Welcome to “Cooking School in a Box” With Chef Gary Hild & Chef Kolika Simmons! Today we learn how to cook Biscuits and soufflé pancakes
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Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music]good morning everyone my name is GaryHill and welcome to cooking school in abox today I would like to introduce chefKalika Simmonswho has an active ACF member meaning theAmerican Culinary Federation and she’s aclassically trained chef today she isgoing to show you how to make a soufflepancake a buttermilk pancake and abuttermilk biscuit this is an inspiringlesson and contains lots of how shouldwe say cooking science to bring it alltogether please be attentive enjoy andhave a great[Music][Music]good morning everyone and welcome tocooking school in a box yeah how aboutthat the experienced chef who is goingto dazzle you with her talent is chefKalika Simmons from Kansas City Missourishe’s an excellent classically trainedchef who has served with the AmericanCulinary Federation and today she isgoing to teach you buttermilk pancakesbuttermilk crisp biscuits and a soufflépancake like none of it have a greattime watching and her demonstration youare gonna hole in for a greatpresentation thank you uh I ever shot noI’m kidding hi everybodyuh I’m chef Kalika 7/7 chef Gary you allsaw him last week maybe if you’re inthat old class but just really quick Ijust want to thank you all for having usand yeah should we go ahead and getstarted who’s excited for making somepancakes just show me some thumbs up andin the in the comments and the whateverit is yeah I see some thumbs up alrightso today we are doing three things soI’m gonna go really fast and I wouldlike it if everybody just kind of kepttheir questions sort of towards the endand I will try my very best to covereverything we’re ready we are let’s doit all right so first things first Ihave already washed my hands thoroughlyI have already done everything I neededto do as far as sanitation bigsanitation is very important and I amgonna show you something that you guysmight not have but I think you shouldget this as a scale it measures weightvia the imperial system which is poundsounces things like that or grams whichis what literally the rest of the worlduses so I’m gonna use a scale but I haveprovided measurements in both weight andvolume I’m just going to tear that outand we’re just gonna do the pancakesreally quick so in we are going to do 6ounces of all-purpose flour justmeasured right therehot boom right there insugar it’s about an ounce and change sowe’re gonna use three tablespoons yoursugar is what’s gonna make it brown aswell as the fat that’s in there amazingI’m gonna have just a little bit of oilit’s technically an ounce so that’sabout two tablespoons I can do it justby eye but you guys are new so go aheadand just you all just do that bymeasurement by volume tablespoon ofbaking powder in 1/2 of a teaspoon ofbaking soda the history of chemicalleaveners is pretty fascinating it’s afairly new thing I think we only had itsince the 1800sand that’s when cakes could sort of be ahousehold thing that half teaspoon ofsalt right in boom take my whisk righthere just gonna whisk in the dry withthe fatty stuff and you can also use twotablespoons of butter that have beenmelted up to you and just to it’s alittle bit crumbly next egg one egg it’sat room temperature because that’sbetter for baking stuff my trash bowlsdown there in buttermilk right here thisis the good stuff I’m gonna put a cup inthere I can measure it by eye pleasemeasure it yourselves with a propermeasuring thing until you get a lot morepractice and I’m gonna stir this justuntil it all comes together buttermilkis the byproduct of making butter isn’tthat cool all right so I have literallyjust stirred this until not most of thelumps are gone but about that so that’sjust really the quick gonna show youwhat that looks like right there boomkinda sorta yeah a little bitall right now we are not gonna cook thisright away no no no we’re gonna let itrest and chef Gary I’m gonna give thisto you please put this in the fridge forme thank you thank you get right to thebiscuits shall we all right bowl cleanscale yes right here all rightand we are waiting for it to tearwhich means zero outs Jeff carrion am Imissing anything that I’m thinking ofI’m looking great amazing yeah yeah wegot a little magic of TV moment for youalright so a biscuit that we know it asis actually what the rest of the worldcalls a scone so if you go to you knowEurope or India or anything like that ifyou ask for some biscuits and gravyyou’re basically gonna get cookiessmothered with like some kind of likebrown sauce and you don’t want thatbecause uh I made that mistake once andit’s disgustingso alright so that 12 ounces or about 3cups of all-purpose flouranother ounce of sugar right there boomyep right theretare okay never forget to tear stuff outthat means zero it out tablespoon bakingpowder is this sounding familiar it’salmost like these two things areinterconnected aren’t they almost likethey’re both quick breadsno okay it was funny to me alrightanother 