Accompanied by my brother Preston I attempt to make waffles with a demonstration and some interesting dialogue…
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
what’s up I’m Nate dizzleit’s my boy P Diddy he’s my pet hobbitremove having a pet hobbits like I don’tknow I think it’s okay cuz they’re nottechnically human craphold up I’ll just cut this out hairsI’ll show you guys so I’m allergic tocats so I’m gonna feel this later butlook at him or her or whatever it is ahwalked in its own food didn’t itoh yeah that’s gross they’re gonna dookay see it literally let him chillthieves oh yeah that one’s strong wedon’t want these anywhere more thievesDEA we’re gonna be talking aboutessential oils not just a bacon waffles[Music]what we got frankincense we’re gonna dothatwe got a diffuser here it’s cool he’sjust super strong it’s not chill dudeyou see that you know it’s 3:00 in themorning when you try to brush off goosebumps geraniumthe LaRoque[Music]oneokay know a little bit more down alrightso we making some when I make up somebeats another video makes a lot so we’regonna start with some oh wait I’m notsponsored by anythingOh some buttermilk pancake mix the besthmm you don’t get to be bored so we gotsome one sponsored buttermilk pancakemix complete mix just add waterwe’re not gonna just add water cuzthat’s it’s not enough so we’re gonnaprobably put like at least an egg inhere maybe two we put some oil in itchocolate dude heck no I make me fat ohthat’s freaking cute adorableyeah you want one huh well too badbecause people already called RSVPkittens yeah the dibs to the kittenswithin like the first like week of thembeing alive and first you me people havetalked to me about like oh I want a catcan I have a cat can you save a kittenfor me no maybe one or two of you butanyways I’m sporting the man bunponytail thing yes I look like a Vikingit’s okayI’m gonna explain to them what we’rewhat we’re doing without showing thething making pancakes your wafflesyeah we’re not making pancakes we’remaking waffles schrick anyway tomorrowit’s currently 306 in the morning soit’s freaking tired at you but I’m alsofreakin hungry in here so how many doyou wantokay you want to I want to all rightwhateverwe’ll see okay that should beI should be good so we got our mix whichis in this nice ball here provided byown my family I’ll cut it well will do Idon’t know just bring you oh shoot wasit brand new so it was just poor tinybit in there not too much a little bitget back on slide it this way okay sonow I’m gonna get an egg no I need youguys to like let me know cuz like Ican’t find a good way of cracking an eggI always get my hands sticky and half ofit gets on the counter and the otherhalf is either on my hands or hopefullyin the bowl so let me know I’m gonnashow you my intent and cracked me an eggwhich I’m gonna do it twice now my bowlnow I’ve done this a few times notsuccessfullyso soI’m just trying to freaking crack thisthing without getting you all over thecounter no no I got thisso you guys soften it up right yesmoving it out and make it a little makeit uh okay good all right so three twoonedude I just cracked this thing with onehand I’m freakin I’m amazed at myself Icracked it with one hand so don’t add meand as I suspected got some on the sideof the bolt but that’s okay to know onepaper towels not a sponsor so um nowI’ve got an egg in there we’ve got someavocado oil in there when it comes tolike amounts I just say go for it umwhat’s the worst that can happenwhat is the worst that can happen if Ijust dump a bunch of stuff in a bowl andmix it and then nothingya know worst nothing can happen nopenope no fun bang for good mix you wantto uh water it so that it’s just comingabove the powder powder it’ll dry you’reabout to mix it but we want to water itso that um yeah it’s a little bit looseno you grab one of these whisk grab awhisk I was gonna call it a whisper andyou just start like mixing it up and thewater in the egg should mix up to whereit doesn’t matter how fast you mix itbecause it’s all gonna be wet so I’mgonna flatten Bowl I’m gonna give it acouple mixes give it a few stirsI dream I know from this that the powdercan get stuck on the side side yeah yeahit’s greatyou don’t want any clumpy powderywaffles that’s just disgustingno what we have here is a single wafflemaker and it seems to be stuck we’regonna that’s oily I’m gonna plug it inthe only outlet over here the alarmthing and the diffuser we’re gonna haveto make a decision do we want diffuserto make air smell good or protection forour house really yeah maybe I’m thinkingI want nice air with it when do we getthat you don’t like spread some butteron this thing I’m just gonna spray thisthing upnot a sponsor did you the alarm thing goboo boo what the heck was that all rightwhatever we died we died we got wafflesto make dude you actually turn the stoveoff okay so now we got some mix somebutter cuz about it makes it better andwe got some waffle waffle ironit’s now see if mixed pressed and mixedit up didn’t mix and pressed it up yeahyeah you did pretty good job over giveme a paper towel I need some foodsomewhere someplace I’m saying bothwords at the same time cuz it’s 3:00 inthe morning need some place to put thisso you put it on a paper towel in caseyou’re gonna use it later not directlyinto the sink then you know one of thesethings this is a vocab for you what’sthis a ladle you’d a ladle and you get agood medium scoop it’s like back to thetop oh give me a bunch of paper towelsso we don’t have the protective pin andyou just like pour it in there you can’tsee what I’m doing but it’s importantI’m gonna take a good old whiff of thisthing right yeah quarantine suckingright now alreadywell that makes spicy air wintergreen isspicyit made my nose cold and wet oh coolactuallyyou gotta try this not too close Billyyou try ityeah just stick your nose right over andget a good know like like snorting rightover it just oh oh