Waffles Recipes

Freezing fruit for smoothies and making Homemade Blueberry Waffles using my Dash Spring Waffle Maker

Welcome back to Journey with Char! I recently decided to freeze some fruit for smoothies. I also make some homemade blue berry waffles using my Dash Waffle maker I purchased from Target. I show you guys how to make them in this video and store them in the freezer for a later day. I really hope you enjoy this video and if you do please remember to subscribe to my page, hit the notification bell, please like the video and let me know in the comment section down below what you think. Take care and stay safe everyone. God Bless!


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hello you guys welcome to journey withSean right now we are cutting upvegetables mommy and I and we’re gonnafreeze these far smoothie then I’m gonnamake some pancakes we’re gonna freezethose and I have a little bit of mine Ialso have some chicken pot pie I’m gonnashow you how freeze those just toprepare you guys just in case oh andthese are all organic strawberriesorganic blueberries yes yes yes you guyshear the background when we have someapples here and they’re organic as well[Applause][Music]freezer bags here and gosh you’re sogood all right we have more strawberries[Music]okay you guys fell mommy has filled theblueberries I’m just gonna go through asI put cuz there’s a stem on a couple I’mgonna go through is I these are alreadyclean and been washed and cut up andthen we have a little bit of grace howthese gonna be snacked on right now Iknow one mama trying to do this we’regonna open it and show you guys okay sowe have this organic daybreak Glen itdoes have strawberries in it but it alsohas mangoes strawberries and pineapplesso I’m just gonna blend these intoindividual little packages so we canhave a nice tropical smoothie throughoutthe week and get enough for ourvegetables I love these glad bagsbecause you can write the date in thetime the date that you um what’s inthere and then you can write the day andsay what it’s for so that’s what I dolove about these little glad bags I havea half a cup I’m gonna try grab a littleeverything and put it in there this isnot gonna go in but I wanted to show youguys what powder I use for my proteinsmoothie that and y’all I got this fromhomeGoods and they also had them at t.j.maxxwhich is owned by the same company andthey were for a really good products Ithink it was like $7.99 I absolutelyloved it$5.99 sorry mommy corrected me $5.99 andthen this is the Moringa powder which isa superfood my sister bought this formommy and I and Josh and we have beenloving it will you take a little scoopand just put that tiny little scoop inyour smoothie along with the protein andyou are good to go so anyway let’s getback started with this honey we don’t dothis real fast so we have a green markerhere that I’m gonna use so this is whatI wrote there I just put tropical fruitsmoothie mix 314 2020 so now what we’regonna do we’re gonna open this I’m justgonna grab a few of these strawberrieson I’m gonna try to do it like rationingout where it’s like four strawberries inhere we’re gonna do a little bit ofblueberries about that much okay I’mgonna try to equate berry because wealready have strawberry in there thenwe’re gonna take that out that’s whatthat look like I got a peach and mangoand I have some pineapple in there andthen I’m going to bring that mommy’sbring an apple and I’m going to cut up abanana and put that in there so eachperson I’m giving them a small sizebanana and banana is good for potassiumso I’m gonna take some of these applesokaymommy brought a whole thing of organiccan we clean them really good and I’mgonna put about three apple slices downin here maybe four because that’s a halfan apple okay and later on that personcan have a half half an apple for theycan have a half of Apple work afterdinner okay so now let’s get this bananayou know she not organized but y’alllisten that’s life we go as we flowright we go a special yes we go as welook at that nice little organicbeautiful banana taking all those littlestringy banana hair off cuz I don’t likeno form of hearing my food banana here Idon’t care if his human hands house youdon’t like it anyway so that’s whatwe’re gonna do we’re gonna cut thatbanana up really quick my fruit nightshere that I absolutely love it I gotfrom Daiso so we’re cutting that up nicelittle angles hands are clean cuz that’swhat we got to do more so than ever nowguys make sure our hands are clean so Icut that up I’m going to take that sothat’s what it looks like with theapples and the blueberries and she won’ttake this like so ciao and going Jeangot touching no