You’ll love this popular Ghanaian snack which is sold in every corner of the country. Show up at any Ghanaian party and you’ll most likely find some as well. Today I make them with 3 different fillings, all of which are perfectly delicious. I hope you enjoy them❤️
Ingredients for crust
1000 grams all purpose flour (approximately 7 cups)
2.5 cups or 5 sticks butter.
1 1/4 cups milk
1 egg
2 teaspoons grated nutmeg
2 teaspoons salt.
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***Here’s my beef pie recipe
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***This Ghana salad is the perfect salad for your jollof
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Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
well hello there welcome once more tocrunch west kitchen and if this is yourfirst time stopping by I’d like to say avery warm up over to you oh yes it issweet pie huhand I have here for you this verydelicious buttery flaky meat pie recipeand guess what I also have them in threedifferent fillings so right here is thebeef fillingpreviously you saw the sardine ceilingsand I have these round ones which Ifilled with canned tuna and each one ofthem is amazing or delicious always ahit with my family and whoever I serveit to and I know you are going to enjoyit just as muchso on your screens right now are theingredients you will needand as always that also lists everythingfor you in the description boxso let’s start off by making ourfillings that is a sardine and tunafillings for the beef talent I’m notgoing to go into the filling video withyou because I have a misfirerecipe here previously and in that Ionly use the beef so it’s gonna be herefor you and I’m going to link that foryou so of course you wanna wash yourcans because you just don’t know whatthese kids have been exposed to so I’llfirst them off and I have opened thesardines and now I’m going to go aheadand work on the tuna so the tuna alwaysyou know and not always because this oneis the kind that came in water even ifyou have it in oil you might want tostrain some of the oil and if it’s justchunks of course you’d probably stillneed to pour some water off and flakeeverything so I have them in both nowand I have here one large onion if youlook in the description box I did put ifyou look at the video that camepreviously where I had the ingredients Iput two but I wanted to tell you I usedonly one of them so I used one verylarge onion so more like half for thesardine and half for the tuna I dicedthem and now I’m adding some salt toeach one of them and then I’ll add somepepper in a pepper corns as well sothese are freshly grown peppers that I’mgoing to put in and then I’ll go aheadand flake itso this audience Evelyn I know a feelingmilk I would sardine maybe fish pie Ishould say but starting filling many atime but it had been such a long timeand so one day I made meat pie and thenI had some excess crust or dough so Idecided to just make this quick sardinefill in and put it in and trust me myhusband and I both loved that one morethan the beef and my beef pie if you’vehad it you know or even if you’ve triedthe recipe you know how good it is butthis idea was so good it hit this but sogood so I decided to share the videowith you and make this whole one ofcourse with the tuna as well becausesome of you might want the tuna as wellso anyway I have here five a sticks ofbutter that will be about work so twoand a half cups of butter and I’m goingto cut them all up I’m trying to makethem into cubes to help you know inmixing easily in the flour so this camestraight from the fridge so they arevery cold very solid and that is how youwant goes for your pie crust you want touse if possible everything should becoldeven the flour if you can and you knowyour butter should come straight fromthe fridge so you have a nice beautifulflaky crust so in my flour I added somelet’s make and saltand here now I’m adding in my butter andthen I’ll go ahead and mix it for mydooryouso I’ll be using my heart help helppastry blender to do this and feel freeto use your food processor or your standmixer to mix your ingredientsyouand of course you can also use your handto achieve this so put your hand you’rejust going to run it through just likeI’m doing you don’t want to keep yourhands too long in here because the heatis not helpful to the dough so I’ll berubbing it through my hands just likethat just so you’ve got in rubbing ityou get the butter to be able to mix upwith the flour and then you have abeautiful cause textureso just like this you don’t want to keepyour hands in there too much you justlifting and dropping and every now andthen you rub it through your palms tomake sure everything you know mixesbeautifully and that when you make aball with it it stays together like Ijust saidsince it’s a chief you’re gonna go aheadand add in your wet ingredient andnormally I just used to know so this iswhole milk and normally that’s all I usein here without added any water and it’scoming straight from the fridge so it’svery chilled and feel free to also useevaporated milk you could use one partevaporated milk to two parts water oryou could do just you know half of eachyou know half and half water and thatwill also be just as perfect in theother video I shared with you I addedsome credit onions and that is typicallyhow I do it but it’s just as deliciousif you don’t add that onions to this sofar as your filling is well seasonedit will just be as delicious so I’mtrying to make three bowls it with thisand as you can see it is not all the waywith I still have some crumbs here thatI’m trying to pick up with my dough andthat is how we won your pie crust to beyou don’t want it to be all wetyou know and easy to make into a ballyou want it to be as rough as possibleso that means you don’t have too muchwater in it and that is the way youassure the flakiness of your pie so Ihave drawn one of my balls of my tonguerolling board or chopping board using myrolling pin and right now I’m justcutting out the shape so I’m using thisheart cookie cutter that I got a couplethe Valentine’s Day Clarence and I amgoing to make these heart-shaped piesbut before I do that I am wrapping therest of my dough and I’ll leave it inthe fridge what I saw that by the timeI’m done making this first batch youknow this first ball it will be a littlebit chilled mommy I don’t show my butteror I typically actually do it just theway I had I I am doing it becausenormally when I make meats by I’m makinga big batch and so I start off rightawaybullying some and I leave the rest inthe fridge so once I’m done with oneball I go break one more and that way Ifinish you know a little faster becausenormally you don’t have the time youRussia and you don’t have to time tochill everything and just sit down andwait but if you have enough timechillin everything will work better it’sjust easier to work with but it doesn’treally affect for me I don’t think itreally makes a difference in how yourmeat pie looks so right here I put someof my filling