Hi guys! So, today’s episode of Quarantine Cooking feature a no bake triple layer pie. This pie will give you no bake cheesecake vibes. The flavor of this pie will be great for those that like citrus but do not like such a strong flavor of a lemon, because it is orange flavored! You should be able to easily find the recipes for this simple pie in your fridge or pantry.
#AtHomeWithMe #quarantinecooking #quarantinecookingathomewithme4 #cookwithme #athome #stayhome #staysafe #WithMe
Week 4 Playlist:
Ingredients used for the recipe:
Cream cheese
Vanilla Pudding Mix
Sweetened Condensed Milk
Graham Cracker Crust
Cool Whip
Check my blog for the recipe instructions:
Additional videos for you to check out:
*Walmart Grocery Shopping $270 for Family of 5
* Peach Tart –
* Indian Butter Chicken Crockpot –
* Honey Garlic Crockpot Meatballs –
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Hi, everybody! Thank you for coming over to watch a video on my channel! My name is LaTonya. I work full-time and I am married, to my husband, Derrick. We have three children, Bry, Jay and Noah and they each have different food allergies. With me being the youngest of four children and the last one to leave the nest, pure boredom and curiosity grew my love for baking. Being a wife and mom to babies with food allergies created my necessity to cook. This channel is my way of sharing our adventures in the different areas of getting ready for our mealtimes to inspire you with new ideas and tips for your mealtimes. Thank you so much for joining us!
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*This is NOT a sponsored video. All opinions are always my own.
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
guys so are you looking for a cool andcreamyno big dessert I have the perfect onefor you todayhey guys so if you are new welcome andto everybody thank you so much forjoining me on another video so todaythis video is once again a part of thequarantine collab that is hosted by thesister circle the collab is hosted bythe head of the sister circle Denisefrom this and that with Denise Jordanand it is also co-hosted by Kenya fromKenya’s the core corner so this recipethat I am doing today is recipe numberfour or video number four of this fourweek quarantine clicking collab so don’tforget the playlist of all of the othervideos that are participating in thisweek’s collab will be listed in thedescription box down below there youwill be able to find a lot of differentrecipes that will give you some newideas of something that you can try wellwe are still hashtag at home with us higuys here are the ingredients for thisrecipe you’re gonna need a grahamcracker crust some vanilla pudding somecool whip sweetened condensed milk creamcheese and one orange alright so gettingthis pie started off first I’m going toadd into my mixer a block of creamcheese so you want to set your creamcheese out to soften at room temperatureand so that cream cheese I’m going toadd in some sweetened condensed milkI’ll have the recipe ingredients listeddown below and the directions will belisted on my blog alright so after allthose ingredients are added to the mixeryou can either use a hand mixer or astand mixer you just want to mix it upuntil it is thoroughly combined alrightguys so if you are enjoying this video Iinvite you to subscribe to this channelI am a full-time working married mom ofthree and I’m also a home cook who lovesto try new recipes and also share themwith you to inspire you to try somethingnew also so if you are looking for funnew ideas and delicious recipes I inviteyou to jointhe inspiron mealtime family you canclick the subscribe button don’t forgetalso click the notification bill so thatyou will be notified every time I uploada brand new video alright so the nextstep is I add it in some cool whip tothat cream cheese and sweet andcondensed mixture and just mix it upgood alright so all of that is now goingto go into the graham cracker crust sothis is going to be the bottom layer orthe first layer of this sunshine piealright so getting ready for the nextlayer of the pie I’m going to add insweetened condensed milk the rest of itto the mixing bowl and then after thatI’m going to add in some more of thecool whip topping and then I’m gonna addin the orange juice and mix it all upalright so once that is all mixed up I’mgoing to next add in the packet ofvanilla pudding to that mixture[Music]okay let’s take a quick break for viewerappreciation so I want to thank you guysso much for subscribing to my channelwatching all my videos and leaving mecomments what I’m gonna do is randomlyselect one comment from my videos eachweek and then spotlight them on one ofmy videos on the following week so inorder to be one of the ones that arepicked all you have to do is subscribeto my channel watch my videos and thesemeet comments so once again I want tothank everybody for subscribing watchingand leaving me comments thank you somuchalright back to the video alright so nowthat that is all mixed we’re going toadd it to the pie so this is going to bethe second layer to this sunshine pie Ijust want to smooth it all on top of theother layer and just nice and smooth[Music]alright so now for the final layer I amadding the orange appealing to theremainder of the Cool Whip I’m justadding it into this bowl here but as I’mmixing it in it doesn’t look like a lotto be able to go over the rest of thepie as a third layer so I’m gonna makeme some homemade whipped cream so I’mjust adding in some heavy whipping creamhere and then I am adding in some of thenila and then I’m also going to add insome powdered sugar to make it some andI’m just gonna whip it up in my whipcream makerall right so now that I have my homemadewhipped cream all mixed up I’m justgonna add that to the rest of this coolwhip here to make it a little bit morethan what was left over honestly I didnot start off as a whole full containerof cool bit I still don’t think thatthat would have been enough even if Ihad had a full container so maybe forthis recipe you might need a containerand a half of cool grip or if you makeyour own maybe make about a cup to a cupand a half of whipped cream but so I’mjust taking that whipped cream and theirorange peel in mixture and then layinglayering that on as the last layer ofthis pack so that is it just move it onout and get everything covered all niceand even well as best as possible niceand evenly you can see the little piecesof orange peel and the cool whip and itjust gives it a nice pretty color andalso a nice citrus taste all right soafter all that popped it into arefrigerator and it’s best to chill forat least four to eight hours orovernightI probably chilled this for like threehours or four hours to be honest I wasreally anxious to get a piece of it andshow you guys what it looked like itdoes set up better when it’s chilled forlonger but these few hours they allow itto set up and chill pretty good so I’mjust going to go in and get a piece ofit and I want you to see the layers fromthe three different layers of how youcan actually see them after you slice itso here of course some of the crustheads and breaks apart but you knowthat’s how a graham cracker crust issometimes but if you can see you can seeeach one of those layers in the pie andit looks so pretty but anyways that isit I hope that you guys enjoy thisrecipe it is really really easy to doand with the summer time coming up it’sa nice refreshing citrus pack so thankyou all so much for watching this videodon’t forget to subscribe and see you onthe next one bye y’all[Music]you