money and that is thesmoothie mix so we’re gonna cut blowthat up make sure all the air iscompletely out and look we’re good to gothat is one smoothie bag good to gothat’s gonna go in next one we’re gonnado another one we have that herehopefully this sharp pin is gonna showthe other pen how to really do it okayso we’re gonna write with this sharp pinyeah let me tell you sometimes you justgotta do what’s best now see thedifference between that and this onemm-hmmI know y’all might say girl it don’tmatter but it does you can really seethe difference okay let’s do this reallyquick so we’re going to do theblueberries thank the blueberries hereblueberries do some strawberries I’mgonna get like four strawberries herey’all see me get in there go in here andget like four little strawberries fourstrawberriesthere we go we’re gonna do four applesbecause that forest slice like thisthere’s a half of an apple okay twothreefor we’re looking like so far then weremember we’re gonna do wine wholebanana for a person and this is asmoothie we’re way my family and I do itwe put them in our containers but we’lldrink half of it in the morning put itin our fridge at work good later on youcan have the other half and we’re goodto gothere we go you guys so make sure all ofthat stored away fruit smoothies so I’mgonna do the rest of these I’m not gonnabore you guys and as soon as I’m donewe’re gonna let you see how they lookand how I store them and then we’regonna put them in the freezer so youguys stay tuned next stop after this isgoing to be frozen waffles okay we’regonna do frozen waffles we’re gonna doplaying waffles we’re gonna do blueberrywaffles yesyummy yummy wants okay you guys so Iwant to show you so far what I did okayso this one is Apple berry Blin and thisis just apples and berries and Mama’stwo grapes y’all y’all know she has sixgrapes less she’s six grapes left shemissed she was going using grape sothere’s two grapes in each one of theseand I made three each because it’s forme mami and Joshua for our daily fruitso this is the Apple berry Bolivarsmoothie all right banana berry blendokay so that’s Apple berry blend andthen I did a banana berry blend okay sothat’s one of those small organic appleswith strawberries in blueberriesstrawberries and blueberries and thenthat’s the banana berry blend I did allthree of those and then I did thetropical smoothie blend which has thatin it with the berries and all of themango banana berries and peaches are inthere okay you guys and that’s threeeach and so now I need to do three moreof another blend and I’m gonna be doneand I will show you guys when I put themtry to put them in my freezer y’all it’sso packed all right so you still havethis little bit of Apple left thislittle bit of strawberry left and thislittle bit of berry but mommy had somebananas as she froze earlier so that’sgonna help meonly have two bananas left and that canhelp these are the ones that mommy frozethe other day and this is good becauseyou can split these up with so manybananas in there you can literally splitthese up into two days so I’m glad shewouldn’t head on and store those up okayyou guys before I even finish up therest of my frozen smoothies this is whatI got the antioxidants organicantioxidants live more from Costco seeall what comes inside and what I loveabout this is I’m gonna open it so youcan see exactly what I love about thisset so much hold on one momentokay so I’ve opened it and what I loveabout this you see BAM all ready anddone and all you got to do this can feedtwo people usually do two people andwe’ll do a half a banana and it’s goodto go you can add whatever but you canadd a banana to this if you want thatbut potassium but this is it and that iswhy I love this set here because italready comes prepackaged you get 6 8ounce packages and that right there Ipromise you if you want a big smoothieyou can do that or you can split this upas you can see as I’m got my thumb herethat is a lot for a smoothie a nicesized smoothie for a person if you addmaybe an apple to that and a half anappleI mean banana like a little bit ofbanana you are good to go okay you guyswe are done so here I have the weekendbreakfast smoothie when everyone’s homeon the weekend morning and in here isthe blueberries strawberries apples andthis is bananas and we can make a greensmoothie with this and this can split upwith for three people and you see I havefour three right there so we’re gonna dothat I have that that was the leftoverand then I have the banana strawberrythree of them one for me one for mommyand this was the frozen banana I’ve juststuck it in there with this and then onefor Josh all three of us and then thisone is