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Vegan Dark Chocolate Pound Cake Recipe (Wholegrain + Refined Sugar Free): https://youtu.be/bi_UUb6RNsc
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In this video, we made a Vegan Pumpkin Pie Chia Pudding Cake. This cake is refined sugar free and you also do not need to bake it! It’s inspired by chia seed puddings and taste like a pumpkin pie. We wanted to incorporate chia seeds as they are high in healthy fats and very beneficial for your health. So now you can have some chia seeds in a cake instead of only consuming it in your breakfast bowl – essentially having your cake and eating it too!
To ensure that this recipe works for you, please read the detailed recipe on our website: https://www.deliav.com/post/no-bake-vegan-pumpkin-pie-chia-seed-cake-recipe-refined-sugar-free
Founded by two sisters, Denise and Melia, Delia.v Life is an extension of their online vegan bakery Delia.v Patisserie based in Singapore. Delia.v Life was born out of their desire to share their knowledge of vegan lifestyle recipes that can nourish the mind and body. Through this channel, they hope to share some of their favorite recipes and ingredients they have been using over the years, as well as some culinary tips and tricks.
Original of the video here
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Video Transcription
hey everyone welcome to Delia V lifetoday we’re making pumpkin pie chocolatecake are you getting bored of it shellpudding this recipe takes a spin on theclassic shell pudding so that you canhave your cake and eat it too thisChaplin cake tastes just like a pumpkinpie s/m it’s much lower in sugar andhigher in protein[Music]let’s start off by making the biscuitbase[Music]at your gingersnap cookies our digestivebiscuits to a food processor and we’regoing to grind them into crumbs you cando this by hand as well by putting themin the tip lock bag and using a rollingpin to crush them into crumbs now we’lladd some melted coconut oil or margarineto the biscuit crumbs and continueblending until they form a sandy texture[Music]line a six-inch baking tin with bakingpaper and press the mixture evenly intothe cake tin[Music]you may use the bottom of a cup to helpyou press the mixture evenly after thatis done we will put this into the fridgewhile we prepare for the feeling sincewe are not a fan of doing dishes thereis really no need to reach the foodprocessor before using it again but thisis really a personal choice first andsecond soul food to the food processornext at your cooked pumpkin we are usingJapanese kabocha pumpkin because oftheir sweetness now at the coconut milkwe prefer full fat coconut milk forcreamier texture but you can use otherplant-based milk as well since ourpumpkin is already very sweet we’ll justadd a pinch of coconut sugar after thatthrow in some spices to bring out theflavor of our pumpkin pie chart’ puddingcake to help the cake firm up and eagerpowder last but not least drizzle insome vanilla extract and we are blendingthis up again[Music]while the mixture is smooth and creamypour it into a saucepan[Music]now we are going to add a staringredient of this recipe chia seedsgive it a good whisk so that the chestis to not come together[Music]then a medium heat heat the mixture anddo they start to boil[Music]remove from heat and pour it into theprepared cake[Music][Applause][Music]let it cool to room temperature beforerefrigerating for at least four hours orbest overnight now is our favorite partfrosting the cake of course you can justeat the cake as it is but we are feelingfancy so we are going to top it off withsome smooth and creamy frosting we areusing the casual icing from our darkchocolate pound cake recipe it’s richand creamy and perfect for this cake ifyou are interested the link is in thedescription box below[Music]to add some crunch sprinkle pumpkinseeds on top you can go crazy with thepumpkin seeds but we are going for theaesthetics[Music]to finish we are drizzling some veganhoney from Vega boom we really like howthis goes with the Cape I can alwaysleave it out or substitute this withmaple syrup[Music][Applause][Music]and is that we hope you enjoyed thisrecipe as much as we did sharing thiswith you thank you for watching if youlike our videos please like andsubscribe and turn on the notificationbutton so that you wouldn’t miss out onany new videos have an awesome day aheadbye