Another edition of Cooking with Chef Ron…This week we are making Buttermilk Waffles!
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
good morning everybody and welcome tocooking with Chef Ron today we’re makingbuttermilk waffles before I get startedI want to give a shout out to my vehicletoday today is his ninth birthday happybirthday Tucker all right so we’re gonnamake buttermilk waffles today and one ofthe things that makes buttermilk wafflesso great is this buttermilk excuse methis buttermilk waffle recipe is gonnaannihilate any box mix that you may buyat the store it’s very simple it’s about10 ingredients for those that saw therecipe online it is posted there on myFacebook page just when you’re making itwith fresh ingredients it always tastesbetter and the other part of the wafflesthe most important thing is your wafflemaker as you can see my waffle makerhere it is a Dominion waffle maker theymade this Dominion waffle maker in theearly 1950s I have used this wafflemaker probably for about the last 20years my father found it at a fleamarket for me and I used this whenever Iwant to make a good waffle it’s muchlike a cast-iron pan a good seasonwaffle maker will give you your bestresults when it comes to waffles so whatwe’re going to do is we’re going tostart off today with these buttermilkwaffles and the first thing we’re goingto do is separate our eggs so what I didis I already separated the eggs andwe’re going to whip the egg whites andthe reason why we’re going to whip theegg whites is when we incorporate thesein we’re going to fold these in and wewant to make sure that these add we’readding air to the egg whites by whippingthem to stiff peaks and that’s going tomake our waffles nice and light andfluffy so you’ll see you once again I’musing my hand blender blender orimmersion blender that I talked aboutlast weeklights up the real kitchen and youcomputed it picks up a lot faster thandoing it by handexcept his birthday and he’s kind ofhungry for walking he can probablysee we come together real quickand whether Paige arrestedas you can see get nice stiff peaks theyhold their shape so we’re going to usethose for our waffles today then thathand blender that I have does come witha whisk attachment as well so it’s greatok so now that we have our egg whiteswhipped we have our egg yolk ready to gowe’re going to start incorporating firstour dry ingredients so we’ll take ourflour and as you’ll see I’m sifting myminutes here and what that does add thesugar what that does is that eliminatesany big lumps in there we don’t reallywant anything really big in there and ifthere’s any you know sometimes you getlittle foreign materials in there thathappens whisk your ingredients or if notwish your dream its sift youringredients like this pardon me so wehave our flour and sugar in here we’regoing to add our hey Sally how you doingthanks for checking in today miss youguys too we have our cornstarch ourbaking powder baking soda those aregonna be our leavening ages and a littlebit of salt and whenever you’re cookinganything sweet you want to add a littlebit of salt so you get a little bit ofbalance it so you sift this as welland that is good we do have a little bitof stuff in there so we’re gonna get ridof that okay so now that we have our dryingredients are sifted flour and sugarswe’re going to just kind of mix them upa little bit just to combine them alittle bit and just like we did thefirst day we’re going to make a littlewell in the middle just like we did withour previous recipe almost like we’remaking pasta so now we’re going toincorporate our wet ingredients so we’regoing to add our egg yolk we’ll add ourcup of buttermilkwhich is gonna give it that tang alittle bit of acidity add to it ourvanilla and our half a cup of meltedbutter hey Wanda at the morning okay sonow we don’t want to over mix this wejust want to kind of get it all togetheruntil all the flour is kind of moistenedit’s okay if you have big lumps in hereand we’ll go over that a little bit asto why it’s okay but we just want to geteverything moist in there mixed up inthere incorporated and as you can seeI’m just kind of holding it on top ofitself to get those flowers and dryingredients moist just like thatso now what we’re going to do is we’regoing to incorporate our egg whites intothese so we spent all that timeincorporating that air into our eggwhites you want to make sure we keepthat there because like I said this iswhat’s going to make our waffles niceand light and fluffy so we take thebatter and this is the technique calledfolding we take the batter and fold itright on top of itself and just keepdoing it working your way around thebowl until those egg whites areincorporated and you’ll see I still havea lot of lumps in there we were talkingabout that the reason why we do that isdo we do this normally what we would dois you would let this batter sit foranywhere from 15 to 30 minutes and thereason why we do that is we want thisflour to get fully hydrated and that’sabout it that’s as far as you want to goyou still have the volume from the eggwhites it’ll make it nice and fluffy andit’ll be ready to go okay so for thesake of time I’m going to go ahead andmake my waffles now if you’re makingthis at homelecture waffle sit for a half hour okayin this time you would let your wafflemaker warm up and as soon as it’s readywe can start making your waffles sowe’re gonna open up our waffle maker hitit with a little spray just so