that is the sardinefilling on one heart and then I lift outof the heart and then make sure I set itright on top so all the sides are reallyyou know approximated and they are youknow really fit in each side so you knowyou want the base of the heart to fitthe base of the heart and the tip alsothe apex whatever to fit as well andthen once I was done I used my fork topress on itand then you know just to seal it andthen this is just beautiful simple andready to be big so I have my pan linedwith parchment paper and that’s what I’mplacing my mitt spies on and so Ifinished the first black ball whichwasn’t put in the fridge and this is oneof the those ones that I put in thefridge and I know you can tell thedifference because with the chilly loveeverything it is a little bit firmer andeasier to roll pin to cut and that isthe main difference the main reason youwould want to chill your dough if youhave enough time and so I’m making morehearts because that’s hard anyone was sogood so we are really focusing on makingmore sardine and turn our pies and wemake it just a few of the beef onesso for this one I am just gonna go aheadand use my finger my index finger tomake these indentations instead of usingthe fork and that is one way to seal itand this is always my favorite using myfinger I just like how it looks I don’tknow why I love it more than using afork beautiful just simple and so I’mshowing you one more how I did this youknow everything is sitting right whereit should go that I just saw facing eachother beautifully so once you press youknow you have to be tucking dr. Lee youknow this meat pie is really filled it’sloaded so sometimes you have to tuck itthe filling in a little bit so you getsome room some empty pockets or emptyspaces for you to be able to press downto seal and simple so now let’s getready to do the ones with the beeffilling and as you can see from this onethe longer the dough stays in the frickthe firmer it gets so this one it’s muchbetter it’s more chilled and easier toroll and easier also to cut through andI’m using this pie cutter oh and it’syou can also use it as a pipe mold aswell but I normally just like to use itto cut my my round shapes and then I dothe filling and press it down manuallyso this big filling I use from groundbeef and it is grass-fed beef verydelicious I really like the flavors moreit’s more intense it tastes almost likea lamb and I really really love it so Iused this I made it previously I made abig batch of meat pie for my friendand so this was sitting in my freezerfor probably like what two months in thefreezer and that’s how long you can makeyou pycelle and you can make it ahead oftime and just let it sit in your freezerand just bring it out and let it thawandyou’re good to go to make you weep Inormally that’s what I do and so that’swhy I don’t have it in the video for youbut like I said there is a recipe herealready and I will link it for you soyou can watch and make your deliciousbeef filling for your meat pie so theseare really making them into probablyreally typically would call turnoversbecause I’m making them in these bigcircles and then I try to push the beefon to one half of the crust just likeI’m doing so you turn it over like thatthen fold it over and then I try to sealthe edges and of course I like to use myindex finger to do that feel free to usea fork or any way you think you can makeit and if you have a pie mode like Ijust used to cut it you can also usethat to see youyour turnovers so I’m using a smallermold here now and that I intend to useto make circular pies with the tunafilling just look at that from it justbeautiful so simple but so delicious ithas nothing just what salt pepper tunaand onions it’s almost like a quick aquick tuna set a sandwich you know butinstead of being in between two slicesof bread I put it into into dough andjust baked it it was so delicious youenjoyed this reallyso normally once I’m done pressing themdown I like to use my knife to just youknow tack on the edges a little bit sothey are a little bit smoother and notso rough and that’s pretty much itpies are made at this point or turnoversand at this point I have one egg herethat is going to be the wash for youyour pie and that is what it’s going toensure that beautiful golden crust soI’m just using a pastry brush and I’mspreading the egg wash all the turnoversand pies whatever you want to call themjust rubbing them I like to rub or brushevery part of my time most people justdo the tops you know the service andeverything but I try to cover all thesurface of my pie I know yeah and thatway it comes out golden just shinybeautiful and anyone that sees it wantsto just grab it and have it bites youknow so once you’re done with that youwant your pies to read so I use the forkjust like you saw in the in the room andonce and the turnovers I use a fork tomake these holes in there so the pievent and it’s not going to pop open youknow burst open or anything and look upnasty so right here you see it again I’mjust using a fork and make an I’m makingtwo sets of holes in here just like thatyou can be creative and make any styleright people’s names or initials onthere and then I picked it in thepreheated oven 350 degrees for 30minutes thirty minutes later here we arebeautiful gorgeous didn’t I tell youit’s gonna be golden and really see howgolden how beautiful how amazing didlook this is just perfection perfectionthis will be the life of any kind yetparty especially here in the states youknow if you took this anywhere to aparty so when all this roll is over andyou are you know turning up with yourfriends this isrecipe that you will need just look atthis and even before that make this athome and join normally I make this bigbatch we freeze them they freezebeautifully you just bring them outthough for best result you just warm itin a preheated oven you know turn it offand let it sit there to warm up that’swhat I’ll do oh it warms beautifullyalso in the microwave so I make a bigbatch free some of them put some inziplock bags and they just sit in thereat any time you know we go into work youjust pick one you know it’s a good snackespecially if you were working in thedaytime your breakfast you just go withyour cup of coffee and you’re one withfive and your day is pretty much mademade I just love these hard ones justlook at that perfect balance betweenflaky and ones just look at thatperfectly flaky and buttery on theoutside and just bursting with thisgoodness inside this is just beyonddelicious you will love this so good soso good just delicious and now let’stake a look at the beef once the realturnovers so breaking into it just lookbeautiful deliciousness load that inhere this I know you really want to justcome here and have a big bite on huh Iknow I know just make it at home and youwill enjoy and the Tula just asbeautiful just as delicious thanks forwatching thanks for doing this with mekindly give this video a thumbs up anduntil I come your way next time withsomething deliciousbe loving be kind be happy