Pies Recipes

Baking a Pie from WAITRESS – Marbled Chocolate Cheesecake!


Welcome to my kingdom of stagey isolation! For today’s activity, I’m taking a leaf out of Jenna Hunterson’s recipe book and making a Pie!

So when I went to see WAITRESS in the West End I instantly became obsessed by all the pies in the show – Thankfully, you too can bake the delicious pies from WAITRESS with ‘Sugar Butter Flour’, their exclusive pie recipe book! 🥧

In this vlog I make the ‘I can’t have an affair because its wrong (and I dont want Earl to kill me) marbled chocolate cheesecake pie’ and it is an adventre from start to finish!

Check out the first pie I ever made from this book in another vlog:

Check it out, and if you enjoy the mouth watering content, feel free to like, share and subscribe for more stagey isolation content! 🌟

Original of the video here

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oh really yes okay rightwas my private time oh my god hey andwelcome back to stage II isolation sofor today’s activity we are going to bebaking a pie from the waitress sugarbutter flour cookbook and it’s going tobe this one here it is called the– ican’t have an affair because it’s roundand I don’t want early kill meMarvel chocolate cheesecake pie I don’tget what the pun is in that title maybesomeone can explain it to its I thinkit’s just popped contextual see the showyou’ll find out it makes one nine and ahalf inch marble chocolate cheesecakepie that looks like this Ohwe are hoping that’s what it looks likewe will find out in one short ten-minutevideo this is gonna be the second pieI’ve made from this cookbook if you wantto go and see how the first one wentcheck out that other video I’ll put thelink down below here but for now it istime to start baking so the recipe callsfor 36 chocolate wafer cookie crumbs I’mAmerican so I do not know what those arebut I have Oreos which a 30 secondGoogle search told me was basically thesame thing but we don’t put the creamfor many of these Oreos so I’m going tohave to go through and take the creamout of all of the Oreos and I obviouslyhave to eat all the cream because if youdon’t absolutely go this is a terribleday to wear a crop top I’m about to eatthe cream from 36 Oreos right I havepainstakingly scraped the cream off ofall the Oreos mmm very satisfying workactually or eat the cookie before thecream but what scares me the mostwhat scares me the most Oh delicious ohcan we get more Oreos this is fine theyshould sell that separately Goddepending on in this recipe I don’t knowif this is a cookie or half a cookie Irather have not quite enough or way toomany I’m going to use them all next upwe need to crush the Oreo biscuits intodust now being the prepared BAEthat I am I don’t have what’s the thingcalled a rolling pin don’t have one ofthose and so I’m going to crush themwith this large bottle of wine in anattempt to stay remarkably on brand sowe’ll see how this goes I’m optimisticwe’re just gonna smash the biscuits withthe wine because that seems like a greatidea right now oh it’s workingsurprisingly well I thought this wasridiculousfor anyone worrying about sustainabilityand wastefulness doing this don’t worrywe will drink the wine it’s also a greatway to reinvent your feelings offrustration during this period ofuncertainty if anyone’s particularly sadabout waitress closing in the West thenjust you know change the bottle of wineand just smash some Oreos okay that hasno business working as well as it doeswho buys rolling pins this islife-changing I was gonna say after thiswe should really get a rolling pin butno we should get more wine yeah okaythey need to be smaller they need to besmaller what we have here looks notunlike soil is hopefully going to tastebetter you speak from experience wellthat’s very different vlog save that forthe Little Shop of Horrors themed cookierecipe because it looked quick and easyI’ve been playing with Oreos for half anhour and I’m not yet on step one of therecipe it’s a Western workout I love ityaylovely chocolatey soil exactly what wewere going for this entire time everypage of this recipe book that I haveused has most of the ingredients justspilled onto the book because that isthe kind of chaos I like to bake withthe time has come to add the butter sixtablespoons of butterI’m hoping I use a little bit becauseI’ve just got a load of Oreo cookiecrumbs in the butter I think more buttershould have Oreo cookie crumbs in thebeginning more things that aren’t Oreoflavored should the Oreo flavor justlike and we’ve got dairy milk chocolatebut like lasagna consider it I’m notsure if