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Video Transcription
I guess weapons are you – Shannon peoplewho can be so – there and again I wantto wish you all a happy lovely Mondaytoday we are going to make the meat manso this is how I make my meat back yeahI have my chicken sauce and yet I havemy meat sauceI’m just do so different type of meatpie today so I’m using the chicken whichis chicken me chicken pie and I’m usingthe the the meat of the mid-pipe so myloved ones my loving people you can alsosubscribe to our YouTube channel if youforget me please like share and leaveyour comments as you do so go get Lexieso today this is my flower in the bookand this is my water my socks my bakingpowder my milk and my water so this iswhat I’m using for my meat but because Ilike natural things some people is usingbata trying egg to mr. doob as for meI’m not doing itand also some people is using Irishprotection to bet me I’m not using itbecause when you use Irish potato yourmeat pie will be heavy me I don’t likeit you can do it if you want and you cansee also try this if you want so thatyou can see they do different thingsthat you that you want so here we go I’mgoing to miss with my hand I’ve washedmy hand so people say why are you notusing gum no I don’t like using ungroup’because if you use and love do we knowfor me you can miss it to work so thatis why I’m using Mac’s a andnice my my too so yeah I’m adding I’madding my my big butter and my sugar youbut no not you got methods sorry forthat and he gave some people I did aq ofmy team may not use minutes and somepeople is missing with eight may are notwinnings I’ve done that before Beth Idon’t like it I prefer thisso let’s sweat and using this patternfrom it is my boatyou need the the butter with the flourvery wet so that it can be niceas you can see if needs already you cansee it you can see that is color ischallenged to see thatmiss miss so you can add your nick nowif you see that the make is okay no needfor you to hot water but if you see thatthe milk is not working that your dog istrouble you can add a little bit ofwater sometimes I use only make for me Ithink that the milk is okay no need forme to add water to it it’s just okaylike this if you don’t have me you can’tuse your water if you want if your if wedo not have meyou can see it’s okay my door don’t needwater I’m going to wash my hand becauseI just naturally stable so I’m washingmy handyeah it’s my chickenplease try it you’ll love it so sweetthis is my chicken pieas you are doing it you turn your ovenonhave made the five of the fish thechicken pan so we are going to start onthe meat steam it with timehurry and eat you your monkey no brainerto you all the meat already have oh yeahthis is my meat pieyesWowthis is our finish of the mid-pipe so weare going to test it Wowas you can see this is the chicken timethis is our chicken path WowI don’t really know did they meet on weare going to check this if this is themeats so yah go I pray O God let this bethe meat yes yes yes and cut it you seeit this is the mix on well as you cansee this is our chicken pie and this isour meat pie so my lovely people keepsubscribing to our YouTube channel favorgagman and please advise youdo it at all especially the chicken typeso good and love you so much and this isthe meat so it’s all for today I hopeI’ll see you next time please pleaseplease like and share and press the redbutton subscribe as you do so go lectureand remain my over safe fever or getwith Jesus family so[Music]