Waffles Recipes

Cooking With F.I.Y.A! (Mothers Day Special With My Daughter!) [White Chocolate Waffles]

My daughter decided to surprise me on mothers day and wanted to come over and cook!

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[Music][Music]what’s up what’s up what’s up beautifulpeoplehappy Mother’s Day happy Mother’s Dayah and as you can see I am here with mydaughter miss organ aka hey hey heyso what we got going on today she’s mybest also as we’re spending today gueston my show todayshe has a recipe that she would beshowing us and everything we don’t begetting a little you know yeah free herewhite chocolate strawberry waffles okayso anyway where do we startand then I let her show is what we’restarting and talk about the ingredientsand what we will be doing and you heardher say we will be creating strawberrywhite chocolateso for me starting every good meal weekI start off with smokey first to makeyour food taste better so I will bepuffing on this baby while we go throughthe steps today okay you guys forsharing it a particular strengthyeah actually it’s slower and bikescattle farmsokay to cuddle by okay it’s important toknow your strengths okay alright sowhere we start take you to wit I thoughtI get to teach her something she taughtme how to cook as a kid it’s yourmother’s day so now I get to bring arecipethis awful loss waffle maker was broughtby her only daughteryeah it was her weekend one of my kidsso onto me okay so the first thing thatwe need to do to get started on theseBoston Mass waffles is over the areaand we’re gonna B’s it white chocolatewe’ve got here a half a cup of whitechocolate and we’ve got two tablespoonsof all-natural organic sugar we’ve gotOh No I can’t remember my mouth thoughbecause I wrote everything in thisawesome the recipe book that I got formy mom here and I believe it’s fourteaspoons of vanilla but let me check tosee ya so four teaspoons of vanilla isin there and there’s gotta two cups offlour and one in 1/3 cup of milk andsome awesome strawberries here in twoeggs and we got some butter brownej yeahwe’ve got one stick of butter and we’vealso got some baking powder here thatwe’ll be using and so we’ll be mixingthese minions together okay and if weforget I got any any alright alright solisten I might be cutting thestrawberries or sogo to this gear so we got all ouringredients ready now and it’s time todump that in the hole you are wetso far we don’t got the vanilla you gota couple of eggs you do money everyonehere and we have our milk right yeah wecan just dump everything I want to justwant to do that all away yeah and Iactually cheated him out of the dash ofsalt to this flower here so – your saltoptional but yeah so let’s start withthattwo cups of flour Tomoka in the gaseousall look okay and we can dorm wet inthere mix together the floor over okay[Music]hands chill in there this shoe that’sgonna be do this don’t like a game[Music]Miriamall right my mom calls the embryo alittle target a sperm I don’t like themfinding this one she call it was justwronglet’s add vanilla here all right youwant to grab that sugar over there andhere yeah well that’s a dry ingredientactually no oh okay sugar is considereda weight turn we win it okay and is thatall that milk will fit a little mixergrab[Music][Music]kind of like a custard looking[Music]that’s gonna make historyalright I’ll failfeels like it’s meand then we need to have the bakingpowder to the dry mix and how muchbaking powder I believe it’s twoteaspoons but let me check ourhandy-dandy notebook hereJim teaspoons of baking powder all rightso another gift she got me note you soyou want to go ahead I’m gonna keep onmixing this because it don’t look likethis it’s all the way broken down[Music]I raise the height spoken from Allah[Music]and now the world knows it like my kidsand I know[Music]Noand it’s been you and it’s in there manand so now we go ahead I don’t have anapron on you know what speaking ofaprons this is a Mother’s Day gift fromgrandchild and burger actually three tobe honest Aleksey put this together forme you know and I’m just so likeso anyway so this is ready we jump inthis and now Josh okay all right let’sget it all up in here and again ofcourse we want to use this awesomespatula that you also got me make surethat we get all the rest of it out allright it get itBAM so what we gonna keep things up inherenow we’re gonna stir it have it allrightand it’s together[Music]the fire[Music]actually I like this small it’s not ait’s real sturdy you don’t what firm Iguessit’s not all lamb the one I have is limpwait underneath this we’re gonna putthat outgo on now that put some muscle in it getthat cow go down some more milkI was already prepared okay I’m sorrysteroids no kind of milk is that it’svanilla flavored old-fashioned milkvanilla flavored old-fashioned oh yeahoh you know what I forgot that buttermaybe that’s what the problem is I it all up now no we probablyshould have melted well it’s alreadywritten without Ivan’sitness soft all day butters it’s readyoh yes it is and that’s what was missing[Applause][Music]can’t believe we almost forgot that aluminescent swe’ve got these chips here whitechocolate get that in there yeah[Applause]hey you got me doing to do that I’ll dothe strawberries okay yeah I want to seeactually how it worksI’ve never had one this is what you wanttell us what to do those tell us aboutits features it has some fancy banks itdoes