Hello everyone, I just wanted to share with you guys the thing I get up to while Quarantined. Baking my kids favourite pastries, cakes etc. It was tough but fun to make and I hope it is fun to watch. I hope this video inspires you to enjoy being indoors and still find things to do. Stay safe, stay healthy and remember to practice social distancing and above all don’t forget to be extravagantly you
Recipe for
Lemon Cake :
250g of softened butter
1 & 1/3 cup of sugar
2 cups of self raising flour
4 eggs
1/2 a teaspoon of baking powder
Grind of 1 grated lemon
2 teaspoons of lemon juice
1/2 of fresh milk
Banana bread
2 cups all purpose flour
1 teaspoon of baking soda /powder
1/4 of salt
1/2 cup of softened butter
3/4 of a cup brown sugar
2 eggs
4 – 5 over-ripe banana
3 cups of plain flour
250g of butter
1 tablespoon of sugar
1 teaspoon of salt
1 egg
Fresh milk
900g minced meat
1 large potato diced
2 carrots diced
1/2 and onion diced
3 tbs of sunflower oil
Black Pepper
Knorr cubes
2 tbs of flour (to thicken)
Recreate these dishes, post and tag me on my socials
Instagram -https://instagram.com/barbarayuwana?igshid=qnpuwevqeoa3
Twitter – https://mobile.twitter.com/home?lang=en
I have no right to the music used,
here is the link
MYSM:Indie feel
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hi everyone welcome to my channel wellhi hi welcome back to my channel ifyou’re new to my channel please do notforget to like subscribeturn off your tongue up yournotification by Wyatt it and cut me offin my socials let’s be friends so intoday’s video it’s funny how you guysalways see me I’m always in my kitchenanyway in today’s video I’m gonna bebaking of this storm and I decided Iwill share through other recipe exceptfor the one I already have on my channelif any of you haven’t seen that videoI’m gonna leave the link below in thatvideo had baked a banana cake I’m doingsome today I’m gonna share this recipewith you and if you like you can add meup when you bake them let’s get startedI have all my ingredients laid out I’mnot gonna be picking one two or three ofmy favorite kind of history when I saycake meat pie banana bread I’m bakingall today so we are gonna be picking upthis stone in my teaching so I hear Ihave all my ingredients laid out I’vegot my water got my brown sugar I’ve gotfour to five over right bananas Ialready have this big to this banana becool and it’s in my channel I will linkit below if any of you haven’t seen itand here I have got my lemon I’ve gotsugar I’ve got a quiz in flourI’ve got muscles cause I’ve got mybaking powder about my newI got my lemon juice and my lemon zestin here and I will be showing you guysmy two secret ingredients to get youyour baking very moist fast I have hererich on those Oreos double cream I knowit sounds funny guysI use this in mostly all my clickingalmost all my baking and the my my mostspecial ingredient is my quick you gotall natural yogurt I had that too and soso I’ve laid everything out and I’mgonna take them one at a time so I’mgonna be starting with the banana cakeand yes so here I’ve got two of mydifferent risk this is gonna be for mybanana bread and this is gonna be forthe kids so I’m gonna be laying thereand first and foremost you’re gonna putyourOh Lord oh sorry guys you’re gonna beadding your 250 gram of room-temperaturebutter and brown sugar I need to cause abrown sugar and 250 gram of water ohyeah I have my dry ball you will need adry board you will need to put your dryingredients in the white in the hole andI’m using it just fill it up in placewhich makes[Music]it’s so here I have my dry ingredientsnow i’m going to be adding and then i’mgoing to be addingi’m gonna be adding 1/4 spoon of half ateaspoon sorryhalf a teaspoon of salt like that andjust mix everything together and setaside so here i need to oh sorryI have 3/4 cup of sugar which is abalance to do I have brown sugar[Music]like I said a detailed description ofthis baking of banana bread is will belinked in this video one two like so andthen I’m gonna be adding my roomtemperature waterand I’m gonna be whisking that togetherso now I’m just gonna be mixingeverything together guys my old trustedmixing bro I don’t know people I wasn’tworking and I’m happy I have got this soI’m gonna be mixing everything in mymulti blender[Music]so right now I already with my water andis so creamy guys this cake is gonna bepart it’s a good thing I needed to bringon my new my plane anyway now I’m gonnabe adding my ex rate I don’t know what’sgoing on guys I talked about this in mylast video I think with the quarantineeven the chicken are refusing to playgood eggs misty grateful for the eggsare tiny in this recipe you would havebeen needing to hexbut to make up to eggs I’m using threelike in my hair I’m trying to figurewhat makes two because it’s very tiny soI’m just gonna be missing that with thisnow and yeah I’m putting in my secondegg in here like so these bats is gonnabe rich but it’s for banana bread I’musing this because I I don’t have anyother shows so I’m just gonna quicklywith that and then I’m gonna turn it[Music]that’s that done I will be needing mymixing bowl so I can[Music]no guys I have my I have my mix sugarand butter in here just points into thefall and now we’ll release it up addingupdate then dry ingredients you want ourmixed Elliot and I’m just you know sincemy machine is never working I’m justgonna be hand mixing that[Music]so