the Apple berry blend and wethree of these where’s Apple berry Laneyes three of the Apple berry blends Iwant you guys to see okay and we’regonna put these in the freezer right nowand then we have the banana berry no I’msorry I already showed you that oh maybeI didn’t then we have a banana berryblend Oh banana strawberry blend this isthe banana berry blend and this one isjust banana strawberry and apple thisone’s banana strawberry and blueberryokay banana strawberry and blueberrybanana strawberry and Apple and thenthis bag here’s we have three of thoseand then this is the tropical blendwhich is probably going to be a big hitthe tropical blend smoothie this is thebanana the Apple the blueberry thestrawberry and we also have peaches andpineapple in there and a little bit ofmango all right to use my frigeratorfreezer this is some of the frozen foodthere okay you guys so bad okay you guysso now we’re going to y’all look at thisthe blue and it’s the flower so we’regonna use that today I’m going to makesome waffles hereand let’s start by putting some of thebutter here it’s already ready to go noshe is ready to go and this is wholegrain this is whole grain waffle mix Imean pancake mix and I did it MarthaStewart I switched it out and made itwhole grain I’m gonna put the link belowso you guys if you’re interested andlet’s see how these whole grain ones doif you’re interested in these wafflesyou can check it out below okay this isthe whole grain one it’s a littlethicker than the regular one but we’regonna see how it comes out so excited sothat’s gonna turn blue when it’s readyto be when it’s ready to be taken outthere we goso starting as soon as the light goes onthat’s when you take thiscute little waffle out so I’m gonna makea bunch of these and I’m gonna freezethem today I’m gonna hold this here yousee a little steam coming out little bitof steam and these are the whole grainsstandard statement statement I don’twant to get too close there we goso it says it’s ready look at thatbeautiful waffle and this is the wholegrain mommy you got a plate so we’regonna take this one out and I’m gonnalet it be cooling off but look at theflour you guysisn’t that flour pretty that’s what Iwanted to be okay so we’re gonna putthat on the plate and we’re gonna startanother one and these little things areperfect for portion control I’ve saidthat before with other ones is perfectfor college students perfect for justlittle individual waffles for you kidsthis is fun for your kids fun familytime hold on to get that in here okaymake sure you spread it all the wayaround and then we’re just gonna putthat top down let that cook away butthat’s how that looks so far look at thepretty flower it’s kind of dented on theside because I took but the print yousee the flower print just like what’sright here on the box very very prettyso the next one we’re gonna put downwe’re gonna add some blueberries to thisone okay okay let me just stir this alittle bit because as we go it gets alittle fluffy as the US there we gojust spread that around then just spreadthat around and then we’re gonna addsome blueberries in there see howeverythingwhops together and these are cleanlittle blueberries and I’m gonna try tomessage them down in there so cuteblueberry waffles you guys so there wegoso we’re gonna pop that down I’m gonnasee how they work in here so I said thatit’s done oh look at the blueberriesthey popped how cute oh that isbeautifulokay so let me okay so let me take thisout oh it went through oh I love theblueberry ones mine you gotta Cassie I’mgonna do another blueberry ones Ohblueberry ones are awesome it’s got thatlittle pop I popped and we’re gonna takesome of these blueberries just a few popthem on in thereI love the blueberry pop look that isreally cute press that down make sureyou put that down good to go I’m gonnakind of hold it a little bit there we gothen I pressed it down just a little bitjust wipe that off but this right hereso far is what the blueberry one lookslikeisn’t that beautiful it’s hot hot hotbut yes it’s gorgeous I’m eating thisone this one’s beautiful absolutelygorgeous so we’re going to take thislittle spatula and kind of lift it alittle bit and that helps me lift italrightoh this one’s beautiful so we wanted totry the blueberry when y’all look atthat it is absolutely fabulous justamazing love itokay you guys so that is done this iswhat we have from the whole grain nextup is going to be the regularall-purpose flour okay you guys I’mputting the butter in just up so let’sgo therewe’re gonna take spread it here and thisis as you can see it’s more of asmoother dough and I think that’sbecause the whole grain is a littlethicker okay so