Pies Recipes

Vegan Lemon Custard Pie Recipe || GF, No Bake

A simple and vibrant little dessert!

I was thinking if you can turn it into an IMMUNITY BOOSTING tart by using honey instead of sugar and adding a touch of ginger and black pepper!

Dessert for good health?! No that’s genius!

1/2 cup coconut cream
1/2 cup lemon juice
2 large lemon’s zest
1/3 cup organic sugar
1/4 cup organic corn starch
1 tsp turmeric
pinch of salt

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Music credit:

► Music by: Dj Quads
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• Music released by: Chill Out Records https://goo.gl/fh3rEJ @
www.ChillOutMedia.com / www.LoFi-HipHop.com

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Video Transcription

[Music]this is the joyride with the rainbow godis the rainbow goddess hey guys today’svideo is going to be about a lemoncustard pie it’s no big it’s super easyand I made it with a can of coconut milkbut you can make it with literally anyany milk at all and the bonus is I madethis recipe with ingredients and toolsthat literally anybody would have intheir kitchen I chose the lemon custardpie no-bake because I know we want to bemaking easy delicious things that wecould be munching on all day that islike you know a little bit on thehealthier side plus a ton of myneighbors have lemon trees so if youhave not looked around your neighborhoodmaybe look because it is really reallyreally abundant in California so take awalk outside see if you could get somefree lemons ready to get started let’sgo okay so this is just a two-stepprocessfirst we’re gonna make the crust andthen we’re gonna set it in the fridgenext we’re gonna make the custard pourit into the crust and set it in thefridge wallah it’s done[Music]you can really use any mold but this iswhat I’m using today and then I’m gonnaput some plastic wrap into the divotso that I can pop it right out when it’sready now I’m going to divide my crustevenly between the little divots that Ihave and it’s easier to press it down ifyour hands are a little bit wet now putit in the freezer first we’re gonna zestour lemons and this is my favorite kindof zester so this is going to be reallyeasy we’re gonna combine all of ouringredients into the pot I have 1/3 of acup of sugar 1/2 a cup of lemon juice1/2 a cup of coconut cream 2 lemon zesta pinch of salt and the quarter cup ofcornstarch before I turn the heat on I’mgonna go ahead and give this a nicewhisk you can use a little bit oftumericI’m hold out for some color now I canturn on the heat and I want to keepwhisking it until it thickens up you cansee that now it’s nice and thick andit’s ready and I want to pour it in veryquickly decorate it was a little bit oflemons and shredded coconut and set itin the fridge for at least 20 minutes[Music][Music]the moment of truth guys none of you sawI did already take a little light it’sreally good mmm the consistency of thecustard is really really yummy and it’salso perfectly sweet and perfectly tartthat is delicious I feel like you knowdesserts sometimes you feel like youcould only have a couple bites but Ifeel like I could have this whole thingfor breakfastI mean it’s alkaline cuz it has lemonjuice and it has nuts and coconut oilwhich is good for you tumeric I meanthis is practically like a superfood ina dessert that’s what I’m gonna tellmyself and so you saw that I made threeof these but the custard was enough tomake a whole cupcake tin or you can makea bigger pie my beautiful leather is andyou want to watch more videos by meplease subscribe to my channel i hatethat notifications also you’re notifiedevery time i put up a new video which isevery monday and sometimes i have bonusvideos who get notified and definitelytry other recipes by me if you didn’talready know this about me I’ve been avegan chef for 10 years so the flavors Iput together are really something uniqueand please let me know in the commentslike what you liked about it if there’sany other recipes you’d like me to sharewith you I’m an open bookthank you so much for watching I reallyappreciate you and have a healthy happylife

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