Can you make brownies in a waffle maker??
Can you make brownie waffles??
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welcome back to my channel so today Idecided to make brownies but instead ofwaiting like 30 to 45 minutes right it’sa bake in the oven I decided to try tomake it with my waffle maker so thiscame out really cool and I’m not gonnalie you should totally try this andinstead of adding three eggs I added twoand I used 1/4 cup of hot water and Iuse 1/2 cup of oil if you add two eggsinstead of three it’s gonna be moredense and it’s gonna be more fudgyinstead of adding water you can add milkif you wanted it’d be more fluffy butkeep in mind like I wanted like browniebrownies and my waffle maker so I justadded two eggs 1/4 cup of water and 1/2cup of oil so I mix this all together Ifeel like the beauty about this is youdon’t have to worry about preheating theoven you don’t have to worry about yourtray where you’re gonna put yourbrownies or how you’re gonna have yourperfectly cut brownies because we’remaking well for brownies this was reallyexciting I didn’t even think it wouldwork because these brownies in my wafflemaker it only took like 3 to 4 minuteswhich was crazy so I decided to spray mywaffle maker with some Pam just in casecuz it was a nonstick waffle maker but Ididn’t want it to stick cuz I don’t wantto scratch it with a spoon or a knifeit’s just too taking it out so I sprayedsome Pam so I was just like reorganizingmy kitchen I was like whoa I can’tbelieve I found my wall for mica that’scrazy this waffle maker I had this forabout 6 or 7 years I don’t know it’sbeen so long to be honest I got it fromWalmart it’s really neat like it’s neverdone me wrong so far so anyways I addedin about 1/3 cup of my brownie mix tothe waffle maker you have to wait for itto heat up a little bit cuz it onlytakes about 3 to 5 minutes to cook ohand keep in mind I kind of added toomuch on my first run and when you addtoo much waffle mixture or pinkish orwhatever it’s your waffle maker it’sgonna come out like dripping on thesides it has happened before so ifyou’re not sure of how much to put itjust put like half of 1/3 if you’restarting out cuz I don’t know how bigyour waffle maker is but mine’s reallybig compared to others so so we’re gonnacover a wall for Miko with our lid andwe’re gonna wait a little bit I wouldsay about three to four minutes and thiswaffle makers buy oyster okay now it’srighty that green light comes on boomit’s a righty oh my goodness so it looksvery but it’s not burnt it just lookslike thought it tasted good remember Iput a lot of batter so it was reallythick compared to my other waffles thatI made with the brownie mixture so Imade another one and this is how it cameout see pretty well thanks for watching