Cathy Kelley, formally from the WWE, joined me LIVE on Instagram to show me how to make her Cinnamon Toast Crunch Waffle Recipe! So much fun catching up and learning how to make these insanely delicious cereal waffles!
#waffles #cathykelley #cereal
BRUNCH BOYS is a new media company founded and operated by Jeremy Jacobowitz focused on everything BRUNCH! That means food, lifestyle, travel, events and more that Jeremy has carefully curated based on his own passions. With over 480K followers across all platforms including Instagram, YouTube, Tiktok, Twitter, Facebook and Jeremy shares his love of brunch through original videos, photography and blog posts.
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Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
yes so today we are gonna be makingcinnamon toast crunch wafflesmy favorite this is like what has beengetting me through quarantine and we’regonna be recently hungry which is acharity that I’ve been working withthroughout this entire last 6 or 7 weekswhere did this recipe idea come fromso I just love cinnamon toast crunch andmany other cereals so I figured why notspice it up a little bit I was justeating cereal bowl laughter shareableand I love waffles waffles pancakes anykind of baked good so this just came tome there’s the awkwardness of me liketouch my phone and we’ll be over tosomething that’s that I could get it tolock into place I know you test themlike a couple other cereals what are theones like across that’s Scott the thingwhich was packed so I tried the Reese’spuffs cereal which I told you aboutwhich was absolutely delicious there area lot more steps though because I usecocoa powder and everything so it’s alittle bit more challenging but it’s sodeliciousall right well this will be if you guyshave been in live with mehi if you don’t know who I am I’m jaremtacoma’s over munch boys most of myadventures are like out the world’seating since I can’t do that I’ve beenhaving like special guests on to show metheir dishes I think that’s fun but likeI’m not a chef I just like to cook andeat so it becomes a little chaotic butshould be fun and it’s roomis a newlittle thing on the bottom of yourscreen there any donations are amazingand it goes to a really great cause sowe’re gonna have fun brigades a goodfood and raise some money it’s a greatThursday night yeah Thursday afternoonfor me all right so wanna let’s talk toingredients before beginning make sure Iactually have everything yeah so you’regonna want to have sim into this brunchof course we’re gonna use a cup of backall-purpose flour got it baking powderI got I got baking soda I went throughthis the other day when I was cooking sowhat I found out is if I just use like athird of the measurements yeah it shouldwork I mean it’s it it’s a tiny recipeanyway so it shouldn’t change it thatmuch your sugar brown sugar rightperfectbrown sugar regular sugar and whitebrown sugar all of them work Suman I gotcinnamon not necessary but it’s just anadded kick melted butterl-3 some butter nope does it matter whattype of milk no got it also notnecessary for just like makes it betterokay oh wait ya know FXyes that definitely packs I mean atleast is this I could just like eat abowl of cinnamon toast crunch back allrightjust eat it plain 2 inches on switch andthen maple syrup for the topping laterI’ll look for it yeah what are we doingyou’re just fighting ever no I know youhave whipped cream I do have whippedcream I was actually thinking of puttingthat on top there too I’m gonna light myapartment on fire for my fire alarms areso sensitive this is what I do this isthe hackI bought a USB fan and I put velcro onit and put velcro on the wall under thealarm so any time it goes off I justblow the air away from it and then itgoes off this is like full MacGyver myneighbor’s was Amy’s I’ve been doing mycooking stuff in the mornings yeahsix-thirty goes off I realized that Ifull-on bruises on my like shins fromclimbing up on my countertops the firedetector smoke alarm off the ceiling soyour your way it’s probably a lot betterhopefully yes I mean it helps them talkeven my cabinets like my friends thatcome over who are short I guess I don’tknow they can’t even reach the bottomone so lucky that I’m following thispath we’re so far off track I know I’malso full-on sweating already because Ican’t put on the a/c otherwise it likejust makes everything too noisy in hereso yeah Oh God isn’t like 110 degreesThursday it’s I think it’s like 90something here today intense I’m inBrooklyn it’s I’m complaining it’s like65 degrees and I’m hot so yeah I wouldpray for that alright what’s the what’sthe first step okay so you’re gonna takea cup of cinnamon