Pies Recipes

The Best and Easiest Apple Pie Recipe you’ll ever need!

This video is about The Best Apple Pie Recipe, Super easy to make, can be for thanksgiving, big meals, or anything really! Recipe Below 🙂

Chocolate Pecan Pie Video: https://www.youtube.com/watchv=adbT89m7kCof
►6-7 Granny Smith Apples, peeled, cored (2 1/4 lbs, or 7 cups thinly sliced)
►1 1/2 tsp cinnamon
►8 Tbsp unsalted butter
►3 Tbsp all-purpose flour
►1/4 cup water
►1 cup granulated sugar
►1 egg + 1 Tbsp water, for egg wash

Ingredients for Pie Crust Dough Recipe (makes 2):
►2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour plus more to dust, *measured correctly
►1/2 Tbsp granulated sugar
►1/2 tsp sea salt
►1/2 lb COLD unsalted butter (2 sticks) diced into 1/4″ pieces
►6 Tbsp ice water (6 to 7 Tbsp)

►To make the dough, mix all ingredients, divide in half, and kneed until the right consistency
►Preheat oven to 425 degrees Fahrenheit
►Whisk together butter and flour while melting in saucepan over stove top. Add water and sugar and whisk till well combined to make your secret sauce
►Peel, core, and dice apples and combine with cinnamon, then add your secret sauce to apples and mix thoroughly
►Get first dough disk and roll out with rolling pin to 12 inch round
►Transfer rolled out dough to a pie pan and either trim edges with scissors or other tool, or tuck excess dough behind the edge of the crust.
►Spread apple filling around the pie plate
►Get other dough disk, roll out, and cut into 10 even strips, Then arrange over the pie in the overlapping format shown in the video
►Beat egg into 1 Tbsp of water and egg wash the top of pie for rich color and easy and soft pastry baking, I know I forgot this step, so make sure you don’t forget egg wash!
►Bake for 15 to 20 minutes
►Let cool for about 10 to 15 minutes and serve warm and soft with anything you want (Fruit? Ice Cream? really, whatever you want!)

Original of the video here

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Video Transcription

hello friends today I’m gonna make avery healthy recipe it contains sometime outdoors and there’s barely anyingredients this is the best apple pierecipe you will ever need and it’s alsothe easiest so with that said let’s getright into it[Music]so these are ingredients not many veryeasy to obtain so first we have 1/4 cupof water we also have 1 and 1/2 teaspoonof cinnamon 3 tablespoons of flourthis is all-purpose fired and then wehave 8 ounces or one stick of unsaltedbutter and we also have 3/4 cup ofcoconut palm sugar and 6 Crisp apples sonow we’re going to make a amazing superdelicious sauce for our apple pie to addto our apples so I’m going to add in mybutter and wait for a minute to let it[Music]and they’re gonna wait Burnett and 12ounce of butter and then just paste bluematches and now I’m going to add in allmy flour and[Music]and then have more sugar here comes thesugar please be very careful this mightbe very hot happiness that this is donethis game it’s gonna make a nicecaramelized apples secret sauce is thisfood we’re gonna peel abroad and coredand peeled we’ve got to take ourcinnamon portal and obviously and thenyou put a mixed billetto make these apples SuperDuper good andthen we can add in our secret sauce wemade earlierso cinnamon will be the amplifier applesshe’ll make the palate a super good andalso all of these apples will make itsuper healthy and then you can add in mysauce I used coconut palm sugar whichmade our secret sauce kind of brownishwith that black kind of tense but if youuse white sugar or granulated sugarit would have been more yellowish buthey we want the healthy stuff so when Istart mixing and this really this thatfive minutes of making the sauce reallymakes this apple pie amazing and we’regonna mix all of this up make sure youget every last drop otherwise you won’tget that super duper flavor now I havethese two Picross your choice pre-madeinstructions for these are my darkchocolate pecan pie video and I’ll putthat I’ll put that link in thedescription below but I thought there’sblue meat so tender we’ll do one now Ihave forgot my cutting very usual oldhorrible things invisible man anywaysI’m going to move asideso now I’ve nicely rolled up my doubtsall rolled out and now we have totransfer this to our pie pan over therethis is going to take some work friendsfor the first dough into the pie plateand I got my second Oh – no kaleidoscopeeyes that are super fancy with thosestripes overlapping and everything yeahsurprisingly they’re super easy allyou’re gonna do is just really let yoursetting go and then I can show you howto over lock these strips to make yoursuper fancy pie and show off yourfriends but we’re going to cut it intoten strips to make that a lot of Spanishshape and if this kind of looks openrascathere’s some reason[Music][Applause]so just minutes soon with my after tellmyself a nice trip and what we’re goingto do is we’re going to outer Apple inthe centerslowly piling it up and when you sprayit once this is going to make thefilling of our chakras super now I’vecreated my oven 425 degrees and peptideand my caramel is a coil into our piecrust and I’m looking to see how wearrange these strips so first we’regoing to take the largest one of them[Music]don’t worry what you’re not the edges[Music]in these first steps need to go in onedirection so I guess I can put taught meyou yeah three then I’m gonna takeanother step and we’re gonna peel backthe first to see how easy this is andthen we have to peel this middle stripback it’s like another long strip andput that in the middle and we keep doingthis for both sides see how easy this isand you can show up to all your friendslike anyone amazing by meekly right andthis is just going to look beautiful andthen you can do the same on the otherside so this just makes your trial ofable to meet the beautiful mister lookat thatand then if you have excess we caneither tuck it in behind ago pull we canfinish it off with our series to finishI’m gonna bet the photos are amazingthis looks even without baking it so nowthat we cut all the edges we’re going totuck in or excess high places so that itlooks just like that store-bought pieand there’s no overlapping entities andyou see how nicely this is buried and itjust it’s amusing and like it’s a lot ofI you see it’s in the stores a littlebit of this and it’ll just like thiswhole top part you make this pie and goup to your pattern and say hey I madethis you can even make this forThanksgiving for meals for anythingreally just a great pie in general andso your trend and[Music]and then once it’s all trims and Toptonwe can take all the excess dough and putit around the areas that need to be youknow fixed up so this is going to lookgreat and it’s it’s done and you’regoing to go to shut this in the openafter I don’t know okay so I’m clippingthose and I was moving it in a differentway and I was just like yeah so allthese pies and everything that I give toyou guys is always super healthy nopreservatives are ready wish to supplyeveryone with super healthy recipes sonow that our pies only date and it looksamazing and it straightens just becauseI know[Music][Music]best apple pie I ever metcome with us she puts on her dancing alot but they’re so good and they’re justso softthank you so much for watching thisvideo I really love making this and Ihope you love baking it too and and soyou remembers can you please hit thatsubscribe button and if you really likethis video can you hit that like buttontoo and you can click that notificationson the top right corner so that you canget notifications on all of my videoswell I’m done with this video so thankyou so much for watching thank you forbeing a subscriber peace out[Music]

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