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda sobaking soda is a single-action webinarand that means it is activated by acidsome salt right there that was a quarterteaspoon that I just used because Ididn’t even look so you actually need tohave a teaspoon so I used 1/2 teaspoonright there okay next I am going toactually get stick of butter right thereand I’m gonna take my knife got a cubemy butter area what was I saying aboutKevin all chemical leaveners when was asingle active thing oh it was activatedby moisture and acid and then bakingpowder that’s a dual action so that’swhy we can go ahead and wait a littlebit on that one because it won’tactivate until there’s heat but when youhave only only only a single active oneyou really gotta use or cook or dowhatever you’re gonna do right awaybecause otherwise the chemicalaction is only gonna happen once I lovechemistry studying how things changealright so all this butter it’s nice andcold nice cold fingers nice cleanfingers what we are gonna do and this isthe really fun part we are going tobreak this up a little bit and I’m gonnapinch in this I’m gonna rub it in it’slike I’m snapping my fingers only I’mnot I’m just pushing in this fat knotwith my hands with my fingertips becauseI don’t want it to get warm I just wantit to break up and the real trick tokeeping biscuits and scones and puffpastry and pie crust and other thingslike that is to keep all of youringredients really coldso most breads as I think a lot of youmight already know are made with yeastyeast is something that is just livingall around us all the time it’s asingle-celled little organism you canmake it you can you can make it you canharvest it yourself by making asourdough starter but you do need timewith yeast cuz it has to eat and growand fart and all that stuff and that’show you get gas in bubbles that’s howyou get all those bubbles and breadthat’s just yeast farting funny right weare almost there yeah we are almostthere so it is getting really broken upthe color is changing yeah I’m gonnacall that good so I’m gonna really quickwash my hands you zoom in on that soeverybody can see what that looks likeguys it’s really important that you washyour hands right here it’s gonna beabout the consistency of cornmeal okayit all it almost look like Garfieldcousin form you know because of theyellow butter that was put into therethere’s gonna be course it’s but it yetonce that goes fat particles areintersted dispensed in there this iswhat makes a biscuit really great yeahso just to describe that a little bitsimply butter cut into flour to make acoarse looking almost yellowish lookingcornmeal perfect think so we are readyto add we are ready to add liquid so I’mgoing to take spatulaI’m gonna make a well in the middlewhich just means I pushed all this stuffup to the side I don’t know how well wecan see that we’re trying our best guysand we are gonna separate two eggs ishow you separate an egg crack on a flatsurface especially if you’re a beginnerall right shells over here and you justlet it fall through your fingers rightthere save your hands little third bestill what it’s about cooking who caresand you know what you’re gonna wash themafter aren’t you yes you are cuz you’reresponsible you’re responsible youngpeople boomegg yolks in that is the delicious fattypart of that and that is gonna give itnot just flavor but color as wellalright next buttermilk we remember thisoh this is just until it’s about rightI’m gonna start with about half a cup alittle bit more and this is wheretexture and learning things and reallyknowing how things should be are reallygonna help you a lot so just gonna startby mixing that in you know that mighthave been good enough we’ll see chefGary would you agree that sometimesbaking recipes have a mind of their ownyes for all that are watching today doyou have your utensils and that we gaveyouand in that utensil of obviously therewas a whisk and a spatula this could bevery beneficial for you for your biscuitrecipe when you make them yes thoseutensils all got to your homes and wehope that you are all using them yeah sonow here’s comes the fun part myfavorite part this is a bench scraperyou don’t need this but I like thissprinkle dinkle right here little flourconnect it some nice flour on the handsright there like I’m washing my handswith the flour this is not exactly allmixed in this still looks like it’s gotsome granules on the bottom that’s okayyou’re going to flour your handsgenerously going to scrape offthis part right here boom and we’re justgonna push and pull a little bit likewe’re needing sorta because we want alittle bit of gluten to develop glutenis like a net that holds in gas allright so this just needed together untilit’s a sort of homogeneous dough andthen boom right there but I’m just gonnatake a little flour rub my handstogether thank you very much chef Garyand this is getting all those goodiesoff right now you can pat just like thisthat’s fine to do all those littlegoodies right there or you can use arolling pin up to you just whatever youdo fast and tough and rough I’m justgoing to show you how you do it quickbreadsyou can really push around like