ourWalter doesn’t stick hopefully that’swhat we’re shooting forand what we’re gonna want is about mywaffle maker takes about a third of acup of batter maybe a little less maybea quarter cup okay get that ready thewaffle maker is nice and warmwe’re gonna take 1/3 cup of batter andthat’s gonna go right ingo maybe I’ll take a little more let’ssee looks like a little bit but we’llsee now your waffles if you let them sitfor a little whilethey’re gonna puff up a lot more thanmine and we wait coffeeso the waffle maker gonna take this onetakes about three minutes for thewaffles to cook oh I forgot what buttergoes with waffles then bacon so what Ido when I cook my bacon is the way we doit in the restaurant for example iswe’re cooking bacon for a lot of peopleat a time sometimes we’ll have 20 30 4050 pans of bacon ready to cook so whatwe do in the restaurant instead ofcooking in a pan which there’s nothingwrong with that we put it on a sheettray if you have a rack what will happenis the fat will render into the bottomof the pan and you have nice crispybacon bake it at about 375 for 10minutes turn it around another 10minutes until it gets the desiredChristmas that you like so what willhappen is like I said all that fat willrender you don’t want to throw that outsave that if you make potatoes that’sgreat to add in potatoes or anythinglike that hash browns that will be greatin there so we take our crispy bacon outI like it crispy so does everybody elsein my house and that’s all set make surewe take it from here now if you don’thave a rack what you can do is just puta little piece of parchment down thereand if you’d want to drain the bacon onpaper towel afterwards just to make surethat you don’t have that extra fat onthere okay bacon is set waffle isworking we have our placeKaren didn’t know I like bacon Gary youand I work for 15 years you know thatthis is a body brought to you by bakingwithout it’s out walk was looking goodnow you’ll see that my waffle because Ididn’t let it sit didn’t get as much ofa rise and didn’t spread as much as yourwill but yours will life by letting itsit for a little bit in the meantimewhat we’re gonna do is get one of ourtoppings ready so I have a banana herenow most people at least again it’s Ariamost people when you peel your bananayou take the top fight with thisstruggle with this and try to get it offthis you sometimes works sometimes itdoesn’tif you take your banana pinch the endit’ll peel right off with no trouble atall you won’t have any hesitation I knowI knowI’m breaking me the banana rule butthat’s okay you really know the rulesyou will be alrightyou’ll still wake up tomorrow trust meokay so we’ll take our banana I’m justgoing to take a little butter knife hereslice it up get this guy out of herewe go checking for waffle not quite asbig as I had hoped but that’s okay likeI said yours will spread more as you doit where you get another one in there doit a nice heaping scoop this batchshould give you right around four wallsfortified waffles depending on yourwaffle maker that you use so we’re goingto top our banana here on the wafflethis is just a little guy we call thisthe tester you have our bacon little bitof whipped cream that I made and thisone we’re going to hit with a little bitof caramelnow another topping that you can dowe’re going to bring that over herechase you can take a look at thatanother topping that I did I didn’treally use a recipe for it what I did isI took some fresh berriesI have some blackberries blueberriesraspberries and a little bit of water alittle bit of sugar and what I did is Iput that in the pan brought it up to aboil and then reduced it down to asimmer and simmer it for about ahalf-hour and what you have is a nicefresh berry sauce here so we’re going todo that with this waffle coming out youcan always go for the traditional maplesyrup as well which it never hurts quiteready yet gonna be a couple more minutesso while I’m waiting for that I want totake this opportunity once again guysyou know help out those mom and poprestaurants hopefully you know this code19 thing we’re gonna be coming aroundthe corner here soon in theserestaurants will be opening back upwon’t be able to go out and have a goodtime again hey Lisa how you doing youknow one of the things that you got tosupport those local restaurants so it’snot a pop place that they’re reallyhurting right now because of therestaurant closure here in Michigan sowhat we want to do is we want to makesure we support those restaurants onceor twice a week maybe go out order acarry out order a gift card from themwhatever you have to do to help supportthem and keep them around they alwaystake care of us and it’s time you knowthat we take care of them also speakingof taking care of people one of my goodfriends Amy just checked in she’s anursethanks Amy for everything you do wereally appreciate it okay so enough forthe public service announcements we’regonna get our waffle up here use yourforkpull it out you this one we’re gonnatake our very compose that we made alittle bit on there right on top alittle bit of whipped cream or a lot ofbit of whipped creamand a couple slices of bacon for thatand that is our walk button waffle witha very component so everybody once againI am still chef Ron executive chef atthe Sheraton Detroit Metro Airport Ihope you enjoyed everything he said yousaw it today hope you enjoyed everythingthat I said as well so have a wonderfuldaybe safe be well and keep cooking