In this video I will demonstrate how to make a mini pumpkin pie that tastes and looks like the real thing.
Original of the video here
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Video Transcription
[Music]hi and welcome back to my channel todayI’m going to be making mini pumpkin piesso the ingredients are gonna need ourpumpkin pie spice and pumpkin pureegraham crackers sugar water and thenyou’re also gonna need milk and if youwant it vegan you’re gonna want to usesome sort of vegan substitute for milkso the first thing you wanna do is takefor the graham crackers you’re gonnawant to cut it I mean you’re gonna wantto all make it into a crumble sort of soyou’re gonna want to take one or twograham crackers and crumble them so I’mgonna do is I’m going to take the grahamcracker and just break it up into piecesand then just crumble it alright so youcan see I crumbled it and it’s notextremely fine but that’s because Idon’t need to be extremely fine butremember the the more coarse it is themore the less uniform your crust isgonna be so now if you don’t want totake some water and just slowly drizzleit in until it’s like a uniform sort ofconsistency and I’ll mix it togetherlike this is good sort of little crumbsit’s also now you’re gonna want to takesome and so you’re gonna want to takeyour little containers and spray themI’m using the Pam canola oil spray okayso you can see here I’m eatin to justflatten it out on the bottom to make acrust and you’re going to want to putthis in the freezer for until you’reready for it so now then you don’t wantto take itII threw a cup of pumpkin puree synopticpumpkin pie spice you’re gonna do aquarter teaspoon of pumpkin pie spiceand you’re gonna do 1 teaspoon of sugarand now you’re going to give it just alittle mix but not a full mix becauseyou’re still adding pasta if you’redoing vegan though you’re gonna wanna doa more fatty version so just going towant to do just a pinch of it and if youwant to give it a more of a flavor youcan add a little bit more cinnamon or apumpkin pie spice so I’m just going toadd some more pumpkin pie spiceand I don’t want to take this and putthis into the freezer to get a littlemore hard so I let this sit in thefreezer for maybe five minutes and nowyou’re gonna want to just grab a littlespoon and scoop this in here and thenjust give it a little bit of a spreadtry to get a little even spread and thenyou’re gonna put it back in the freezerget frozen it’s not like ice like ablock ice frozen but just you know morestiff and more structureyou