youreally can just like that so I’m gonnafold it this is what’s known as sort oflike laminating it just means you aremaking layers of things so I’m pushingit around getting my bench scraper tohelp me out just going really fast I’mgonna do this about four times I thinkso that was one this is two until I geta shape and the consistency that I’mreally happy with I’m gonna turn it overeach time I’m really gonna beat it I’mnot gonna need it I’m gonna beat itbecause I don’t want it to get reallytough but this is the kind of thing youcan kind of let some frustrations out onyeah I think just one more turn and Ithink we’re gonna be ready to cut it outnow I’m gonna decide what size I want Ithink I want big biscuits right so I’mgonna choose no you know I’m gonnachoose a bigger one yeah yeah I amalright these are ring cutter so you canuse a glass if you like here’s the realtrick so actually first things firstlet’s get my sheet pan shall we get mysheet pan pan spray you can also useparchment paper of course but pan sprayis just just as good so flour your ringmoldwhen you cut it please don’t cut in thetwist that’s gonna trap the glutensand it’s gonna trap all the good stuffand its really not gonna rise it’s gonnamake it too just tight so just pushstraight down boom right there it’sgonna pick it right up it’s gonna it’sgonna come away it will all right andlook at that beautiful flaky biscuitsincredible repeat the process until thensouthern style biscuits are just one ofthose great American regional classicsthat really I think everybody shouldknow how to do there is nothing wrongwith a good southern style biscuit isthere right so biscuits are socialcreatures they like to hold hands theylike to be togethernow when you have this kind of thingdon’t just smoosh it all togetherwilly-nilly you need to pinch ittogether lay it just on its side likeyou’re giving it a quarter turn and thenfold it over onto itself and don’t evenlike work at work it just give it alittle slap to get it together flourflour boom right therewe’re gives just gonna repeat thisprocess until it’s all next togetherwaste not want not right love that soundyes thank you very much all right boomthey’re social they like to be togetherthey do not socially distance this oneis gonna be a little weird to do sohere’s what actually what I’m gonna do Ifolded it folded it again pile my handflat in right here like a cup justtogether and this will just feed mylittle snacky biscuit right slap slapslap the damn now you can chill this youcan either just chill it right now untilyou’re absolutely ready to bake it oryou can even freeze them like this up toyou the important thing is for reallyfluffy biscuits you have to have themcold however for the sake of a class I’mjust going to do it right inthank you all right and chef Gary wouldyou be so kind as to set me a timer for10 minutes thank you No so right here wehave a standing mixer this is going tobe your best friend when it comes to alot of things I’m gonna get another Bowlright here then I’m gonna measure in myflour and half of my sugar and this isin grams again the rest of the worlduses grams so we should really if youcan start using it that way you’ll beable to travel internationally whenyou’re all grown up 35 grams sprinkledinkle you should have it in volume onyour recipe as well as metric so it’sreally gonna be okay on that Iron Chefall right right there all right and I amgoing to separate my ice again I’m gonnado all the sugar in here to get sugar +egg whites it’s a good thing so eggwhites are magical some day some guyjust discovered that if you whip them ifyou just whip the bejesus out of themthey triple in volume and they becomethese beautiful shiny just marbles andwe are almost there boom that’s all mysugar measured in now I’m gonna need alittle bit of milk in there so I will dothat right now just a couple oftablespoons boom buttermilk is alsoreally good all right so really quick Ijust want to point out I already have mygriddle over here it’s already preheatedit’s at like 350 but that’s kind of akind of hot so I’m gonna turn it down to300 for this just for the sake of easeall rightthis takes two eggs so once more and I’mgonna separate my egg whites into mymixer and I’m gonna be very careful allright because they don’t want my eggyolk which is the fatty part to get inmy lovely egg white which is the proteinpartright alright see she knows what she’sdoing kinda all right so we’re justbeing carefulall right here I’m not doing it in myhands just because I want to show youanother way to do it just pass it gentlybetween each to be patient you got allthe time in the world don’t you sure youdo boom thank youah she knows what she’s doing all rightI’m gonna whisk this this is what’scalled technically reverse creamy it’swhen you just get your flour and yourfat together and it creates sort of apaste and I’m gonna add just a littlebit actually a little bit of my vanillaI forgot my manila muda I forgot aboutmy vanilla boom please don’t measure howI’m measuring right now I’m just doingthis cuz I’ve been a chef for yearsyou’ll need the practiceget some good products okay promise meyou do okay okayright