I hope you guys enjoy the recipe! It’s great for breakfast and brunch!
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
today i’ll be making waffleslightly beat two eggs in a medium-sizedmixing bowladd 1 3 cup of corn or sunflower oil and2 cups of milk[Music]first add half the amount of flour[Music]then add 2 tablespoons of sugar half ateaspoon of salt and 1 tablespoon ofbaking powder and mixadd the rest of the flour and continuemixing[Music]this part’s optional but to ensure themixture is smooth i run it through ahand blender[Music]i check the sides to make sure of anyexcess flourthe viscosity of this mixture is ratherthin just in case you might need a notedepending on your waffle machine theinstructions may be differenti like to put the temperature a littleover medium and bake it for one and ahalf minutes on each sidethe temperature determines thecrispiness of the crust[Music]aviator enjoy and bon appetitalso don’t forget to subscribe like andturn on those notifications