Bonjour Friends! Victoria “bakes” for you a Mixed Berry No Bake Pie! No oven required! Come join Victoria to make this easy and yummy no bake dessert!!!
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Video Transcription
hey guys welcome back to our YouTubechannel I’m Victoria and today we’regoing to be baking um I hope don’t bedown to call it baking I think I wouldcall it more like a pying we’re gonnamake a no-bake pie so you’re gonna belike how do you make a no-bake pot ifyou have to bake a piewell we’re gonna be refrigerating it for1 hour 30 minutes so let’s step rightinto the videoget 9 crushed crackers and 1 stick ofmelted butter and you’re gonna pour inthe butter you can just pour it in onceand then you have to mix it and reallyget them so it makes them really goodbecause it’s gonna do bass and the bassis what holds them high together so makesure you mix it really well yes you cansee it looks a little wet soso now you’re going to take this andyou’re gonna pour it into where yourwe’re gonna put your pie but now I’mgonna take my spatula and I’m just goingto just smooth it so and I make sure itcovers the whole hobbies is to make itso I think that’s about what you want tosee in your pegs I’m gonna put it downthat’s a tiny one on the sidesorry I put away with this bowl and ournext thing we’re gonna do is thebuttercream and so for the buttercreamyou’re gonna need a whip and so plainone cup of Philadelphia and then you’regoing to need 150 milliliters of maplesyrupand then you’re going to whisk thattogether it’s gonna be a little bit hardbecause the film okay – Keith is tryingtoo hard but you can also use a standmixer there’s gonna be a little bit ofpumping yes but this and it’s gonna bekind of thick it’s got little white dotsbut that’s totally fine it’s a littlebit of cream cheese and it’s totally tiebecause whenever you pull it thoughthey’re gonna like spread out so now Ithink it’s good it’s it’s gonna be sickyeah now I’m gonna put this in and itdoesn’t matter again how how you pour ityou can just pour it in slowly or seeyou leave but you want to pour like youknow I’m gonna pour it everywhere youdon’t want to pour in just one spot sothe whiffs gonna be bakedlook at that melts so good good thatlooks amazingthat that that that looks the best I’veever made already moving on we’re gonnabe needing parental supervision for thisso we’re gonna put this aside or isgonna keep it in front of you and yougonna go over to the stove so we got allthese ingredients together mixed berrieswhich are raspberries blueberries andstrawberries you have water we havelemon juice fresh lemon juice we havesugar and your thought search so so thenyou’re gonna drop in all your mix add inhalf of the water so I’m gonna add mywaterand then you mix it really good becauseit’s really hard on the bottomit creates good luck okay now I’m gonnaplot Antichrist arch with waterokay blue blacks into hereit’s gonna make the color shine justwatch it look it’s gonna it’s like apink right now it’s gonna turn and thena bit specialty lemon juice look at thatand then I’m gonna add in the sugar onefor the cup of sugar looks so good andthen it’s gonna turn into like a glazebecause you’re not gonna see it turninginto one and chilladd the sugar in and then it’s gonnastartit’s like a pinkish reddish right nowyou pop open some bloomers then stir andthen pop open more blueberries and stirlook at that yummy glaze it looks sogoodit’s getting old it’s getting so thicklook at that look at that you guys it’sso thick look at this please guys lookat that place and I’m gonna go over tothe table now it alright so I knowspreading it because a psychic friendLucas so I spread it like both sideslike this you can barely see the crustbut you can see the layer that’s reallycool you can see the layers of the pie Ithink we are done making the pieso now you can put in the refrigeratorfor 1 hour and 30 minutes so let’s goput it in the refrigerator all rightEthan this time I recommend getting yourpie or cake cutter up so when it’s readyyou can enjoy it like any quick but it’sgonna cool for an hour and 30 minutesand we’ll be back in a jiffy hi guys nowwe can tell it looks low it looks kindof like a it looks like shiny that’s howyou can kind of tell that it’s Joe[Music]look at the inside of it Victoria looksgreat they can poke it and it doesn’tget on your I give it five starsI thought the pie was awesome guys Iwould give it[Music]next time[Laughter]