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Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hey my name is Nicola egg program nowwhat we’re going to do is take yourblender this is my and it’s wireless[Music]not with instead of using makes iteasier for all the ingredients to settlein and doesn’t matter what kind of thispackage okay[Music]and this is one you can that we mixedtake it and you touch itthis is mixing up your batterlike us blended so much because it’s sosmall there’s nothing[Applause]now this is a really liquidy form rightnow and what we’re going to do is justset the mixer side thicken up into theconsistency of batter that makes it nowI wish you to know that you have to andif you don’t have a waffle iron it’scompletely fine because you can makethis mix put it in something I reallylike healthy breakfast lunch snack forme my mom and I don’t really put in someingredients and then this right here issome butter this may not be thehealthiestor that bad and that is why theketogenic because what you’re doing istaking away sugars from your diet whichis glucose glucose it digests your bodytakes a lot more energy to metabolizeburns quicker for that ketogenic dietit’s literally your body fats withoutblue things which is carbs and thatshould happen and this is for like oneperson this little bit but if you wantto make my arms very big it’s probablynot going to cover this all actually soI just pour it inand then so it usually but so I like itI would suggest you can see you can kindof hear that during this youhave chia seeds which are good inomega-6 and omega-3 so has 2 grams perserving which doesn’t so much but it’snot linking so during this time youclean up your mess but the kitchen isthis is kind of scary it’s not done yetbut it’s pretty muchthis what will make this recipe is veryversatile so if you wanted to change allyou have to do is make sure it’s coveredin flour so the blueberry or if you’remaking pancakes it really doesn’t matterso adding these ingredients that arehigh in healthy fats rather than syrupor honey it’s a much better