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Instructions for making baked egg pie

Instructions for making baked egg pie

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this then pretty thin pretty smallcan you think Vietnamese yes again[Music][Music]you need to write a cookbook I wouldlove to one day I just feel like mycookbook would be so ratchetbecause I really don’t measure too muchlike accurately so it could be hard forsome people to follow through so I feellike if I do have to if I do make acookbook I would have to sit down andlike pre measure everything I’m sure youguys seen your mom dude – she’s not likeshe doesn’t think I like the measuringcups she’s just like a little squirt ofthis a little sport of that like that’sliterally me music – Golic no I knowkamusta and I know the foods I knowlumpia hollow hollow at Tahoe and Sydneygone great that was costing me gone I’mso sorryoh yeah butter makes everything tastebetter can can’t agree I’ve beenobsessed with this I know I talk about alot and I know I drink it like prettymuch every time I’m on stream butforeigners Karen juice is my chance haveyou been to the phillipines no but Ireally really want to like do you guysknow strictly dumpling or food Ranger orEden Johnny and Elena like I want tobecome that when my twitch I guesschapter is over I am 100% going to doYouTube travelingyousugargood amount of brown sugar I don’t knowthat’s probably like quarter cup quartercupI keep on postponing the freaking antspring thing okay guys tomorrow I wakeup I’m going to spray down my house withhome defense there’s no trail of antsI’ll just find like one ants randomly soannoying okay what else do I put fishsauce fish sauce not sesame oil thereyou gobit amount about a quarter cup as wellI don’t knowI changed the ratios all the time aslong as as long as you taste it you likeit you’re good I’m gonna mix this up itsmells good to megarlic also ants are just bad inCalifornia in the summer especially inthe summertime when the warmer monthscome around some garlic about oneclothes wordhere you have your lemonade and then youcan add food coloring I like to addorange food coloring sometimes it justmakes the meat more appetizing I don’tknow it’s weird I just I don’t know Idon’t make the rules my dad told meabout it and i 100% have gone toVietnamese restaurants and I see theirmeats are like orange so sometimes I addorange but today I won’t because I don’tknow really coloring steak is kind ofsin so I will not color the steakcolouring pork and chicken is fine butnot steak so I’m gonna use my hands forthis for more accuracy so it’s kind oflike a rub at this point so just makesure it is covering your meat coveredput it on top and then gather the restonto top of this meat I like to use abowl that’s like on the smaller side orjust so it fits perfectly so then youdon’t have to make as much marinade andit will most likely hit the edges ofyour deer steak just a quickie tip[Music]doesn’t have to sit for eight hours orso yes well that’s just so the flavorpenetrates you honestly could fry it upeven like right now I know my mom she’sthe she’s like cried it up right andmarinate sit because I’m the flavors ofthe the lemongrass is more

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