toast crunch put it inyour bowl and then you’re going to mashit you guys have questions we’ll try andanswer them it’s hard for me to likebolt across I made like the minipancakes cereal trends then yeah so Iput the whipped cream I want to usewhipped cream as milk so I put thewhipped cream into the bowl but as I waslike putting in the pancakes on top ofthem they were just like squishing downand thingsI’m sorry I used to be food TV producerso what I did was I took a second Bowland I put it at the bottom of that bowland then I put the whipped cream in itso it forced the whole thing up and itdidn’t squish that perfect exactly sorryshe needs like how finely you want theseparts you don’t want it like super fineyou want some chunks right you don’twant any foam pieces either sounds greatsomeone asks yes you try to other cerealsomeone asks I’m looking Charles LuckyCharms would be great I have not triedthat yet I have noticed and I don’t knowif you’ve noticed the same thing butwhenever I go to a store a lot of thingsa hot commodity right nowso no i found the cereal aisle is prettycool i can’t find paper towel likeregular thing cereal hey Cara guy isharder to come by than toilet paper askme what your favorite cereal is just eaton the top my favorite cereal iscinnamon toast crunch dad oh okayalthough we both are like phases to likeold buy a cereal and then I’ll get sickof it and cuz I’ll eat it too much andso I have to change up a little bit okayI love life cereal some cinnamon likeyeah more regular life I love doing likea mixture so like cocoa puffs with LuckyCharms it’s a good mixture I this islike a sad favorite I don’t eat a ton ofcereal yeah but I remember like SpecialKtruly yeah good has like a little hintof sweetness I’m not a big like sugaryperson which is why like cinnamon suchbunch because I think sitting bouncesout like the pure sweetness like fruitloops while I have like nostalgia forthem like that’s yeah I mean when I wasyounger like I used to have the cerealand I would just pour extra sugar intoit special care just like take a cup ofsugarjust put it in but there are some likecereals like snacks that remember justbeing the best what about my worst dobecause they were just like scrape offthe roof of your mouthwhat were the ones is like acorn sugaryones they look like corn kernels but ifthey’re just sugarthat’s max isn’t it is that snacks Ithought they’re like snacks what snacksyeah no that’s something else oh yeahyeah that just I mean I would listen Iwould still eat it but I just like can’timagine how it’s sugar yeah meanwhilewe’re making a a cereal waffle tons ofand then you’re going to take cup and aquarter of flour dump it in there likethat straight out the worm much morethan I I always forget to measure thingsthis is why I like baking isn’t so funfor me because I don’t I measure but Iwas like whatever I’ll I’m all stock butyou really can’t do that but things likethis right not like flour babies ofsugar all right what’s nextwe’re doing no counter so I got it okaythis is good everyone could actually seewhat we’re doing so does this worksperfectlyand today I didn’t I did a weird serialsyou could find on Amazon taste-testI found oh you know my favorite wascinnamon toast crunch churros so I’veseen that yeah they look like littlemini churros so like they were waycrunchy err and I actually think that Ithink the flavor is a little different Ithink it’s actually a little lesssweeter it’s much more cinnamon tea okaysounds good my so a cereal that I do notrecommend is even though I do likemixing frosted flakes and Lucky Charmsthe combination that they actually sellin stores of the duo is not good theysell like a box together of them yeahthey sell instead of having like thelittle so they’ll have the Lucky Charmsmarshmallows but they don’t have thecereal and then they put frosted flakesin it but it doesn’t taste like normalfrosted flakes it’s kind of like anoff-brand frosted flakes so I don’trecommend not one yeah because I’m surenice to saw question come up will thisbe saved yes I will be posting thiswhole video on YouTube a cut downversion on IG TV and then a cut downversion on tick-tock so if you miss anyof this so it’s definitely be able tosee it if you are tuning in we aremaking cinnamon toast crunch waffles andany about any amount is amazing soplease stop I figure that’s it and ifyou missed the step so far all we did iscrushed cereal and add flour so youanything yeah what’s the next stepthough okay next step my baking powderyour baking soda a teaspoon of this orwhatever your equivalent is I don’treally remember what it’s supposed to bebut I remember so sweet I said I’ll justgo your 1 teaspoon I’ll go a