Hey Charmers this is a requested dessert of my hubby i hope you like this one. Keep safe!
Hi everyone! My name is Charina and I am from Cebu but currently living in Bataan, Philippines. My vlog is all about my lifestyle, travel,random stuffs, tutorials, mukbang and cooking please do subscribe and share my video. Please stay tuned and hit the bell button so you will get notifications. Thank you and GOD BLESS!
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Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
good morning guys and welcome back to mychannel so today it’s another day forbaking so we are planning to make a piecrust so first things first we need tohave our dough or cross made so we havehere the ingredients that that neededthat needed so we have the floor overthere 1 cup flour plain flourall-purpose flour and the salt one forthis one salt and the shortening so Iused of Crisco that’s 1/3 cup ofshortening I use Crisco butter flavorand then hold water so we might use thatone for now we might need 1 tablespoonand this is our pie pan so this is 9 by9 inch pan and this is also our fillingso mother’s maid bitch filling or poppyso this is I mean we bought this one inSubic duty-free and when royal duty-freesorry so and we also need this rollingpin later because I’m gonna make firstthe dough on the bottom and we’re gonnamix all together and we’re gonna setaside that for 10 to 15 minutes in thefridge and then we’re gonna bake thisone for 10 to 15 minutes inside the ovenand yeah I’m gonna show you later what Ican do I’ll see you guys in a bit[Music][Music][Applause][Music][Music][Music][Music][Applause][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Applause][Music][Music]there you go guys our peach pie it’s notit’s not that perfect look but you knowat least we have it we have it now andwe made it and we made it so that’s ourit’s kind of huddling die so just comeout from the oven so they just let itcool for maybe 10 to 15 minutes and thenit’s ready to eatthis is my hobby Davirequest he requested this pie yeah yesand I can’t wait it looks wonderful leteverybody know how good it is okay he’sgonna take that later guys you have torest at 10 to 15 minutes all rightsee you guys in a bit so the pie is coldnow and he’s gonna eat no hahaha slicingslicingit’s not really firm lobbyI wanted to have a cross on the top likea plain cross like not design crust butthe problem it’s hard to circle the doorbecause the dough is too crusty andflakey whatsoever oh I wish I can findmy cakeyou know big spatulaoh it’s not really big guys I don’t knowwhat the taste of the pitch loviethat’s made in the US right okay guysthat’s all for today I need a brush it’snot really sweet okay I’ll keep you youra deeper peach pie on a quarantine itdon’t you know better than this so anyother days that’s all for today so Ihope you guys like our baking blog fortoday so for me it’s not the perfect piebut it tastes good so anyway I hope yougive this a try have a great day and Godbless you everyone don’t forget tosubscribe bye[Music]