here attaching it there and it’sgoing to be stiff peaksright now you might see some thingssaying that you need it to be at roomtemperature it’s gonna help but honestlyif you have a machine like this itdoesn’t really matter the machine isgonna do all that work for you it’sgonna beat up those albuminsit’s really gonna get them to relax andit’s gonna get them to blow up volumewise so uh yeah we’re just waiting onthat and already this is hot and I’vealready prepared a piping bag down herenow you can use a piping bag if you likeor you can just use a plastic bag oreven just use like a scoop like this butI’m saving this scoop for later okay allright now I’m about to have this islooking pretty stiff so I am going to ohyeah we got some very glossy beautifulstiff peaks gonna whip it up when youpull it out like that and you wait forit to drop and it’s just gonna boom lookat that it just stands up like that heychef Gary could you come here for asecond okay let me just oh it didn’tfall it didn’t fall I love doing thatheard that perfect okay I’m gonna go getgonna just whip this up just a littlebit it’s kind of clumpy that’s okay nowI’m gonna press this through justbecause it’s okay to do that because Ican alright I’m getting just a littlelittle little bit of this whipped upvolume stuff and I’m just not evenstirring I’m just kind of pushing itaround just to lighten everything andnow I’m stirring it and I’m giving it alittle beat down and a little littlefold and it doesn’t matter so much thatI’m beating out some air in this stage Ijust doing this just to lighten it okayall right so now it’s lightened it’ssmoothed outso beautiful I’m gonna get another whiskfull and I’m gonna change to a spatulaafter this just a whisk of this and I’mfolding and this just means I am pushingdown rotating the bowl pulling back upgetting every delicious a little bit andwe’re just folding just until everythingis homogeneous Lulu what a good wordalright chef Gary would you be so kindas to rotate and set that for another 10minutes so we are rotating thosebiscuits in there because we want themto be evenly GBD golden-brown deliciousall right so the soufflé mix is readyall right got this and you know what Ijust realized I forgot I forgot to putin my baking powder what is wrong withmeso I’m just gonna do that really quickand just sprinkle it in and this is okayto add like right here it’s alright mybaking powder is just gonna help mestabilize my bubbles we want somestability everybody needs a littlestability in their life right see thisis why you should slow down and read allyour recipes I got cocky I thought Imemorized everything don’t do that don’tget cocky all right so I’m pouring thisinto a piping bag you can like I saiduse a scoop just to do this and this isthe fun bit a little bit so just settingit up like this just pouring thisstraight into my piping bag you can usealso a ziploc bag if you don’t havepiping bagsI like the disposable ones just easierokay not putting all of that in therebecause I don’t want it to overflowalright alright now this is where itgets fun we ready for some fun I thinkwe areokay just gonna put this over here niceand hot beautiful everything there and Iwant everyone to see what I’m doingtaking my piping bag I’m gonna squeezefrom the top and go down and I’m justgonna do little mounds we ready here wegojust squeeze off squeeze off squeeze offsqueeze off squeeze off squeeze squeezemake them as close to size as you cancuz actually this is gonna be uh I’llshow you in a second you’re gonna you’regonna basically sandwich them each oneof these is only gonna be two two ofthese mounds is gonna equal one pancakeand I’m gonna show you why in a secondalright so that showed off all that andI’m not I bawled yet as to how much itis cooking but I want to basically cookit for two or three minuteson there so while that’s cooking awayI’m actually gonna show you how to makea delicious saucebecause yeah I mean you could do pancakesyrup with all these but come on let’slet’s do some a little more fun shall weso sugar right in just a little bitbutter just a little bit this is anonstick panboom better kind of trick don’t watchbananas that’s not a lot all those areokay I’m just gonna turn all this heatto a lower medium-low I would say nowthat one might have danced at the bottombecause that’s how they go say brings inthe floor but I just blow your mindthank you all right my knife is overhere just gonna give it a quick dip newslices that’s fineright there just waiting now these alittle bit really good but I’m gonnacheck the bodice my bones are gonna gonot quite know there’s a little sweet goon this side yeah they should come alongand leave another no they’re not readythey say no get away from mewe leave people alone till they’re readywe leave things alone till they’re readythe food will tell us all right so thisit’s melting amazing we are waitinguntil it all melts we are waiting untileverything is a beautiful liquidycaramel brown and that’s when we’regonna add the bananas I get a little bitof salt there all right gorgeous carameland then boom you get your mommy ordaddy to help you out with thisnanos will stop