fourthteaspoon and hopefully you don’t look atlater of it not working at the righttemperature to I knew the othermy avenues bring new it’s to yourselfthree silver every days but I knew itwas off because like yes like speciallybaking baking so scientific that itshould work perfectly I was baking yeahI forgot I was a baker by the nose offso I bought an oven thermometer justlike that I’ll tell Mike Tenay Amazonand yeah it was off by like 15 degreeswhich makes a huge difference whenyou’re cooking you don’t really noticebecause like I’ll cook salmon it’severything’s you know whatever it’snever really the time it says with me somaybe changes not it changes in altitudebut oh yeah I’m super high building allright mixing that in I like light brownsugar or brown sugar just because it ismore cinnamon me like more like a flexyeahlittle depth to it wait how much did yousay any of you guys have moresuggestions for cereals we should trylet us knowmaybe I’ll do that video also that’sokay perhaps okay I you imagine okay soI love waffles so much that my Twitterheader is actually a waffle like onelarge waffle hmmactually that reminds me one of the Iwas in Seattle when the best places I inSeattle is Facebook that’s chickenwaffles oh yeah I was delicious and Ijust reminded back because they justreopened today so if you’re watching andyou’re in Seattlethere will be more delivery or takeoutor whatever maybe chicken and wafflecupcakes before those are wrong oh Ilike that ideayeah those are very difficult out theredo you have to like cook them partiallytake them out in shape yeah yeah so youcook them in thecupcake tin and then see you leave somebanner behind and you put that on thewaffle iron and then you flip over acupcake individually and you have tolike do the tops like that you will alsomake great we’re not just doing thisokay your cinnamon yeah I got seven sixdonation is amazing the guys keep it andyour melted butter this is when we getinto the non dry ingredients you’reputting it right in yeah open up mycinnamon ambience how much cinnamon wasit’s supposed to be oh wait what howmuch and all the three tablespoons andI’m speeding through these things willslow downoh geez things you’re like Oh 60 secondslike not what I’m work oh yeah you werealso like yet everything these downnicely my own sous chefall right so how much milk okay soyou’re using milk milk I’m using almondmilk yes I’m using extra creamy oat milkhopefully that makes a difference I feellike that’s taboo to say I is not myfavorite Oh interesting I actually likemacadamia milk oh it’s really goodmacadamia or oats for some reason it hasI’m not likeI drink it with um in my cafe literallylike a tiny splash of it in there so Idon’t mean much you just kind of wantsomething I also just drink colderconcentrate like without mixing waterinto it so it is insanely strong yeahit’s like the equivalent of what I drinkwhen I wake up it’s like six cups ofcoffee it’s very oh my godit’s not even for like the caffeine Ijust like the flavor like what’s that isI crave it after working out probablythat your body needs hydration andactually needs waterright yeah but zero well–there’s and Itook a lot of seltzer you might like andthen a half a teaspoon of vanillaextract yeah so it should be you knowpancake better to be like thicker thanthat I can’t get this open I’ve beenlike stocking up on some ACCA’s normallike I when I cook for myself create apre situation it was just the most basicfood I eat the same thing every singleday I just say oh yeah salmon and sweetpotatoes and eggs and not a lot so nowthat I’ve been like filming a lot andjust like in general cooking differentthings just to try and I you know I madethe same thing every day because my lifewas so all over the place that I wantedconsistency for nowit’s consistent every single day isactually a good thingI always find like when I’m overwhelmedthis decisions during the day I like tojust eat the same things that I don’thave to decide right and it would precook everything like I would basicallycook everything Sunday night and justhold the week yeah okay also decidedsweet sir ran out of paper towel andcouldn’t find any of the supermarket andthen I remembered that I had actuallywanted to try and not use paper towelanymore yeah so I figured this is a goodtest this week like how long can I gowithout using paper towel just use dishtowelsyeah and it’s actually much easier thanI thought it was going to be intosomething topping barall right mixing the sim helloeveryone’s just saying hi and wavingeveryone’s so nice in here usuallypeople are yelling at me it must be youryour audience is much nicerI don’t know all right yeahif you want to pinch of