we just gonna smooththat out and you want these to be alittle bit more it’s already starting tocook as you can see I’m gonna add alittle bit more there we go and we’regonna put some blueberries because theblueberries are wonderful so I’m gonnado some up these with blueberries aswell alright alright and so this is whatwe have so far look how pretty that isso beautifulthere we go it’s so beautiful I lovethis – branlove it love it alright this bad boylooks like it’s almost done I’m hearingit sizzleoh there we go so it looks like it’sdoing opposite anyway so there we go youguys and look at that one look at thosebeautiful blueberries look at thatbeautiful flower and we’re gonna putthese separate okay you guys so theseare the regular flowered ones and someblueberries and some plain and these arethe whole grain flowers okay the wholewheat so I’m gonna let these cool offcompletely and then I’m going to putthem in the freezer bag and put it inprison will you be done this thing workswonderful all the time all right okayyou guys so we just finished and they’vebeen sitting out for a while so now whatI’m gonna do I’m gonna bag them this oneis the whole wheat ones and this one isthe regular one so I have the bags wholewheat ones which I’m gonna put these inhere and then these are the regular onesokay so let’s get storing these away nowstay tunedthat’s the plain waffle make sure allthe air is out doing this off-camera buty’all can hear me and there you go honeythat is a meal that is some meal setokay so we have two bags of waffles doneand ready to go in the freezerall right and that is the flour y’allexcuse the box needs to be wiped offthere we gothat is the – waffle mini Waffle flowerthe flower mini waffle maker bye- and it is fantastic I give it twothumbs up and this is what it looks likeI’m about to take it out and clean ity’all so I gotta go and clean it I gotmy q-tips cuz I do clean this whatq-tips I get all in the crevice sisterit’s gonna take me I’ll look at a movieand sit there and clean all of this andthen get it back to where its originallook okay you guys but this thing isfantastic – thumbs up this is your firsttime ever seeing my channel and you likewhat you see please hit that subscribebutton make sure you give me a thumbs upand I hope you like these little quickfreezer ideas of little mini waffles andlet me know do you have one of these -waffles herself and how much do you likeit I will put the link below where youcan get this – waffle I got this fromTarget the other day when I went abouttwo weeks ago you guys and I got thelast oneso but they do sell them on Amazon aswell I will put the link below and Ifind it ok you guys it would be belowall time this video goes up so thank youso much for tuning in you guys be safeI’m praying for everybody take you oneday at a time make sure you wash yourhands I can’t stress that enoughuse your Clorox wipes in your and yourpine-sol and your Lysol that’severything you guys will be safe andtrust God because he’s in control ofeverything y’allwe can’t run around here and just thinkthat this is the end of the world takingone day at a time and be fair and treatpeople with respect and love and supporteach other and help each other out asmuch as you possibly can if you gotsomething extra and you can give alittle hey go ahead and help that personthat that may not have it and need itand give it another thing before I closethis out that I think is awesome thatI’m looking for somebody old to helpJoshua has them at his job but ifthere’s an old elderly person that’s inyour area that is um go to your churchthere may be your neighbor and you knowthem and they can trust youyou guys get their grocery list go gettheir groceries for them if you havesomething extra give it to them anywayany way that we can help them avoid fromgoing out into this virus is gone andcomplete from what dr. oz is gonnaalways be button2 it’s like kind of downwhere it’s not like so rampant help yourelderly as much as possible we have totake care of the elderly people andanyway that’s what Jesus would want youto do anyway so you guys thank you somuch for tuning in remember trust Godkeep him first and he’ll always lead youin the right direction and we’re gonnaget through this through prayer andthrough taking care of one another andkeeping our hands and our environmentclean and making sure we’re not coughingand sneezing and sneezing on peoplewe’re gonna get through this all rightyou guys so thank you so much mom didyou want to say something she says herlove and she said she loves you guys sothank you so much for tuning in beblessed and I’ll see you soonbye-bye

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