that’s the prospect of Oreocookie crumbs and lasagna or the currentlump of Oreo sitting in the stomach butthat makes me want to bomb it becauseyou’re weak I know the cookbook iscalled sugar butter flour this recipe ispretty much just a TataI sound like I’m doing a cappella nowbirdie birdieoh it’s gone to a pitch-perfect placewhich you know it’s also fun yeah I justmade like butter lumps covered in Oreocrumbs which looks fantasticoh I want to eat this at every stage ofthe way don’t let me down let’s see thenext amazing thing but uh does[Music]tip number two for people who do nothave baking equipment if you can’t bebothered to use the whisk that’s on thecounter slightly to your leftuse a fork so we need four ounces ofchopped bittersweet chocolate I didn’tknow what that meant so I bought darkchocolate and prayed you’re part ofchopping this is just so it will meltbetter I think we are warming up thecream but creams are elusive when it’sdone we’re going to pour it over thatchocolate which I for one am lookingforward to so on the Left we have meltedwhite chocolate with vanilla extractdouble cream and evaporated milkI’m furiously mixing together before itbecomes no longer melt is chocolate andon the right we have melted darkchocolate with the hell did we put inthere oh we warmed up the double creamand we poured it over it was greatthis recipe have enough chocolate I’mnot entirely sure all pies are betterwith chocolate bar noneso another prayer baking tip it’simportant to nurture your ingredientswhile they’re in the baking phase she is[Music]we put the PI base in the fridge andthen we put it in the oven then itcollapsed then we fixed it and now whatwe have is this since last I spoke toyou in a characteris we had not putcream cheese in the Cheesecake we havenow added that and it lookssignificantly different yeah that makesa lot more sense now now the pie hascooled so I’m just gonna start dollopingthis in basically in a somewhathaphazard fashion because that’s verymuch my style when it comes to bakingchuck it all in hope for the bestpray it looks like the picture in thebook when she does this in the show howmany of these does she do a day justeveryday I don’t have the patience forthis I’ve done two in like a year andit’s wearing thin I’ll be perfectlyhonest ooh no cross-contamination tostay on your side I think we’re goodhonestly on that front and then the lastthing we have to do is pour thechocolate and then I picture the butchersays marble it just just make it anartisanal marble cheesecake I have noidea what I’m doing I’m just gonna pourit onwe’ve met a swell the whole thing isthis just meant to sit on top I don’tknow if you just swirl it into themixture or if the chocolate is just onthe top this is much question yes okaywell this is you know what this is closeenough for me that’s a mess right now injust a second it’s going to improve thiscould be this could be further from whatit’s meant to be okay at one point therein the middle it looked gray and nowit’s gone weird againokay we are ready to take the cheesecakeout of the fridge it’s set torefrigerate it for a minimum of fivehours so we left it in there for twodays now you saw how the marbling wentbefore a sharp lie to you it’s not mybest work I there’s bits of it that looklike how the marbling is meant to lookand then there’s the rest of it which isjust I mean it’ll taste great it’lltaste fantastic moment of truth oh wehave an intact pie yeah my hand is stuckon this excuse me transfer transfer okayyou can that’s in my wayit’s a cheesecake yeah it looks likeit’s still in the tinthat’s because it has molded to theshape of the tin with the oreo cookiefirst look at that it’s solidthat’s what 48 consecutive hours ofrefrigeration will get for you so interms of side-by-side comparisonobviously the marbling is it leaves itleaves something to the imagination butyou know I’m happy with this point wewill see what it tastes likelet’s find out together okay we’re doinga taste test it’s happening okay looksterrible but it tastes great it’s justthe takeaway from this I agree with thisthat is the right way around Oh chica Ilove it thank you so much for watchingmy video our video me and the pie comefrom away parenting me yeah I hope youenjoyed this video if you want moresafety videos to watch while you’re notmy solution make sure to subscribe to mychannel I’ve got loads of stuff on thereand lots more exciting videos comingvery soon if there’s a particular videoyou would like to see let me know in thecomments down below until then have astaging day

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