salt I alreadydid that when I first saw you volatileokayalright did you start eating up yourwaffle iron okay alright spray oil I dothat so good if you guys are justjoining us we are making cinnamon toastcrunch waffles we are raising money forno Kid Hungry there’s a little button atthe bottom of your screenso you hit that it’s very easy anydonation is amazing an amazingorganization if you miss any of this I’mposting a video on brunch boy is YouTubethe full thing the full hour cutoutversion on my IG TV and even shorterversion on tik-tok and I don’t knowmaybe I’ll tweet it it’ll go everywhereso you can miss anything do not worryalright so wait for it to get a littlehot what temperature did you put on Ihave like a high to low rangeoh I usually do like close to the maxjust because well it says one to seven Iassumed seven is their highest thehighest yeah I am min and Max sorry if Iburn the first one I’ll know it’s youhot I’ll make how much how much better Imean waffles is made from this batterI usually about 400 NT of time in caselike yeah greatso if I can like show people what’sactually going on yeahand then I squirt right on – okay I gotall the labels so I’m gonna label all mythe mine we’re gonna give it our 30seconds how long does it take to cookdoes your no or that does your likemechanism flip or just Sam it worksworking with the same stuff herefunnier no it’s not I know where I gotthis I did a deal with this like wafflecompany called golden malted well it’scoming in clutch years later I usuallyand see if they’re good to go butusually it takes a minute so did youlike put it up the cover did you squishit down in the cover so I don’t likegoing all the way to the edges they likehaving a little baby just towards theend just supposed to the perfect circlebut that’s just me I’ll do follow yourfather your lead and I rememberwhoever’s cooking used to spray bothsides of the waffle they’re not just oneyes all right down we’ll see whathappens yeah cool yeah so it should beraising a little bit I’m like all rightnow it’s probably good time threedemocritus syrupI like one of my missions was to redo mylike where I had everythingyeah did you do it Oh clean I pulled outeverything and I put it back where Ithought it would we need to go sothere’s still somethingoh wait I see people make people itsmells like waffles in here somethingpeople make fun of me because I haveinto my month sirit’s like a baby I’m like I don’t knowsomething like you would even get sugarcandies which is just straight over andactually I have that too so maybe nomaybe and I’ll make you can see I thinkI bought it pretty much because peoplewould make fun of me I spear pressuredinto having maybe it will be both tastealright I think I don’t remember howlong – creepy but I’ll wait like it’s soyou can usually be I guess now I’m justdone oh wow that worked out perfectlywait I didn’t know I had such a fancywoman get it off yeah okay oops how doesthat work great hold it higher yeahthere you goI get like I never wanna cooks I feellike oh it’s too much to do and I wantto clean but honestly when I just forcedus up to do it one it’s like mentallysoothe me and I think but to its reallynumber that much work I mean you’ve beenchit-chatting and messing around butlike we could have been done with thiswhole thing like I know you come fromthe TV world as well you’re working yourI was either flying out or I was on setfor like 14 16 hours a day so you’re notlike coming home and cooking you barelyhave enough energy to like get yourstuff done but you need to for the dayI’m gonna go to sleepI’ve been definitely cooking a lot forsaid I wanted to be home more this isnot what I expected I also find itreally hard for me to cook for justmyself like I always want to cook what Ilike and friends coming over it’s likeme and my boys yeah I’ve specific triednot to be because of that reason becauseit’s impossible to be more than likewe’re going to make cookies so how manycookies isn’t that 20 but if I say Imean like when I go to my parents houselike oh they have every ingredient everif all the best appliances andeverything I like cooking for otherpeople when it comes for me I’m justlike Sammy I’m lazy I’m like I could dothis but like I live in New York Cityand every single thing imaginable likethere’s so many places that they arespoken but there’s so many places in NewYork City now that never deliveredbefore that are now delivering so myshirts even more options than ever toget food which is part of reason my youguys are in New York they’ll understandI’m talking about but my parents are inWestchester which is just the suburbsand they wanted me to come home and fora lot of reasons I was like