I’m going to be adding my specialingredients to it now just a little bit[Music]I’m going to be I did my Greek you aboutto read my Greek yogurt like so and I’mgonna just mix that here guys I have myoverripe banana in here just like theold video I was telling you guys about Ihave everything to take care in thatvideo so I’m just filling out my ripebanana right now into a separate Bowl[Music]I’m just so guys now I have the bananaor machine my baby food and I’m gonna bepouring that into the but I’m gonna bepouring everything into my mixture likeso yes guys my batter is in here a lotand now I’m just gonna grease my you canuse or you can use for you oh I don’tknow what are most times but I’m using aspray some flour like spray I’m justgonna grease my palm like that[Music]not for meand this time this would just be perfectso now I’m going to lightly pull downinto my pan like that[Music]got my putter in here and I’m gonna setthat aside and we’re gonna move on tothe lemon cakeso and I’ll put that aside and I’m gonnabe mixing for my lemon cake so here I’vegot same amount of water 250 gramsplease I’m gonna make detail becauseI’ve never had this before in my channel[Music]just like before I’m gonna be using fourcups of please so I have everything inhere and I’m gonna whisk that I’m goingto be putting my driveway dent on theside just like the way I did with theother one so here I need to cause[Music]my 8o you know actually I have my twocoats of self-raising flour in here andI’m gonna be adding my okay a teaspoonof baking powder so guys this is whatyou’re gonna have this nice creamytexture for your lemon cake so now I’mgonna be adding my dry ingredients tothe mix first and foremost you need Idon’t know if I set up you’ll be neededfor eggs for this recipe for eggs thatyou’ll be needing lemon zest lemon juiceyou’re going to see me added upeverything this is gonna be like a verydetailed video so I’m just letting youguys see how your mixture is supposed tobe I’m using a different mix all rightnow you guys saw what happened so I haveeverything made it so silky and justlike that so I’m gonna be adding theeggs now and yeah I’m gonna be parkingmy eggs in here now I’m gonna be addingmy my lemon half way done with this I’mgonna set my over on to a 160 150 andyeah so my oven is gonna be set on fortwo pleasebefore I put everything in I’m stillmixing this so here I have my zest lemonzest in here I have it bound to know onetablespoon to be honest I have one thisis my teaspoon sothen I’m gonna be adding my 2 tbsp ofthe juice like that and I’m just gonnabe with that together I’m gonna add mysecret ingredients things and that wouldbe Sammy oh god guys don’t sleep on yourgod it makes a huge difference so I’mgonna be adding mine you go in therelike a 2 teaspoon like that tablespoonso guys I have my mixture here like sonow I’m gonna be pouring it out in abowl because I can’t it’s too small forme to mix this and then adding my milkand my double cream to this mix and yeahso guys I have my mix in here I’m justgonna grab my spatula and I’m gonna takeevery goodness from here today[Music]so now I’m going to be added my my dryingredients and I’m going to fold it ingently so now that I have everything isin here I’m gonna be putting half a cupof milk in this milk to the mix likethat if you have the measurement juice1/2 a cup I like my cake moist so likethat I’m just gonna kind of foldeverything in guys my my mixture isready I’m just gonna quickly spray mypan SamI have my mixture in here for the bananacake guy to be needed insisted 60 to 65minutes and for this is 55 minutes forthe lemon cake I’ve never done thisbefore guys I’ve never baked them on thesame time so I’m gonna start my timer onthe same time and I’m gonna be checkingon them let me add a dividual time soI’m actually gonna be putting both ofthem in and checking them on yeahindividual time so in my banana cakeunderneath the chef in my oven and I’mgoing to be putting my lemon cake on thetop because I believe the banana cakehas frozen 8 so bananaalready softened so I’m going to beputting them on my bottom shelf and thison the top of the ship so I have my overlittle P and I’m gonna be putting mylemon cakes and Top Chef like so someguys I’ll be back with you guys when Istart the mixture for my so guys I’ll beback with you guys when I I’ll be backwith you guys when I start the mixturefor my meat pie hi so guys I not have mymy my banana bread and my level cake yousee bacon in therenow I’m just gonna prep for my so here Ihave my plain flour my up my exceptphysics always on time so yeah I have myplain flour I have here my I don’t knowwhat I think that’s a nine hundred gramof mincemeat here I have EMI choppedfinely chopped onion I have some carrotsand here I have my potato Irish potatoguys and then here have my soft water Ihave milk I usually will use people youknow it when you’re mixing people willnormally use water but I like using milkand then here again I have my bakingpowder so I’m just gonna mix everythingyeah first I’m gonna be mixing my flourfirst so I can leave it to rest and thenI’ll be going over to cooking down myfeeling and I’m gonna do that separatelyso I’m just gonna do that now little mixmy flour here so here guys I haveand I’m just teaspoon of baking powder[Music]in the mix too muchoh I’ll be mixing in my salt half ateaspoon of salt and I add a little bitof sugar to my own so I’m gonna beadding a full