some fancy things so this is justautomatic walking maker that I got mymom we’re just gonna throw a littlebutter on there real quicknow it turns a certain way upside downand stuff it’s got some features to letyou know when it’s doneor when it’s loadedlike a no take our white chocolatebatter here look America[Music]Oh a nice big waffles so I made the lasttwo batter a little bit thick and plus Iknow it’s got chocolate in there that’snot a melt[Music]so let’s say I want to get that nice andcoveredI want a full waffle hey I think wedidn’t get was my fries all right let’ssee okaynow okayI’m just gonna shut this baby down[Music]does it tell you want a tip so the lightwill come back on sauces in directionokay so it’s an evening in Brittany nowit went offfunkin and then when it’s ready we’llflip it and so in the meantime we canstart technique I show very I took allthe little tops off leva yeah you cantotally cut the strawberries all smokemore weed okayeverybody’s got their a role in thekitchen is I’m doing this rightand my slice that means like like thesefolks pieces like this so we’re justgonna sprinkle the strawberries on topokay strawberries on top delicious notfor decor we’re going to we’re going tohappen and they eat them well whateverwhimsy says y’all know I always saysomething about what you see is that nogarnish should be on your plate if youcan’t eat it anyway soyou cannot have a strawberry on yourplate and not even yeah can not eatwithout having slurping slurping babyhey slurping slurp oh you see the steamcoming up from the waffle maker that issupposed to happen shoutout to oysterfor lettuce makes me at home oh yesnot only that all of our basically ourorganic products that we use were bysimple is it simplyand a lot of strawberriesyou click when it’s ready the greenlight will come on I didn’t have to flipit I just like tension like muscleexcept for the kitchen when it’s donethat light will flash back on all rightand the light is on the light is on anda green light is on alright let’s openit and seehey it’s a waffle it’s like a waffleyes beautiful beautiful see that othersidethat was so fun I was glad you want todo it okay so yes my turn we just switchsides here[Music]kind of like I feel what you’re sayingyou got a night fill up the ice likemuffins like you know how muffins growin the oven like you don’t want to fillup the little cup too much but but youwant to cover it right yeahI’m come out looking like the deuce off[Music]order hereno it’s cooking right now to what you’redoing it okay okay so now my ShettyShetty oopshey get out shut it and then you’regonna make sure it’s shut all the way sonow yeah and shut all the way and thenflippingand then you will tell you when it’sready you just leave it like thatyeah cook it I don’t know what I’m inthe nerves I think I need a hitwhile I wait for that oneall right it’s Mother’s Day[Music]don’t catch on fireokayI’ve been I like this I like this itsays she put the lead down Iyou literally just hit me that’s all Iwanted was one gateit’s a lady everybody got thatold-school one old-school person my biograb a wheel ass all week I smokedground wheat in the face on the way tomy mama house sleepinguse my mainly for pain mainly sometimesrelaxation you don’t take that so whatdo you think about my waffle that’sbeautifulsyrup and then decorate it withstrawberries yeahyou know I really like making waffleslike without all the sugar in them likehow we did this time put sugar will openthat we’re making sweet but it’s reallygood like okay make it savory and putvegetable line but you could roast yourvegetables and it’s feelingput that on top of your waffle who likesa little cream cheese or something andthat’s really going to do savory wafflesanother thing you can do in place of buthis way butter and and I was going tosay medicated olive wood is what I havewith CB date you have been medicatedolive oil and place of butter Long’s gotwaiter they’ll pull out our magicclutter machine and show you workingwith some cannabis here those that whatthat’s all we eat when you eat it yeahare you with mehandy the night done hey but I did sonow we’re gonna flip flip again againthe other way yep boom on that no Chadand then open it come we’ll see yourwaffle no it’s the whole thing on thewhole gangit’s a waffleit’s a wife oh stop it with chocolatedripping out of it now stuff drippingout of is not know that that is thewhite chocolate and look that baby overlet’s take a minute okay wait let me dothis before my hand be a waffle yeahflip it flip it flip it hey is thewaffle on that side two strawberries init okay I’m sure the strawberries in thewaffle okay we’re going to use honeyright now why we’re making wafflesit was not a time we gotta get the tastetesters together I know I thought we hadto like make it all in like put thestuff on it and everything and then callthe tasters yes we still need to get thedishes baktun we can these taste testersare greedy and you cannot let them sharea plateeverybody is gonna need their own we’regonna have the MC DAC crew come onthrough that just makes everybody afamily that’s how we do taste testingfor Mother’s Day put strawberries in itbut then I was like oh everybody’s don’thave strawberries in itladies you can’t bake 1 1 plane on mythumb there because you see if you putgreen on this plate you gotta put greenon the other kid and play or live likewhy does their play have grade on it andmine doesn’tand