healthreasons I was like I don’t want toanything to you the – I was like I inNew York City and everything myfingertips like it continued justgetting all the food I need to geteverything in and going on runs andsocial existence walks with peoplebetter than being stuck in the basementof my parents alright so I’m putting thelast ladle in this is much better as Ihave so we’ll be three maybe my that’swhat I’m thinking maybe I’m makingbigger waffles I mean you all so muchthe edge do right no I don’t think so Imean am I know you smell really good thebaking is I can always make the housesmell so good so that’s the other thingis like you’re just inclined to eat moremy apartment smells very weird every daybecause I’m cooking a range of differentthings so it’s like a mixture likesweets and like eggs yeah and like justlike it’s more than random stuff sort ofin it you don’t notice oh my god youknow whatever come back in like oh godthis is what I don’t want to be cookinghere’s to them and you can really findendless not sufficient just what’s goodyeah I’d like they’re very evenbeautiful yeah I like the shape of thesetwo are you know it’s 22 people are likeasking when can you ever come I likedinner waffles I don’t like biggerwaffles okayso like even there’s a place in YorkCity I forgot the name but they do thislike hot chicken and wafflesbut they just use Eggo waffles like whyuse anything else like legit Eggowaffles it’s delicious oh you know whata bar about these I’ve been like when Igo to market a lot now so what do yousay we do is just like order in fromWhole Foods and skip the same thingseverything we now that I’ve been forcedlike go to the market I’m like buyingnew things and things that I haven’t hadin forever so I found these I go frenchtoast sticks and I’m like oh yeah so Iwant to try these I’m actually veryupsetI saw and they did like a limited timeordering online thing and I missed mywindow because but this one came out alittle more dry than the others for somereason I don’t realize it was a limitedtime window I kept seeing all those newsreportswell quality mes which you can stillfind wait what are those who are youmusic well you know yummies Chloeyummies no no idea what that is we don’tlike cookies or the action calledkoala yummies or like that’s what you’ve[Laughter]you guys know and I’ll just keep peoplecome in and out what is happening we aremaking cinnamon toast crunch wafflescheese new box I got like him giant sizeso I’m going to yeah it’s realistic ohyeah there’s one size that’s bigger thanthe family sizeit’s a party sighs it’s dangerous havingthat my apartment but making those we’realso raising money hungry issue thislittle button at the bottom there anydonation is amazing I can’t see oh ninegeneration so far anything it’s greatthey’re great cause and I thought wecould have some funI’m can you brunch anytime a day so it’swaffles for dinner tonight a lateafternoon snack for you you can alwaysput like it’s exactly I don’t want to dois your privilege that it’s just creamwhat what what what are we gonna top itwith so I could have all the ingredientsI mean you could do like a crumble moreI like that I did crumble or wholepieces either or pick your poison it’sall going in the same place I feel likethat on top of whipped is gonna lookreally goodwhat I’m thinking that’s the way it’sactually gonna finish before you sayactually I’m gonna a little bit hmm I[Music]want like these for breakfast but I willbe snacking on the spot like a mediumthat’s what has been the hardest thingthat you’ve made so far this quarantinewas challenging okay let me thinkthere’s some oh well there’s two thingsI struggled with making spam musubi ohdid you really just with what’s up toroll it up yeah exactly so I actuallyordered of a soupy mold yeahand that made it a million times easierbut I didn’t have it when I did thefirst live video and it was not good atall having that made sure isn’t easierbut I was extracting stuff I made theother daythis video will drop soon have you seenlike the all in one pan breakfastsandwiches or like they cook the breadin the egg I think soyeah yeah so like they put the eggs downor they put the bread in and then itcooks and then you have like take theentire I feel like this is popular nowbut this was like an infomercial also inlike 95 you have to flip this wholeanything with the bread in it just I wasvery nervous on some fuck it up and Isomehow did it my first try buttechnically that was probably thehardest thing that’s below I did it andit was good it was sort of like becauselike the yolk is running through thebread it was almost like a savory frenchtoast yeah and in that I could standinto it also it was well