#ChickenSandwich #Waffles #ChickenRecipe#veenscookbook#egglesswaffles
Chicken Waffles Sandwich / Waffles Recipe / Sandwich Recipe In Tamil / With English Subtitle # 53
In this video I will show u how to make a Delicious, Crispy Chicken Waffles Sandwich Recipe at home. An awesome Eggless Waffles Sandwich which is filled with juicy Shredded Cooked Chicken mixed well with Tasty Mayonnaise, Pinch of Pepper Powder, Crunchy Fresh Onions & finally with some Fresh Coriander Leaves Spread enhances this Waffles Sandwich to different level of taste. Pls Do Try This Savory Chicken Waffles Sandwich & leave ur comments in the comment session below frds…
Ingredients for Chicken Waffles Sandwich:
Boneless Chicken – 200 g
Pepper Powder – ½ tsp
Ginger Garlic Paste – ½ tsp
Salt – As Req
Water – ¾ Cup
Mayonnaise – 2 To 3 tbsp
Tomato Ketchup – 2 to 3 tbsp
Onion – ½ Medium Size
Coriander Leaves – 2 To 3 tbsp
For Waffles Batter:
Warm Milk – 1 ¼ Cup
Melted Butter – 1/ 4 Cup
Maida / All Purpose Flour – 1 Cup
Whole Wheat Flour -1/4 Cup + 2 tbsp
Corn Flour – 1 tbsp
Baking Powder – 1 ½ tsp
Baking Soda – ¼ tsp
Onion Powder – ¼ tsp
Garlic Powder – ¼ tsp
Pepper Powder – ¼ tsp
Oregano – ¼ tsp
Salt – As Req
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Video Transcription
hi friends welcome to Vince cookbook anycannabinoid a channeler Ramon differentAnna or waffles recipe chicken wafflesandwich abuse a long another pack lawboth wall waffles on the chin up asonogram Bob a pretty Co other the kanjichicken Satan when the spices are thegamma V Citadel well sandwich Maurice ngcodeathon aperio number of every missAbraha and the Lockheed order taste whenthe rhombus super Arco karela particularMary a villian electrosphere unaCannella softer number on by EC away weplace Angela in the reciprocity way oningredients on our description box willoccur through craning a check panicowner at the community another channelearning a subscript on Lana Markhamsubscribe pnina’s subscribe money topocket the workable button a clickburning up again a porter video with anotification navarro only Parker wasgonna be CR Co if I every say along withthe Potalafirst is sandwich it away on a chickenalready paniolo at the K yarn or gramboneless chicken editor currentchicken and a Latina 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breadabandon unless prefer NakanoOh milky or chicken win more our chickenin a staff panic law in the Murraychicken – friend of an analyst spreadpanic aprama he became a lover wafflesof a journalist sandwich marry readypaneer tikka no Romo christiana chickenwaffle sandwich ready ready chill in thesoup piranha chicken waffle sandwich inmy okonjima maple syrup at penita tomatoketchup which a breakfast Alana dinnerCordero tripod piranha Oh milk remove aportico number different down tasty onor go home like in the recipe porridgeand anomeric comma like burning alikepanettone principle sharpening uh youknow interesting on a recipe oranomalous and akhirin thank you[Music]