Look how Kara cooked amazing homemade Belgian waffles 🧇!! They are very QUICK and Easy to do, and they taste amazing! She also decorated them with delicious ice cream, mouthwatering fruits and berries 🥝🍇🍓🍉 🍎 🍌 She also sprinkled the ice cream and fruits with golden crunchy sprinkles and added some delicious milk chocolate on top with a cute chocolate bunny 🐰 !!! Omg, it is treat that you don’t want to miss! 😋😋😋 Please follow the recipe and enjoy the waffles together with Kara ☺️😋😊 my #kitchenbuddy easy recipes | cooking kids recipes
#cookingwaffles #wafflesrecioe #cookingwithKara #kidsfriendlykitfhen #lockdown #lockdownactivity #workingmom #homemadewaffles
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hello to my channel today there is mywafflesI have Fritz ice cream and chopped hoton top let’s start I will need sugarflour and baconalso I’ll need milk to Ibis and meltedbutter by the way I nearly forgotvanilla extract we need two bowls fordry ingredients and wet ingredientsfirst we start with dry ingredient weput 2 cups of flour we put half a cup ofsugarbaking powders teaspoon of salt mix themall together now it’s time to mix thewet ingredients i crack two eggs I’mtaking a fork to bake the eggs I pourmilk and melted butter[Music]and give it a good stir now it’s time towarm up the waffle maker I asked my mombecause it’s too dangerous for kids thewaffle maker is warming up now it’s timeto pour in the wet ingredients into thedry ingredients I’m using a spoon togive it a good stir we don’t need amixer here[Music]oh I nearly forgot about the vanilla I[Music]just need to stick everything in lifesqueeze the water me and I’m ready to pouring the dough is not easy butI’m trying my bestI pour the mixture on the middle of thewaffle[Music][Music]let’s close the lid and wait I’m veryexcited that’s my first waffle let’shave a look it looks amazing it’s donethe shape is not perfect but I’m sure itis delicious[Music]my next waffle is gonna be back up[Music]in the meantime let’s prepare Ares and[Music]ice cream[Music]and sprinkles don’t forget to like thisvideo please subscribe to my channel[Music][Music][Music][Music][Music]it looks yummy[Music]so we subscribe to my channel thanks forwatching bye[Music]