Pies Recipes

Cook With Me! No Bake Strawberry Pie Recipe

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-3-4 Cups Sliced Strawberries
-1 Box Vanilla Pudding (I used instant)
-1 Box Strawberry Jell-o
-1 & 1/4 Cups of Cold Water
-3/4 Cup of Hot Water

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hi everybody I came on here to record acookfor you I do cook a lot but this is kindof a differentand I would normally make I saw onFacebook and I had a ton of strawberriesthat I needed to eat so I was like ohI’m gonna try itit is a crustless strawberry pie withjello and pudding mix and stuff so I’mgoing to show you the ingredients herein a minute and then I kind of got thewrong ingredient so for one of them forthe pudding I got the wrong type ofpudding you’re not supposed to useinstant so anyways I already got it andI’m gonna try it anyway so keep plottingif you want to see if this is a fail orif it comes out good these are theingredients I have a for the things youwill need I have a pie pan strawberriesand I already sliced up water roomtemperature or you can use cools andthen I got strawberry jell-o and I alsogot vanilla but when I looked back atthe recipe it said don’t get instant andI got instant so we’re gonna do we’regonna try to do it anyways because Idon’t want to go to the store and get itand then a bowl and then I also have amini whisk and I have some like hotwater in here to mix with the jello andread more strawberries if I need them sowe’re gonna see how this goesyou can also hear my dog breathing inthe background so sorry about that youcan hear that so the first thing I’mtaking is this strawberry jell-o ice andI’m gonna put it in the bowl and then Iam going to add some hot water and whiskit up with this little whisk until itdissolves smells so good so I just usethis little well not little this big hotwater thing that I use for our tea untilthe powder[Music][Music]okay so that is dissolved and I’m gonnago get another bowl to make the puddingmix in and I will show you that in aback so our jello has dissolved which Ishowed you now we are going to attemptthis now this says to mix it with milkfor two minutes number one I don’treally like milk and number two Oh likeI said I got the wrong kind so we’rejust gonna oh okay go make sure you getall the color out and then I’m gonnapour it in so I put with this one I put3/4 a cup of hot water to help itdissolve and now I have 1 and 1/4 cup ofcold water and now I’m gonna mix thisand hope for the bestI really hope this turns out good like Isaid I have no clue because um I got thewrong kind which seems about rightconsidering nothing’s easy right oh Idon’t know about thisOh almost builtokay I’m gonna keep mixing this alltogether I’m not really sure what thetexture is supposed to be like oh youcan see can you see my dog face Lucy hiLucy okay this is gonna be interestingI think once we mix this with thestrawberry it’s gonna be good but rightnow it kind of looks a little funky sokeep mixing it maybe you should use abigger whisk for this part I don’t knowwhatever I’m just gonna stick with whatI’m doinglike I said welcome to my janky cookingshow welcome to my I actually am good atcooking believe it or not but not thisis a new recipe and of course I boughtthe wrong ingredients because I watcheda video and thought oh all you need isvanilla pudding strawberry jell-o andstrawberries I have all that or I can goget that and then I didn’t read theactual directions and it said don’t getinstant so this is why we’re doing itthis way okay that actually looks reallygood okay now I’m going to mix the twotogether so I’m just gonna dump this inhereI’m not so sure about this you guys thisis not what it looked like in the videothat’s for sure just try to start mixingit together oh well I’m not so sureabout this you guys I’m gonna be reallysad this doesn’t taste good okay I needyou guys okay actually it’s comingtogether pretty nicely okay maybe goodI’m gonna go get a spoon and I’ll beright back I got a spoon to help finishscraping all this pudding mixture thatwe made into our jello mixture againthis might actually taste horrible butI’m not kidding okay the the video madeit look really good and I know that thisdoesn’t look good but I’m telling youit’s just vanilla and strawberry withstrawberries like how could that be badyou know even though I’m doing it alittle bit funky anyway but I reallythink it’s gonna be good see we’re gonnamix this offoh you don’t you definitely don’t wantit to be lumpy so you’re gonna want tokeep mixing it in and like kind ofpushing it downstir it up stir it up get all the Ohclumps out maybe get your whisk againand try to whisk it together making amess on the counterokay you guys you know what this isactually nicely mixed together there’sno lump it’s all one state and then whatyou are going to do is okay that’s goodnow what you are going to do is use yourpie pan and your sliced up strawberriesand you are just going to kind of fillyour pan with the strawberries obviouslywash your hands wash your strawberriesbefore you cut them okay you’re gonnafill the whole pan up nicely okayyou’re gonna pour the mixture overalmost filled and you’re gonna put thisin the fridge and let it cool it’s likeand kind of overfilled it a little so Itried to wipe off the edge but basicallythat jell-o pudding mixture is on top ofall the strawberries and now I’m goingto go put this in the fridge to chilland then we will check on it in a littlewhile oh my gosh I’m so excited look atit came out it looks good this side likeis a little bit over full but it’sfinally cooled so I’m gonna cut a pieceand put some cool whipon top and give it a try so I’ll see youin a sec it right you guys my finalverdict is that it’s very goodit’ll probably gone by tomorrow so ifyou want to make this I’ll put therecipe down belowvery good love it definitely recommendyou try this[Music]

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