Waffles Recipes

Dash Mini Maker: The Mini Waffle Maker Machine for Individual Waffles,Lunch, or Snacks – Black

Check Out On Amazon

MORE THAN WAFFLES: Make paninis, hash browns, and even biscuit pizzas! Any wet batter will “waffle” your treats and snacks into single serving portions. Great for kids or on the go!
COMPACT + LIGHTWEIGHT: Weighing 1lb+, this is a MUST-HAVE for that first apartment, smaller kitchen, college dorm life, or camper/RV traveling
QUICK + EASY: Simply plug it in and go; it heats up in mere minutes. The dual non-stick surfaces provide an even cook for consistent results, each and every time
PERFECT GIFT: The perfect wedding or new home gift. Its small size takes up little counter space, and its sleek design and trendy color options will match any kitchen décor (add to your registry now!)
INCLUDES: Backed by a 1-year manufacturer warranty, the Dash Mini Waffle maker includes recipe book and recipe database access (all non-electric parts are easily wiped clean)


To say my kids enjoy waffles is an understatement. My teenage son can easily down four in one sitting, and my younger son in middle school loves them too.

I’ve always made Eggo frozen waffles, but when I came across this super cute (and popular) Dash Mini Maker, I was in!

Not only is it a perfect addition to any busy home kitchen, but it also makes the perfect last-minute gift for the foodies, parents and hungry college students on your shopping list!

Dash Mini Waffle Maker

It’s easy to set up

There’s nothing to put together when it arrives brand new. Simply take off the plastic, wash it with some dish soap and then plug it in when you’re ready to use it.

The device immediately starts to heat up when plugged in, and an indicator light will shut off when it’s reached the full cooking temperature.

he company recommends spraying the waffle maker with cooking spray before use and using a non-metal utensil to remove food from the appliance so it doesn’t damage the nonstick surface.

It’s easy to use and comes with easy-to-follow recipes
To cook a waffle, you don’t need to have waffle mix (though you can opt for that if you like). The Mini Maker comes with a book of recipes that includes one for making your own waffle batter with basic ingredients like flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, eggs, milk and butter.

Our waffles turned out great with a slightly brown crisp on the outside (we like our waffles crispy!).

Each item takes about four to six minutes to cook. Just be sure to unplug the device when finished, so it can cool.

The option to make my own waffles means I can not only save money (I spend way too much on frozen waffles every week!), but I can also mix things up a bit and add protein powder when my boys are going to be active, or make a sweet dessert by adding cinnamon and drizzling it all with a bit of icing. The included book offers recipes for special treats like these!

The size is very efficient
The Dash Mini Maker is small enough that it easily fits on the counter and then can be moved to a cabinet or drawer when not in use without taking up much room.

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Video Transcription

[Music]hey guys so today I’m going to do anunboxing a few days ago actually twodays ago to be exact because I haveAmazon Prime I bought this mini wafflemaker it’s by a company called – andit’s actually called mini maker waffle 4inch cooking surface nonstick 350 wattsthis is what it looks likeI got it for 2495 on Amazon and theyhave eight colors it had pretty goodratings I’m gonna say it was like fourand a half out of five stars orsomething I saw I already opened the topI was wondering how small it really wasyou know it’s advertised as a miniwaffle maker so alright so you pull itout and inside oh it comes with yummyrecipes that’s pretty cool I’ll have tolook into those alright so this is whatit looks like when you get it out of thebox so let’s take it out of thecardboard and then you have this plasticcovering that just slides right off andthere you go there’s your waffle makerso and that is pretty small if you canif you can tell but that’s fine I meanI’ve got three kids to feed I’ve got Imean I could eat one or two of these andbe full my kids could probably one ortwo each and be full my husband willprobably need about you know five or sixof these but they are waffles so it isyeah they’re you know they’re prettyfilling and you can put tons of toppingsyou can do blueberries bananas chocolatechips whipped cream you know you can usesyrup you can use yogurt I like to useapplesauce instead of syrup for the boysjust to make it a little bit healthierbut breakfast for dinner around here isa treat anyway so it looks like there isthis little indicator light that comeson when itready I believe I read that let me goplug it in and I’ll go see if that’s ifthat’s what that button is you know justa secondand there’s no there’s no on/off buttonor anything you just plug it into you solet me bring you guys I’m in myhusband’s office right now because thebaby is asleep and I did not get to riskwaking him up so come on over here withme and let’s look at this thingokay so when I plugged it in here let meput it down here so when I plugged it inthe blue light came on and so I guesswhen it goes off that means it’s readylet’s see unless I just means it’s a hotsurface I I guess it just means it’s ahot service I need to read thedirections obviously but yeah if this isgetting pretty hot really quick and Ijust plugged it in so yep that’s gettingpretty hot actuallythat’s good so I’ll get back to you guyson the what the blue light means Ishould have read the directions firstwe’re actually just reading together[Music]let’s go ahead together and see what wefind out sorry I don’t have poor fashionsense at least not this poor this is asilicon teething necklace for my baby heis chewing his hands off so if you’rebreastfeeding mom or your child of TV Ireally recommend one of these I did areview I also got this off Amazon and Idid a review a couple days ago but forAmazon a danger for YouTube so if you’dlike a review of this teething necklaceI would love to do mine just let me knowin the comments below they have tons ofdifferent colors lengths differentdifferent kinds so anyways that’s whyI’m wearing this sort ofbig ugly necklace all right so it lookslike let’s see so that’s all what comeswith the only thing that it comes withis the stress apini card inside it letsyou register your product online sothat’s good I always recommend doingthat we just got a new car seat in todayfor our son he’ll be four years old soonand so he is now he needs a new car seatand so we got the registration card wefilled it out and I just put it in themailbox it’s very important to do thatespecially for car seats I wouldn’t Imean for a waffle maker I don’t know ifI would be so you know yeah we got to dothis but it’s good for any product thatyou buy okay so the book actually isn’tjust recipes it is directions and allimportant safeguards please read andsave this instruction manual let’s seeI’m trying to look for what the bluelight means um and I’ll do this realquick I know y’all don’t want to watchme read and you can find this out onyour own I’m sureum but just so I can so it says that theblue light is an indicator lightI guess that indicates that it’s hot ordoes oh here we gookay place the appliance on a stable anddry surface plug the cord into a poweroutlet we did that the indicator lightwill illuminate which it did signalingthat the mini-maker waffle is heating uponce the cooking service reaches theoptimal cooking temperature theindicator light will automatically shutoff so there we goso once the light is off that means youcan start cooking and then it has someother directions and stuff it’s reallynice and then in the middle they havetheir recipes here so um yeah 2295 theyhave all kinds of different colors likeI said I think they have eight differentcolors I got this pretty pink onebecause I’m the only girl in the house Ihave three sons and then my husband soso yeah I’m pretty happy I’ll probablykeep the box and all just in case Ialways keep the boxes and all that justin case something happens or I don’tlike it for some reason and I can sendit back I think you have like 30 dayswith Amazon Prime but anyways that’s myreview of the – mini waffle maker inpink let me know if you want to do ifyou want anything else reviewed I’ll buyfrom Amazon all the time and I’d behappy to do one for you alright thanksguys byeyou

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