The recipe for my delicious Apple Cheesecake Pie is available here
Hi lovelies, it is another apple recipe, because why not 🙂 Apples are always available, they are cheap and they are so great for so many things! Today I want to share a super delicious pie recipe that is also very quick and easy to make. It is my Apple Cheesecake Pie, it has a crunchy crust, a creamy cheesecake filling with apples and a crunchy crumble topping. I must say I absolutely love this pie and I bake it whenever I am in a rush and need something quick to go with tea and coffee. Also everyone in our family enjoyes eating this pie and I really hope you will also enjoy it! 🙂 Happy Baking Lovelies!
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Video Transcription
[Music]hi guys it’s Sunday and I got somethingfor you which is perfect for the weekendwell it’s perfect for anything reallybut it’s also perfect for the weekendtoday and we’re going to share with youa delicious pie recipe it’s a cheesecakepie with apples and a with a deliciouscrumble on top sounds yummy it is solet’s get started first you want to addthe softened butter into a medium bowland along with it add in the sugar andthen we are going to whisk the butterwith the sugar for a couple of minutesuntil it’s nice and soft and palethen the ones the butter and sugar aresoft and pale like this you can add inthe egg and then you want to continuemixing for another half a minute – oneminuteand then you just want to beat the eggwith the butter and sugar until it looksfluffy and pale and soft like this andnow we can start combining the dryingredients so I have here myall-purpose flour I’m adding in thebaking powder and also the oats then Ijust want to shortly mix them in andthey’re ready to go in with our wetingredients so first we want to add inabout half of the dry ingredients mix onlow just until almost combined[Applause]this shouldn’t take more than a coupleof seconds and then you want to add inthe rest of your dry ingredients andagain on low just until combinedand this also shouldn’t take you morethan a couple of minutes then I have mypie dish ready and I’m just gonna butterit well from the sides and also thebottomand then you want to transfer yourbutter into the pie dish and then whatyou can do is first widow spoonstart spreading it evenly so that youhave a little bit more here on the edgesbecause we will need that afford sidesand then because it’s a really stickydough you want to dip your fingers in alittle bit of flour and with thosefloured fingers you want to press thedough you can also just sprinkle just atiny bit on top so that it doesn’t stickand then start forming the sides so kindof pulling the batteronto the sidesand then you will notice well thisdoesn’t necessarily happen but I havenow some empty spots because I waspulling that all up for the solids sothen you just want to again with flouredfingers just even out the base so thatyou have enough everywhere then onceyour base is ready you want to leave itaside and we are going to prepare thefilling so for the filling you will need500 grams of work you can also usericotta cheese or cream cheese insteadand then you also want to add in thesugar 1 egg turn about a teaspoon ofvanilla paste then just grab a fork andmix until everything is well combined sothen once it’s smooth its well combinedyou can grab back your pie dish and justadd in the filling on top and then justspread it out evenlyand then you will need about two tothree apples depending on the size ofthe apples you want to deceive them andthen you want to slice the apples butnot too into really thin slices butsomething like thisand then you just want to arrange theapple slices like this over your piefilling then I have all the ingredientsfor the crumble topping here so they’recold butter the sugar and the flour andyou just want to crumble it with yourfingers until you get this crumble likestructure so once it’s looking like thisyou have this kind of nice crumblypieces you can start spreading thecrumble on top of your pieand then you just want to bake the pieaccording to the baking instructionsthat can be found in the recipe which islinked down below in the description box[Music][Music][Music][Music]so it really is a really simple recipe Ialways use quark for this pie becauseit’s this kind of a low-calorie creamcheese kind of thing that we have herein Germany but if you don’t have thatavailable you can also use cream cheeseregular cream cheese you can use ricottaor something similar for the filling andI must say this is one of the pies thatI bake the most because it’s super quickand easy to make and we really love thecombination of the crunchy crust thecheesecake filling and the apples orsometimes I’m making with berries so I’mgoing to link of those other recipesthat are similar to this pie so you canhave a look at them here right now but Ialso hope you will like this apple pieversion and that you will be trying itout if you like this recipe you knowwhat to do don’t forget that thumbs upfor support and also if you’re new to mychannel then you can subscribe right nowand if you tap the bell you won’t missany of the new videos thank you forwatching my video bye bye until nexttime