Very Easy and Healthy Dates Syrup a.k.a Silan or Vegan Caramel
You only need 2 ingredients to make the perfect homemade syrup.
All you need for about 500 ml:
500g Pitted Dates (They are naturally sweet so you don’t need to add sugar)
1.5 L Water
How to make:
1. Chop the dates roughly.
2. Soak the dates in boiling water for about 20 minutes to get rid of impurities.
3. Place the soaked dates in a large lidded pot with 1 litre / 4 cups of water. Bring to a gentle boil, simmer for 1 hour.
4. Strain the dates using strainer or cheesecloth.
5. Squeeze all of the water from the cooked dates really well. You should get about 2 cups of liquid.
6. Pour the date juice into a pot and allow it to come to a gentle simmer. Simmer, uncovered, for about 45-60 minutes until the excess water evaporates and the syrup reduces by approximately half.
7. Leave it to cool down and pour in a jar.
Great on pancakes or waffles 🧇 ENJOY!
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