teaspoon of sugar to thenot making em let me just double-checkif I have the I’m just a little littlenutmeg in here some people my kids Idon’t wanna put I don’t knowthank you so now that I have everythingin here I’m just gonna be putting inthat water this is a lot of baking guysa lot of water but I need a littlepork-sausage you make a pastry so nowthat I have my pots are here I’m justgonna cut it into chunks so it’s easy towalk weight like sowe call it like this is much easy towork with like so I make sure life isonly like so nice BAM mix in the water Idon’t know if love you put eggs but Inormally will add one egg to my mixtureand I just do lie in the middle like sooh my god so I just pulled the egg inand I’m just gonna have to kind of mixthat in and outadd a little bit of fresh milk like so[Music]the meal exact get to the consistencythat I want this is a secret ingredientguyssome people use peak milk or somethingor now some African peak milk I just usefresh milk in my mid file at that[Music]youso this is how the consistency of yourmixture should turn up to this pointthis is my bow for my midwife until itdoesn’t stick on the bottom or aroundyour bowl then you know is really readyso now I’m gonna cover this and I’mgonna leave it out in a cool place torest and then we’ll come back to youthen you just go by with a clean feellike this and you’re gonna leave it torest so now guys I’m gonna be checkingin with my banana bread because that’swhat we’re enforced they actually wantto get a bottle different timing so I’mgonna check that now now come back hereall night so it’s time it’s not ready soyeah so now my banana cake but then ourbread is ready guys my kick-outthe other one is over there I’m justletting it cool down so on this hot onthis book I’m gonna be can they feel infor my meat pie right so so I’m gonna beusing this pot for that so guys I’mreally cooking up a storm in my kitchenguys here I have my court I’m just goingto be putting a little bit of oil likeso and that’s just gonna help me fry outmy onion and my[Music]Oh leo salty I’m going to be having inmy movie[Music]my beast in here and I’m just gonna be[Music]guys have been running my meat for twoto three minutes and now I’m just gonnaput in my sauce my black prepare andthen I’m gonna be putting in my oh mygod we’ll be adding a bit of salt inhere like that and a bit of black pepperlike so so the meat is quite ready nownow I’m gonna be adding a bit of waterI’m gonna be adding a bit of water andI’m going to be putting in my 50 I’mgonna be adding water just to cover themeat and then in goes my parrot[Music]we’ll be adding my Irish potato into themix like that that’s pretty much like sohandful I think that’s okay and now I’mgoing to be adding no chicken money justput it in the Maggie this is the soul ofthis chicken Maggie lock you just liketo sell guys now I’m going to be addinga little bit of dry time like very tinybeats just like that and I’m gonna beadding the Nigerian Corey I think theLionel matter life is a Nigerian Bob weuse it a lot so I’m gonna be adding afull spoon of the quarry into the mixI’m gonna cover this to Sigma for aboutthree minutes three to four minutes andI’m gonna taste it life I need more saltdefinitely more salt so I’m just gonnabe added a bit of salt[Music]mix is readymy feeling is ready right nowthis pencil oh yeah this mess a goodguys so I’m just gonna switch off my myheart and I’ll leave this to rest noI’ll leave this to cool down so that Ican use it for my feeling so cut youguys win a big money[Music]sure[Music]so guys I was 15 us a minute ago becauseI told I didn’t have any more flour butI see how to pack best tip shop thethings that are not perishable kidsbecause we don’t want to be going to theshop every minute of the day so now solet me use the heat on this one I’m justgonna reduce the eat now and I’m gonnabe adding my 2 tbsp or flour into themix so taking it off and then I’m gonnabe setting it aside you cannot leavethis to cook for about 1 to 2 minutes itwill be readyhi guys I have my my dough outthey rested in the fridge so now I’mjust gonna wash my handsfor five guys my knees are gone I needto walk on this okay so face my face[Music]like this so not have my cotton out ifanyone is interested I probably willdictate to live in and link to where Igot the shop I’m not gonna be using thissmall one because I’m making me so I’mgonna be using this and then I’ll beneeding in knife and I’m gonna becutting my door in chop into four equalparts that’s just gonna make it easierto walk on and I’m gonna be running athalf of itto go just amount to back like thatthink I need a spoon and then I’m justgonna fold it but that’s one of it don’tguys yeah 1 egg 1/4 egg and I’m justgonna beat that and then I’m just gonnause that today’s my meat pie[Music][Applause][Music]so now everything has been glazed I’mgoing to pop that into the oven for 15to 20 minutes I guess depending on theheat of your oven and then we’re gonnabe right backmy lordfinally finally oh this heart finallyguys I have completed my baking and Ifinished baking up a storm as you cansee they all look amazing the midpointstill very hot so I don’t know if I’mgonna be trying thatI’m gonna be to get in today on Annabread should I try to kick though okayguys so thanks for being with me on thisvideo you liked subscribe like sharetone up your notification bear and yeaha lot of others will be coming back sirso