I got a stampcake because we did you know I have allsections that looks good and it didanother video with it too and I go it’sjust like a you know I always liketrying to add some funds that’s what I’mdoing so most people wouldn’t use Samand it’s accomplishing the same thinglike a sausage or bacon would switch itup yeah I don’t think I’ve ever it’sgood I mean it’s just like I remember itbeing like just walls of the grocerystore spam oh yeah she’s don’t even Idon’t think I had it in Japan funnyenough hate everything else in Japanyeah well I’m okayI got my three so what bears uh how areyou gonna top it okay I’m gonna go withno butter okayI’m asking you are you doing butter I’mnot okay I’ll go whips crunch Sarahperfect we’ll see how that goescrunch when you make the call AuntJemima or mister[Laughter]oh man Oh looks good like you see I tryand show you without spilling iteverywhere oh you never get a quickphoto of it we don’t have to remakethese tomorrow morning when I set off myfire alarm at 6:30 mourn for myneighbor’s taste yeah yeah getting aknife never gone through so many dishesbefore my entire lifeyes honey I went years past this washerand when I needed to hear New Yorkapartment as a luxury oh I mean I neverthought I would use exciting on justissues but then I just discovered it’scrazy seeing a whole time but the bestthing in my apartment which is unheardof in a New York City apartment is Ihave a washer driver oh yeah that is thegreatest especially now I don’t knowwhat I would have done like any goanywhere I don’t know it wash your carso you could open so it’s been alifesaver no I put jeans on only forInstagram laughs all right yeahokay good enough serum yep this is verygood I love like mmm I didn’t add toomuch sir I’m getting just like a reallynice balance of this cinnamon is likevery forward the spices are comingthrough you know I mean and the extrapunch about pancakes or any of thepancakes the zero running through iteverything it’s greatthis might be my dinner I gotta figureout dinner I can’t make this my dinneranywaysno I went I finished them this morningand fortunately actually went throughall my food I might have to take into myfreezer or my rotor in sync I don’t knowBam Bam you’re gonna let it sit me orjust eat it all now and if these twostuff I would still be hungry at somepoint I mean I probably will be hungrythat’s what second dinners for you guysjust then you’ve missed us missing youmissed us missing you missed us makingsinan toast crunch waffles but don’t youworry miss anything this video will liveon youtube i gtv6 order I don’t know allthe soldiers in the internet foreverwill be on the internet foreversomewhere you’ll see brunch boys needposting it finds it there eloping at thebottom of screen reason money from yourfeed hungry so far we have 11 donationwhich is incredible you want to donateanything that’s really amazing if not ifyou guys have any bless coursea moral muscles are you so spam is apork product so obviously comes it againit’s almost like a hot dog texture solike a but it comes out like not whatit’s obviously it’s just some caseinso the best thing to do it’s cooked likea hot dog the best thing to do with dickis just sear it off and add it’s like areally nice crunch to it so you’re justgetting a bite it looks really crunchycrazy salty thing like the sodium instands so it’s not bad at allit could be intense which is why we’rejust really well with I made thestainless UV which has so much whiterice that like D salts so it’s reallygood in think so even like when I meanin the additional a day there’s Americancheese and there’s eggs and scallionsand it’s bread so it it doesn’t feeloverwhelmed we’re gonna eat it with afork and knife you’d be like well ofsalty yeah great that’s good and youknow what when there’s nothing don’treally want joke about this but with themeat supply I have initiatives spambecause it lasts forever yeah you mightbe able to find that so it’s a goodalternative if you’re going to marketyou can find sell right now someone sayslow sodium stable come on that too Iguess I think it’s so pretty salty butif you’re worried about the salt intakeyes just to me YUM so to the waffle tothe spamprobably book who knows I’m sure my momI’m innocent sometimes any basket allright well thank you so much forteaching me this yeah of course it’sbeen nice about this awesome like wellit gives me someone to talk to you foran hour that’s this is your social[Laughter]alright guys so yeah once again you canfind this video in some other points Ilike those are the crunch boys thank youso much for teaching me and thank youeveryone who donated all hungryno Kid Hungry 12 donations incredibleyou guys