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Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
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hey yo it’s t me with colored bellycooks and today we’re putting togethersomething really simple one of myfavorites and that is peanut butter pieand I’m gonna let Chris show you theingredients while I go around and get apile for my mixer I didn’t get a paddleout so we’re going to be using whippedcream which is just use cream cheese andOreo pie crusts peanut butter and thisis also some hot fudge to decorate thetop with this is one of my very veryfavorite desserts it is so simple and soeasy no baking required this is a greatsummertime dessert because of that sothe first thing you do is you open an 8ounce package of cream cheese and youput it in your mixer or your mixing bowlwhichever one you’re using so if youdon’t have a stand mixer so I’m gonnause the whip the the actual up whippingLaura anything today helping out babythe whisk attachmentso there we have the eight ounces ofcream cheese now we’re going to put in apassive tub of peanut butter let’s addthe sugar first we’re going to put in ahalf a cup of sugarand with the cream cheese[Applause]okaymade it up fast it makes itwhere we’re gonna fit in 1/2 a cup ofpeanut butter I’m using creamy GS youcan use a creamy or crunchy whicheverone you want to use but I prefer creamywith cream cheese because it makes justa good creamy pieso we’re gonna put in this half cup ofyummy Jap peanut butterI’m gonna go ahead and throw my peanutbutterall rightokay I’m going to scrape the edges ofthis since I used this whisk I know thatwe’ve got some cream cheese in thebottom that’s not getting mixed up sojust make sure you clean the sides ofthe bowl so that all of it’ll be mixedgood may even have a little sugar leftin the bottom of it all right you’regonnalaira hot-fudge from taking aspirinanother youth in Hawaii here this isthat weird cuz it’s not quiet anymorewe’re gonna place a writing tip down inthe bottom of this poem aid we’re gonnaopen up some hot eggs and this is notgonna be a whole lot I’m just gonnadecorate the top with it so that’s morethan enough they’re gonna put it in mybag twist it tear the end off so nowthat’s ready this is such a fast anddelicious pie well my goodness I have toget scissors snip clip off the end yeahB I’m gonna eat this shell because I canwhy waste hot fudge right okaylet’s throw in about a large containerof cool or whipping cream or whateverthis is froegers and I put about half ofit in the mid for the timefeelingonce they want my recipe saying yo thisrecipe is enhance first point is itand it saysso that has to sayPACA the goal with Wesleyand you’re you with a big container ofKuya heyso we’re going to have to scrape thesides once again and when I scrape thesides you can see that you know there’speanut butter and stuff that’s notgetting mixed in now you can use thepaddle that has the silicone if you wantto but I like using the whisk because itmakes it fluffier I just got that allover my handwho me anyway you don’t have to do thispart before you can do it you know justbring it on the top of the pot then Iwant to make it free and so I’m gonnaput my Cool Whip in my bag get a spoon Iwould be simpler favorite hi y’all shewas the best Baker in the world and sheliked the snow baked pie better than anypot could make her it is so good okayyou don’t really have to use all thecool whip either so then you place it inan Oreo crust now let me say thisKeebler has a chocolate crust and it’snot even close to as good as an Oreocrust so if you buy the Keeblerchocolate crust you’re gonna not get thefull effect than this time this is avery rich peanut butter pie it needs tobe in a really good chocolate crust ifyou cannot find an Oreo crust youusually can get them at Walmart if youcan’t find one because a lot of thegrocery stores don’t carry it but like Isaid Walmart does and if you can’t findone and then buy some Oreos that are youknow barely have the filling in betweenthem the thin ones crush them and makeyour own crust if you don’t you’ll bedisappointed because it needs to be adarker chocolate for the crust for it tobe even better I can just eat that stuffjust like it is okay so the next thingwe’re going to do and this part ofcourse you don’t have to do you cansprinkle it with those tiny chocolatechips you can sprinkle it with Oreocookies you can do anything you want todobut I like to take hot fudge smokers hotfudge and go back and forth with myriding to you okay it then I take atoothpick or and you can do a cake thingthat you take the cake with or you canuse that something that like you’d usefor shish kebab I guess that’s how yousay that is that right Chris yes yes andso what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna gothis way and we’re gonna skip room goabout two inches I guess do another oneon both sides then you turn it aroundand you go the opposite directionlook how pretty that is in a matter ofminutes we’re making a beautiful piethen if you’re taking this somewhere youcould take your Cool Whip and put acircle around it cool hwhipand yes you don’t have to go all outlike this but look how fast we make thatpie y’all just look at how pretty it ishow yummy it looks and all in a matterof minutes and honey when this thinggets the refrigerator you pull it outand you cut you a piece it is so goodnow you can make it as rich as you wantto or is you know lighter if you want toit and what I mean by best first ofcream cheese goes if you put a littleless Cool Whip in it it’s gonna have alot more rich cream cheesy flavor thanif you put a lot of Cool Whip in it okaybut it’s so good and rich to me you canuse that much kawin but to each his ownyou know if you just want to use a fewcups then go right ahead but I like toput about close to 8 ounces in there ofcool hwhipand I always buy the big container andthat way see I still got plenty of CoolWhip left and that way we can use it forsomething else but if you just get the 8ounce it’s not going to be quite enoughto put it in the pie and put some on thetop I hope you enjoy this cake I meanthis pie and remember this is one of myfamily’s favorite sometimes we eat allthe time so of course it is in my volume1 could be y’all I hope you have a goodday please watch us on ABC Family foodfight tonightThursday night 9 p.m. this is today isJuly the 17th so it airs live tonightEastern 9 o’clockChow to watch the Nichols family channel2 in Georgia that is your local ABC andyou can always watch it on demand orwith Hulu or whatever if you haven’tseen itcatch up we’re doing pretty good yeahalways a little southern cooks are doingpretty goodhave a great day and thanks for watchingcolor valley cooks where we could lotmom and dad