Hey guys! Welcome to today’s third trimester day in the life vlog! Come with me to my prenatal appointment, check out the apartment decor updates we’ve made, and bake a peach pie from scratch with me! I wonder if this will be my last pregnant day in the life vlog… #ditl #vlog #pregnant
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Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
Hi I’m picking up a mobile order for
Matt. Thank you!Time for a workout! It’s yoga Wednesday so I’ve got my yoga mat.Hey guys! Happy Wednesday! Happy day in the life vlog! I don’t think I’ve actuallysaid hi to you yet but we had kind of a
slow morning just starting out with somejack-in-the-box because baby wanted a
breakfast burrito and sometimes you justgot to give it in to the cravings. So we
got that and then I did my yoga workoutwhich you guys saw and now we’re on our
way to my 34 week doctor’s appointment.I’m actually 35 weeks or a little bit
behind so it’ll be interesting to seewhether they check me or not um thank
you I just ran up to grab my purse momand dad I forgot my math so Matt’s
letting me wear his wouldn’t know whichis bad okay my reusable one arrives on
Friday oh yeah I think mine comes upSaturday then all look like Darth Vaderdid you pass squishy they gave him a
mask oh yeah that’s goodcuz they are nice they were very nice
cutter or Peck it it’s getting realsmile a baby probably get bail I can
okay your eyes look you know they knowthey look angry no this is vicious oh
the baby’s kicking me I’ve done withtheir doctor’s appointment everything
went well I’m still there so yeah wehave next week we don’t go in the week
after we go in and they’ll start likechecking me and then we come in every
week so because I think on our way downI think is busy
and I think we’re going to attempt tomake a peach pie not requested that I
make a pie they have to know the peachescome in perfect Brody’s I’m here maybe
Megan yeah what makes the fundal heightso fun
whatnow I want to know I thought you were
gonna be sufferinghe made me the most delicious smoothie
ever also its peony season I’m soexcited about itgood daddy just give you guys treats
were you so excited about that like Igot what I needed from you
no you’re dead to me maybe there’s moreover here oh yeah when they go up on
their back paws like that much cute verybunny
okay now goat cheese yeah yay you’re thebest husband ever
I’m the luckiest pregnant woman everdon’t you forget it I mean after that
will make you pie huh hi I’m sketch youlet’s fetch my I cut my hair again
yesterday but I mean style it terribleit’s not it’s not I feel like I did
better the first time but it’s notterrible I’m just happy to have a
shorter yeahlittle less annoying for you 19 years
thank you choosers yeah alwaysfor baby looks just like you knows
better than me please don’t eat mypeonies
that’s not lace don’t need your pantsall right like two cubed so Matt and I
just got back from our walk that we doevery day package and is a curry lobs I
ordered like eight years ago from Amazonit’s just like a matte black metal at
the end of a deal and I got it to put upsome like light blocking curtains to
hopefully make sleeping in a little biteasier and also for sleep training for
the babies so we’re gonna put this upwhich is really exciting and I thought
I’d also show you guys some other liketweaks that I’ve leaned around the
apartment they coral eyes and stuffbecause we’ve rearranged not like a ton
of stuff but a few little spots and Ithink they look way better so I’m really
excited about that cause it’s alreadyreally dark in here cuz the sun’s not
out yeahokay so this is what they look like a
couple of things first of all they’rereally not room darkening like you can
see the light through them like evenjust on the camera they’re also very
wrinkly so I need to iron them and Ialso need to have them because they are
ridiculously long yeah you can tellwe’ve bought curtains like one yeah and
we got them in the Asya section of Ikeaso they were like pretty cheap too full
transparency our bed did not get madetoday so that’s why all this stuff is
here this is one of those little areasthat we switched up we put our
humidifier and this little Sansevieriaplant there and then this is just like
headphones and candles so this littlecorner of our bedroom looks like this
now ignore the stuff to make the bed onthe floor cuz sometimes we do that but
it’s one of those days I’m feeling verylow-energy we also put this coffee tree
which you probably saw in my last vlogin this little corner here I still
really need to get a new pot for itbecause this brown plastic one is not
the vibe but I do really like it overhere and then over here we took this
bench that used to be in our bedroom andput a bunch of our plants on it so if
you guys remember there used to be likethree mismatched side tables right here
and I likes a lot better cuz it’s just alot more open like when you walk down
the hallway it looks less cluttered andthen I actually think the bench with all
the little plants on it is pretty cutethose are all of our apartment updates I
need to take a break and sit downbecause I’m really tired but I do still
want to make pie tonight so I’m gonnarest up and get my game face on so we
can make some pie all right I’m showeredfella ingredients out we’re gonna
attempt to make this pie I’m a littlebit intimidated
