Paul Childerley and Jonny Muston pack an Air Arms S410 and an S510 to go rook shooting. It’s the time of year when young rooks are easy to shoot on branches as they muster the gumption to fly. These ‘branches’ make excellent eating. Find out how Paul and Jonny get on.
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▶ Both Paul and Johnny are using Air Arms airguns
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Video Transcription
[Music]if you want four and twenty blackbirdsbaked in a pie timing is everythingwe’re not talking time in the oven forthe perfect crust we’re talking themoment the young rooks which supply thefilling are sitting pretty on thebranches and not on the wing so here wearePaul confident of a red-letter daychecking zero on his air arms s410 intotwo joining him is his friend Johnnymustn manager at gun shop R and K stockcraft johnny has the s510 in 177 bothrifles are topped by Hawk glass zero inlacrosse divot group in for some reasonPaul is keen to show us his groupingticket learn very nice let’s see howthat translates into the field now thisis not a one for the pot exercise themeat is a byproduct its pest control andthat’s the way Paul likes it we get alot of pot on the game crops this timeyear we just put the maize in next weekwe’re gonna put amazing and we’re gonnaget quite a few rooks come out there andjust when they just come in throughthere dig down and pull them out notonly that they’ve gone to the milkycrops when the when the crops get laid ahum of the milky crops and then we gotpheasant eggs and obviously all thebirds eggs a couple of there that droveover twelve o’clock it’s at 12 o’clockmin straight a budget at 12 o’clockokay music lock don’t shoot them all youwanna sleep just balance it all nightreally enough sleep I well I’m not keenon the pie because I see what they eatso and I’ve obviously opened up a fewand it’s just not for meI’ve had a few friends that become andwe shot a few and I took up some theylook beautiful breasts like pigeonbreast and they’ve gone away and saiddad’s taken and Brooke pie it wasbeautifulJonny’s gonna take some today’s on acake him cutting a few off yes chefnot home not home job there the goodlady that the chef or is it no yeahWilliam sterilize them take all thewireworms I now tell you to I think itseems a lot of things if you don’thandle it a lot it’s never a problem butwhen you’ve seen it it’s worst I thinkyou know you’ve become sort of likechoosy dollars is king choosy what youknow it’s a finding itya know usually you open them up takethe breast off ya know right that rightlet’s get in and see what you have theinitial signs are good however theinitial shots are not knowyour people that’s precisely God Paultakes the trees apart tweaked by twinsyou knowthankfully Johnny is here to save theday I’m a 177 man personally a lot ofpeople think sort of bigger is betterand I love the 1 7 7 trajectory it’s alot of factories a lot a lot quicker hegot a bad gun because their gun I swearit what’s the difference in obviouslygot the bigger thanks mate okay it’slike 200 feet per second quicker to thetarget in the 2-2 and it just shootsthat bit flatter as well it doesn’t havethe knockdown power that you get from atutu but it does have far far greaterpenetrative powers so yeah yeah a lot ofpeople if you were shooting I don’t knowshort-range rats perhaps then the tuteewould be better but if you’re shootingat the distance especially in a thinover sort of 25 yards were you gettingthe second half of the trajectory loopthat’s where a 177 really comes into itsown I mean it’s not 50 yards betweenthese two rifles I would imagine thiswill probably drop about 3-0 at 30 willdrop about 3 inches with the pelletswere using and the tutee will doubledouble that and that’ll be six inches soyou’re getting quite a lot flatter it’sa distance judgement you don’t have tobe quite as accurate with 177 as you dowith a 2 2 because you’re getting agreater loop so if you need all the helpyou can get like meJohnny keeps chipping away pull howeveris off there’s a clear differencebetween the dedicated air gunner and therifle shot I have no patience for thisat all I want to get on I’m goinglooking down now looking for fox cubsand down that side down so I’ve heard inthe past I don’t get a rabbit and we gotthree wellyou shall find me I’m shiny I shot backnine trees realistically they’re liketwo days three days too late reallythey’ve just a bit extra wing they canget away and perch up on a nearby treethe parents I’m going to feed them thereI don’t think about going rabbitshooting rabbits talking yeah got a fewout no blow the village for a countryshooting with a tutu or one seven eitheryeah it could go good seed I usually ifI was actually mr. children he has achance on a very nicely presented bunnybut missus twice and apparently he’s achampion air rifle shot we reckon missedit but when I was younger I was in a airrifle club and team and shot camethrough stuff seven meters I think itwas a peep sights we were the championsof Gloucestershire actually I think Imake 13 12 13 to make 16 17 but I lookquite a lot from them guys and it’s gota pressure trying to shoot likeChampionships only only for 1314 allthese people watching it’s goodIV shot arrows for a long time I borrowan occasion to have a score in thegarden that’s about it yeah it’saddictive but like I said earlier yousee the difference in two characters ofhunters comes back patient methodicalwhereas I’m like you know even thoughI’m not from it down now it’s like justused to shooting 172 straight up don’tgo for another than under fifty you knowyou just straight on it’s a yeahdifferent game might be showing up alittle bit today on the old air officenot on the target so five pellets in thesame hole off the sticksbipod sticks well that’s got to wait foreverybody to I know yeah unfortunatelythat wasn’t quite there again which is abit of annoying for me because it’s ajob basically we note to take out a fewjust to reduce the numbers a little bitbecause i’d say the game crops are goinginand then that meat maize when it’sshooting it’s just it’s just like heavenfor the meek on there and go way downthe roadand then the milky crops when when thecrops start going off fly to get themilky barley jackals and rooks justabsolutely just swarm to that so what wedon’t catch today will basically beshooting in in that time of year so yepso sir your fault the one thing thatmight change Paul’s luck is a veryspecial technique championed by Johnnythe soon-to-be infamous golden touch hetalked about the golden spot I did acourse a 10 meter target shooting coursewith a pre-charged air rifle wasstanding shooting shooting 10 meter andI forget her name now so she watchingthis I do apologize but she was the GPinstructor and she was talking aboutbasically trigger control or somethingthat we all know about but it was atotally different method from what I hademployed previously which is to draw inyour breath in and then breathe out I’mgonna get this wrong now but basicallythis technique is when you touch yourtongue into the top of your mouth youimmediately stop breathing and shecalled it I think that was the goldentouch just basically it is sounds veryodd there wasn’t about goats only RonKuby reading this pitiful apologize inadvance for this bit but anyway it wasit was something along those lines Davidalright stop breathing and basically itwas about timing that all to do with thetiming is touched the timing the top ofthe mouth and then you’ve got that splitsecond there that you just relaxbreathe into it and then take the shotso and it works it works at thebeginning of the course I was shooting10 10 meters or shooting into it aboutan inch free standard shooting with dartto site and by the end of it by the endof the day using these breathingtechniques we were touching pelletsat that distance we did have standingshootings I didn’t think I’ll be able todo that I thought I was pretty good Ihad another guy not too long ago I can’tdo it now but you know practice thereyou goplease let us know if the golden touchchanges your fortunes so a fun morningwith a bag of five rooks probably enoughfor a pasty definitely not a pie if youwant to ask Johnny what they taste likeare in case stock rough like many otherUK gun shops is planning to open theirdoors on the 1st of June 2020it’s bloody trees