that cooking all rightI’m gonna put it down here and add someeven more butter next big chunk ofbutter so delicious stop that cookingprocess right there wish y’all couldsmell that oh yeaha little dark that’s okay brown isbeautiful okay so thesein a flip it okay so everybody like thatright alright and then we have all thatand look at that all that beautifulsouffléeNOS that’s not a work this is also boomall that stuff so I’m going to turn upmy heat just a little bit and that’salso a reason why you want 16 now wellthat’s still doing its thingchip Caray could I please have thatother back to the pancakes that batterthat’s been resting we are gonna doeverything side by side now here we gothank you rested well it’s very wellrestedgood give my trusty scooper my Dishergonna mix it around a little bit andthen boom right thereright thereand then delicious okay so those gonnacook for over two or three minutes thisI’m really gonna stir up make sure ohyeah we got a delicious sauce rightthere my bananas are all cooked in it soimpressively done I think I’m gonna adda little bit of vanilla in herejust to help liquidize it just a hairamazing oh yeah these are good they arelet’s take a look golden brown goodnessgoing on yeah have to do my magic teamEbola because they just cooks rightthere with us didn’t they they did rightamazingso if we take it out of them we’re goingto put our pants right here to leteverybody know this is still hot veryhot so let’s not touch that’s not okaybut it’s this could be a safety thingfor everyone that you work with itmm-hmm all right now don’t get too roughwith this cuz we saw what happens theyget too rough your bubbles fall one twoboom and a nice rise coming right upright there on that flip yeah justimmediately right there right up thereokay let’s do that one more time let’ssee if she can do it again oh boy Idon’t know she feels pretty spectacularLee that’s okay uh-oh what we got onemore all right so that means we got areally nice temperature happening here Ilove it I love itlast one boom alright so that was whattwo or three minutes if thatso that’s a pretty darn quick put it ongood breakfast right guysquick that’s that cool to spend aboutfive minutes so as you can see the bitfits like it’s that big social and theyhelp each other rise and you don’t wantto get a little bit of a massive TVmoment that I want show so those we sawwe made live together this is how dowhat they look like when you make thembut you cool them you chill them forabout I think this is a chilled forabout an hour before I baked them so youcan really see side by side thedifference but that makes beautifulThank You chef Barry alright so that’smy little magic of TV moment we’re gonnahave those a little bit later right butfirst I’m gonna get these littlemonsters right that’s okayare they as fluffy as wanted no is itokay it is you know they’re still gonnabe super delicious in custody and you’restill gonna be the lightest dang thatpancakes you ever did have is it okay tomess up sure it is why did I mess thatapologies in the kitchen right this willbe staff meal but you can see though ifthey still jiggle which is still nicenow why did I fail I didn’t grease thisI took the nonstick thing for grantedwhich is something you should never doI’ve been cooking ten years I shouldknow that you still see jiggle jiggle alittle bit of this happeningstill so custardy and delicious boomthat’s right they’re incredible right sonow we have these over here whichthese in a stack if you make this doubletriple whatever batch for however manyfolks you have in your life that’s fineto do just make sure you have it youhave a sheet pan right these are alllovely by the way I’m not just savingthem off willy-nillythank you thank you just have this warmin an oven at about 200 degrees alrightand we were just gonna cook the rest ofthese off[Music][Music]done now they are firm they’re fluffythey are fresh and hydrated they’reliving their best life right and they’restacking up beautifully it’s a littlebit of a lesson in counterbalance andweight so anybody wants to be anengineer this is a test all right allright you guys I really hope this hasinspired you I hope you guys are gonnaget out there have these amazing easyquick breads to do I hope that thisgives you some confidence in the kitchenand I’ll see you on the flip side allright have a good one okay thank you somuch for joining us wasn’t that funwasn’t that a mince pie inspiring listenI had a great time sitting back andwatching all that please make sure to goto why WOM KCK that’s why WOM KCK that’syour Instagram link you know for all theinformation that was taking today weappreciate your presence we’re so gladthat you are able to join us have awonderful day afternoon and look forwardto your package that will be deliveredin the next two days with all theingredients to help you make this happennext week we’ll have one more ofwonderful video done by myself chef Garyso please join us next week as we just alittle teaser here it’s a creamy creamypasta dish so please sign up please beinvolved it’s gonna be a fun recipe andyou’re gonna just love it thanks again[Music][Music][Applause][Music]