shoot your egg it’scold it’s like a nose brush juicy wafflealright so we also don’t like it I gottough hands I don’t really know how elseto get it out I mean I can use a forkbut that’s really cool yesterday so I’mjust gonnaHot Stuff I’m growing my beard out for acouple months now like out out I used tojust keep it pretty short but now it’sgetting big stay with my hair my hair isgetting super long it’s getting to thepoint where I can’t stand itand it’s getting hot it’s like startingto feel like summer so we got whiskwaffle iron ladle that’s our vocab fortoday remember it I’m just throwingthese things all over the place seeabout this waffle that’s pretty goodall righty I currently have nothing todo because I’m recording this video onmy phone so I can’t go on my phone soI’m sitting here stuck talking to youjust kiddingso my nipples look weird I don’t knowwhy I think I’m freaking cold though soI mean I think it’s cuz I’m cooking Ithink I’m coldnot sure they think I’m cold likenipples up so like I mean what else dowe got mess of tortillas over here holycrap dude are you cool Oh goose bumpswhat the heck I think this frickinwintergreen um essential oils is give megoose bumpswash your handsmake sure you wash your hands that’sessential for um you know you’re goingabout your day to day business whetheryou work in an essential work placeoutside of your home or you work fromhome just wash our hands it’s it’s goodfruityour hands it’s good for it hey what doyou hate your hair bun it up dude finehair time hey you mean you got plenty ofhair on the dockyeah fun the hair on the dog you justfreakin grab a bunch and you get a tinyjust wrap around flip it wrapped aroundflip it as many times as it takes that’swhat I do only needs three though cuz Igot freaking thick hair oh yeah we haveanother waffle to make dude mini somemore brother what the heck she takes toomuch just freakin wrestles them whyshe’s getting me this is the momma we’retalking about her she isn’t does it playwith me she freaking terrorizes me shefreaking she she freaking know she yeahshe I keep my door closed when I sleepwe do I share a room with him I madethat decision like one two years backtwo years – holy crap it’s gotta be liketwo or three whatever you know it’sgonna be like two but anyways we share aroom I thought it’d be cool you knowanyways we close our door at night andum stupid here that got pregnant shewalked over to our door and just startsscratching on it like when did thisstart wait seriouslyyeah dang I thought it started a fewmonths ago but she just scratches at thefrickin door and so I gotta take her insticker in the garage some maple syrupokay here’s another how do you guyspronounce syrup people say syrup peoplesay syrup I’ve never heard anyone saysigh rubI’d be hilarious though I’d slap you butit’d be funny how else can you say Iwill have some syrup pleaseanyways how you guys see I see syrupsyrup this stuff maple syrupyou don’t what100% pure great a amber rich tasteorganic maple syrup also let’s put stuffaway cuz mom and dad got pissed at melast time okayI think these should be a little bitmore uh crunchy crispy but I like themhmmI put what’s that um what’s a cult woodsegiwhat’s the called what’s the game calledwreck-it Ralph you dummy I’m talkingabout the sugar one sugar rush mmm yeahthat’s nice dude get away from my waffleare oh yo why is that thing up here I’mgonna have allergies don’t press thatred button yeah it’s your nose I seepress the button stop the videoyo okay so aftermath of his freakin catright next today my phone press theright button stop that video for I gavehim one job and those cats amazing takeit backcats are kind of smart they’re justmischievious men get the cat it’s comingback it’s getting your stuff my childsomeday it’s a girl probably uh now yougot a normal laugh holy craplook at my bicep or my tricep oh look atthat thing feel like a little bump damnacting like it’s alive yo but youweren’t growinglook how freaking big my muscles look inthat camera oh my that’s now they’relooking real life you guys just see likea like a glorified version of a sexy bodam i freaking diamond-cutting nipplesbecause it’s freezing in this house whatare you gonna name your if you have agirl like if you uh have a daughterwe’re gonna name her Brookes Roxanne I’mhave to slap you for thatjust so you know what about a boy whatyou say JC’s husband’s he’s chase Hudsonchase Hudson was yonder duckyou know tick-tock I do not don’t maketick-tock references on a YouTubechannel okaynot a sponsor freaking John oh thispersonyeah don’t make that noise ever againokay come over here we’re in the middleof the thing hmm what’s up oh my godyour neck just did the thing the thingthat the what’s it called that the snaildid I couldn’t remember the words nowagain remember this snail in Oh what’swhat’s this the speedy snail movie turbodon’t judge me it’s freaking 4:00 in themorning remember that snail though andwe like for ya it’s four o’clock in thefreaking morning yeah it’s four awayholy crap dude you go to sleep if you’rewatching this like late we’re gonna goto sleep soon I like Justin Justin andNate oh yeah sorry I’m lateuh yeah it’s dude I gotta have him inone of these videos the Calypso thingnot a sponsor and and we did the we wetried a bunch of different flavoredlemonade but out of all of them wedidn’t try original lemonade and wemissed a few you missed a pineapple oneI’d like a black cherry or somethinglike that that was so good I went backand tried some not to make a part two orsomething black cherry yeah I know blueraspberry isn’t a thing either blueraspberry so it’s not a real berryno it’s blueberry and raspberry mixedyeah I know okay just making sureyeah it’s 4:13 in the morning and goplay some minecraft and let’s make ayoutube video your what’s up guys Opiedid he know it’s your boy Nate dizzle PDiddy and we’re gonna play someminecraft I’m gonna play some minecraftand until next time we out dog