s going to make apowder to get the cross looking nice anddeeper and so you can see that it’sreally nice and smooth and it’s a goodconsistency I like to use one of theseI sell tools if you haven’t got one andyou could use it a icing bag and cut alittle hole in it it’s also goes backtoday I’m going to show you how to usethis yeah good idealet’s get a glass to begin and pop it onthere and I’m just going to be like soit’s pretty much equal quantities ofwater now so now I can just squeeze thatgene clean and it makes a nice crossnice and steamy pop now a little sprayalright now I’m going to keep my waffleand I’m going to buy an earth the crosspick out of the waffle with a cross andlow up I’m gonna try Maggie I’m gonnaput it off for six minutes and whilethat’s going I’m gonna show you how itcan also be across bands I know a lot ofyou won’t get a lot over here and it’snice problem I found us just as goodanother tick Nick I like to use to getas a good shape and as you just throwroll it over like this and then you pickit up and you kind of make a circle withyour hand like this and you pop itthrough the squeeze it and then squeezeher out of the egg and you get a nicebeautiful round round shape and it’s onelet’s do another onea few little names okay then I’m goingto push it up through my fingers squeezearound underneath and another the bottomshape here we go so I’m just going toleave it at three bones and I want tomake the last one into a baby baby rollit out[Music][Music]so now we really in no time at this timeis just gone off it’s gone off for theworld[Music]possible positioners argue is smellsreally goodnow I’m gonna make a glaze on top so youdo there and if one tablespoon of sugarfree maple syrup and it’s Queen Samanthaby the bullets grain during is yourspoon upokay now good trip for the option sugarand you reduce the ice and look at thehalf a teaspoon they have gone throughdoes it play by with the points for thewhole and the whole bottle so especiallyits half a teaspoon of it now got aquarter of a teaspoon of cinnamon soreally it’s just a good shake now it’stime for joining to your balance is assoon as they come in the oven with abomb maker so such a hint this really onthat okay here we go it’s time the rockfor in a bagel and this open it up adisease very hot okay and our bands ofnearly reading some extent blades andthingsnice to get all into the little crevicessick of the nice sticky sweetnesswhenever you get bend out from the ovenalways on a nice cooling rateotherwise sweet in the 10 and I willjust get a little bit soggyand who wants a soggy bottom back not mesorrynow I’m going to glaze those[Music][Music]in the UK Hot Cross fan creations enjoyand be all really but before to singwith that line on the inside so I’mgoing to open one for you you can seethey’re just delicious that just like areally nice normal yeast bath we betterjust try one just to make sure that theytaste opening so what are you going tomake some release turn to your butcher[Music]

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