I need like a bowl of ice water and apot of boiling water and I don’t have
light enough peaches um which is crazybecause I have 15 but they’re all like
really tiny so we’re still gonna try andsee how this goes the first thing I need
to do is to the pie crustI’m gonna link the recipe to the pie
that I’m making below but I’m actuallytaking it my pie crust recipe from this
super cute little cookbook which I goton Amazon which will be here for you
guys but it was like three or fourdollars also if you guys can hear
talking in the background aboutstreaming a video game so sorry about
that two cups of flour I just got thistoday I was so excited to see it at
Trader Joe’s that flour has been inshort supply recently and I make a lot
of bread so I use a lot of flour 1 cupof shortening looks really gross you
know I don’t know why I think shorteningis so happy salt so I’m looking at the
ingredients and it says flour shorteningsalt use a pastry cutter which I don’t
have then it just says slowly add icewater until dough holds together so I
get that’s what this is for but itdoesn’t say how much ice water so
hopefully I don’t mess it up don’t havea pastry cutter shortening is greasy
this is change like the texture of itall I didn’t think about that okay
trying to get as much of this off of myhands as I can how much water should
like start adding to actually seemed towork really well so the correct amount
if you’re wondering is a blue blue Ihave attempted pie crust from scratch
before and has not been good a littlebetter these are all dough baby
hopefully this is what it’s supposed tolook like it feels kind of right no no
guys it’s just cracking this is notgoing well well clearly that’s not gonna
work so okay the Internet’s that it wasprobably too dry so I added my water and
we’re gonna try this again see it stilllooks like it’s already cracking and
there was it like too wet yeah maybe Ishould just try to like press it into
the dish instead this is not greatBritish baking show it doesn’t need to
be perfect maryberry would be sodisappointed in meall right we’re gonna call that good
enough okay heaven it’s covered in flourand something this is kind of a hot mess
but didn’t affect the taste try to makethe top really spreading and maybe that
overdoing it a little bit to pop in thatin the fridge okay so now boil these
peaches for 60 seconds immediately dumpthe device which sounds incredibly
stressful but we’re gonna try itoh no I believe in you oh man now I have
to peel all of thesefinally everything is peeled and chopped
that took 10 years everything is coveredin flour this is kind of a mess I’m
going to attempt to roll out the otherthing of Thai dough just to see if
batting if you’re watering just like gotme anywhere the seams are really really
wet which I’m kind of concerned aboutokay that worked way better it’s not
seen in 50 other pie crusts out andwe’re gonna try to use that maybe as the
lattice top I don’t know well you knowwhat we’re learning I am so tired from
standing up this long being pregnant isno joke man but I have to add sugar
lemon juice cinnamon nutmeg salt andcornstarch all to this peach mixture so
that’s what I’m gonna do nowokay this is how she’s looking I’m gonna
attempt to salvage this into the latticetop and if not we’re gonna give a crumb
toppinglook at your wife’s pie that looks
amazingcan’t you took a pop haha baby it looks
so goodyay she doesn’t look too bad I was not
pregnant and exhausted I would probablytry to like clean it up a little more
and make it look nicer but honestly I ampretty happy with that given that I
didn’t even know if the crust was gonnabe salvageable at one point so we’re
gonna pop her in the oven first I gottatake a selfie bleeding
what is apply I just I tried to tilt itfor a photo and it did the juice is just
started coming outand she goes good luck okay pies in the
oventhe kitchen is mostly put back together
I am starting to have some Braxton Hickscontractions because I fit on my feet
for too long so I’m gonna take a loadoff
Reid and while this thing bakes I’llshow you guys the book that I’ve been
reading this is the book I’m readingright now it’s like a young adult
fiction fantasy novel and I got hit thefirst four months and months ago just
because I thought the cover looked cooland it’s okay so far I’m like probably
almost halfway through it and it’s notlike the most riveting thing in the
world but I can’t go to the library sohow my reading options are limitedokay she’s out of the oven and she’s
looking good that took over three hoursmy body is kind of wrecked but based on
how hot it is and the fact that it’salready 10:40 I don’t think we’re gonna
get to try this tonight which is sad butI will check in with you guys tomorrow
for a little taste test I’m reallynervous I hope it’s good okay mouths
gonna cut the pie that sounds goodit’s very wet oh no no no big juicy you
probably soggy and gross what do youthink
peaches are really good the crust isflaky and doughy at the same time well
that’s the most effort I think I’ve everput into something you’ve asked me to
bake so hopefully dish okay I have toclarify here it’s not actually doughy
it’s just wet wet from the peach juiceand Matt doesn’t know what he’s talking
about all I know is it’s deliciousall right guys I’m gonna end the vlog
here I hope you enjoyed it and I willsee you guys in the next one bye