Waffles Recipes

Cast Iron Wednesday__April 2020 Breakfast Challenge__Waffles


Thanks to Dee at Native Tearz for coming up with the Cast Iron Wednesday. For the April, 2020 Challenge of Breakfast in Cast-iron I am making waffles for my wife and I
I’m using Rome waffle irons over a Coleman Duel Fuel camp stove to make the waffles.

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Video Transcription

morning I’m doing carbonated a twofoldmaybe even a three-fold video thismorning this intended to be a cast ironWednesday video it’s still in April soit’s gonna be the part of the breakfastchallenge I’m gonna make waffles in mylittle roam cast-iron waffle irons andin addition I’m gonna make an extrabatch of waffles because I want to makeI want to make another meal andhopefully a video to follow out ofcowboy Kent Rollins a new book that thatI had just got for my birthday we weresupposed to go to Nashville and see thema couple days afterwards for a booksigningbut with this all this coronavirus thingyou know that all got cancelled so nowthat and the tornado that came throughNashville I’m pretty sure it didn’t helpbut so I’m gonna make an extra batch ofwaffles too for that meal out of thisbook so this morning I’m going to justdo while Falls in a couple sausagepatties to go with it and I thought thatthis would also it’s a little chillythis morning but I don’t know mid-30spretty hard too because just the otherday was mid 60s in the morning a littleback-and-forth right now but I thinkthis would also make a good video for myoutdoor cooking series or my meals forbase camp series so give me a coupleminutes I’m gonna get my waffle ironsheating up and I’m using which you can’tsee it’s not in frame right now mylittle Coleman stove for everything butgive me a couple minutes to get thisstarted and we’ll gookay I’ve got a I’ve got a waffle ironheating up and my cast-iron skilletwhich is enough the temperature yet it’sa it’s one of my my grandmother’s thatmy mother gave to me last yearsee if I can show you I don’t know muchabout the history other than it’s an oldone but a number number eight and tenand a half inch skilletthere’s all the markings on it so Itried looking it up once before I Ireally don’t know what it is I’m suredates back into the 1940smaybe 50s I don’t know I know mygrandmother gave it to my mom back inthe 1970s so it’s older than that justkind of neat I got a second I was goingto show you my my irons for walk ourforums and they are just a small littlefour and a half inch waffles is whatthey makenothing real special going on today justa great value brand Belgian waffle mixpretty much made it as as packageinstructions with the exception of I hadsome had some almond milk left over froma different project and just to help useit up for the one and a half cups ofwater that the mix called for I used 1cup of the almond milk and then 1/2 cupof the water so it should give it alittle extra vanilla and you knowsaitama to flavor maybe like you know anangel food cake or something would it’smy hopes and I’ve got a little bit ofbutter melting off the residual heatfrom the the iron whichbut there’s nothing pretty good sausageis just now starting to fryokay so I put my my sources around thatthat irons up to pretty good temperaturehere try to do this[Music]first time of their and[Music]a little burger[Music]service ticklishcake batter all right[Music]just to talk just a little bit more inhere and the box is for three to fiveminutes I’m going to do two minutes oneach side[Music]it[Music]what I’m looking for I just flipped itover so what I’m looking for is for twoquick steam[Music]okay it’s been for a minute it’s stillsteaming a little bit but not sotremendous and I’m gonna pick a peak onit real fast yeah call that one good andI bear with me I’m gonna do this offhumor because it’s kind of cumbersome Ithink yeah it’s–that’s– on one side sogive me a quick second to pull it out ofthere and I’ll show you what it lookslike all rightyand that that is it excuse me forhandling that just somebody’s no it’sdone pretty well on both sides literallysome of the deaths had to get out ofthere earlier but all in all it’s gonnabe okay and I’m gonna send this one inthe house for my wife for her breakfastget another one going here I put put theskillet back on the other burner it’s itdoes not burn it as hot and I’m readingthe camerawhen more butter herenumber two underwayokay it’s been four minutes again seehow that we did on this guy okay maybejust a little bit more than that when itlooks so over on blonde side so I’mgonna let it go maybe another minute onthat side okay let’s take a peek on himnow yeah there we gookay a little caking on that side stillbut yeah I couldn’t let it go a littlebit longer and go ahead and eat mybreakfast and a little maple syrupand a little for the sausageall right so let’s see how we did I tellyou even though it’s not gonna brown upat the bottom of the plates pretty hotwith itsideways I put themdefinitely vanilla heI like itno pretty little breakfast truthfully Ithink I’ll have two of themokay so Dee I want to thank you againfor for coming up with the cast ironWednesday and congratulations on twoyears to that I want to thank the restyou guys for watching along please be onthe lookout because I’m making put a fewmore waffles so there’s the secondbreakfast that I that I want to makethem is probably tomorrow’s breakfast inDutch oven one of the Cowboys KentRollins is the video is pretty neat andthen again it was in his new cookbook sosomething I’m anxious to try and in themeantime thank you for watching andwhat’s the end of next oneyou

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