then we started nice to do with yourbrothers and I got three kids so I cameto Sean Barie any waffles now excited toa public getting this are cooking showhas been awesome outside all right play[Music]waiting on this waffle to get done herelist coming out the sidesdid you put a lot in I think I might adda little wife oh yeah I don’t have ashine oh I don’t let me shed all the wayyeah that’s what happened I didn’t pushit down all the way number one I machinenext time this won’t be the best one iscoming outI wonder if there’s gonna be a waffleleft would you would you why are youfilming this that is a little brotherfilming you understand why this partwould be cut your mother came happybuddies I mean this is blowing up in myface literally right now like I want tostop in this grow it but I’m actuallyinterested in what’s going offices we’lljust take off the ages awfully good iswhat this isnobody lightness[Applause][Music]I mean yeah I can solve the edges thenall the bacon to the right easy but it’slove it’s fallen everywhere as Ithat sound like it’s gonna be okay justthat they don’t know how is walking outstop – like we don’t enjoy that Iwouldn’t distinct wasdon’t audiences to those kind of isthere that is a hot masterpiece I am soproud of everything you do[Music][Applause]remember always I got to be deliciousabout medicated olive oil right herethis is medicated really good stuff goodfor cooking with you know what I’msayingso I’m also good to have on hand we’remaking chocolateit says it’s doneand I’m stalling chabela it says it’sdeath okay you ready mighty littlenervous because I don’t know what’sgonna happenthe explosion already happened so Idon’t think anything works fastest makesure the size and clean up no problemopening[Music]machine maybe something to do to cleanit Father’s Day that’s what you supposetold you guys the best one yetsexy looking whoo rise hell oh notlittle pro handle this cut off the uglyit’s like in Beverly HillsStan I know $2 and chef Liu you[Music]Kardashian waffle fixer-upper gonnataste the basketball it makes it’s easyto clean up look at that see exactlythat’s why I promise Kardashian off[Music]well that was my efforts on cleanupwe gotta make two more then we gotenough here I think you have enough[Music]you’re cleaning[Music]it’s already kind of like no I thinkI do have napkins instead they just fitall over for chocolate[Music]which me exactlyputting strawberries and a fork get itnow in each plate I don’t know yes Imean like okay we got everything readyand I’ll sit up right now so right nowis enough finishing touch because youcan’t take two plates I’m gonna takethese two plates and we gonna add somestrawberries on home now there’s nosyrup and sauces why not you do off theplate why you have one spoon[Music]okay everybody knows talked with theirmom like this in the kitchenprobably the everybody’s everywhere[Music]I don’t know it’s your idea this isPosehn mother’s egg every together[Music]betray your body and let you could getBrian that just exchanged mother’s dayyou wait for your mom to cookI want to make sure everybody got atleast a strawberry right okay[Music][Music]thank God I’m right here by the siteeverything clean because that’s twothings look how hard it is you’ve got totouch it anyway and if you keep yourhands clean all rightBAM is ready you got some probalystudents now all right so it’s callingthe paces all right now that we’vegotten it all we call calling thetastersfamily time come on in y’all in ammoniaHeyback here come on in everybody explainsweetie would is we created here allright so we’ve got some white chocolatebox with strawberries on top and tryingto cut out little bits of sugar sothere’s no syrup on them you’ll see I’mhoping that they’ll be nice and sweet wedo have set our box down by like Justincookies each of you guys got a plategrab a platejust grab a platesinging work[Music][Applause][Music]this is your mom’s creation and I knowy’all want a little sagayour special song awful czarno booster no pygmywhy did you do thatgood what you guys think she’s liketaste in the walkies to talk to orbit’swearing up real goodeven takes the chocolate me frankly it’slikeor you just you don’t matter huh[Music]watch the ability[Music]oh my god this is really good I spendwith the shirt oh my gosh[Music][Applause][Music]I like that you guys ate it with nosyrup simply because you said that nowI’m gonna get a little bit here I’ll hityou[Music]works of all man’s paradisewe work[Music]what chocolate just love my questionsand always about creating or evenpowdered sugar yeah I was trying to dohere that extra ingredients out now I dohave powdered sugar but I my allergies[Music]so I think some drizzles I can likewhite chalk that would have expired[Music]two issues I take this all others makeall the originates[Music]theevery day all day everything that’s likethe girl on the circle talking aboutchangethey forget nobody could believe thatshe really actually[Music]all right thank you guys Mother’s Dayspecial thanks for hanging with uscooking with fire don’t forget to whatdo we say call me yes lead and then comeback and smoke wemost of you know about the noise but hey oh yeah so you always know whensomething is your suggestions there’s arecipe you make one of the truckwe wait heypie-yalet me take it either what you sweetgirl delete hey let me befunny hey let me pick you happy yesyou

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