Simple and easy pancakes – ENJOY
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
F this morning we’re going to be makingpancakes it’s great for the kids veryvery simple some very simple ingredientsand we’re going to be being and making acouple and showing you some differentadditives on different decorations toput on it in different flavors so I’lltake you over and show you theingredients and then away we will goright okay so the first thing that weare going to do is show you theingredients that we’ve got now we’re notgoing to be using all of this but thisis just ideas so that you know whatyou’ve what you’re doing so we’ve gotsome flour some milk some eggs and somesugarthey are the staples for making thepancake batter we also have some extrafruits or some strawberries fromraspberries and blueberries also somemarshmallows we cut some of thosesitting about so for kids with aslightly sweeter tooth we’ve got abanana we’ve got some we got a lemon andthere may be another surprise later togive a bit of fun for the kids you canactually use food coloring and colorthem different colors so green red bluewhatever colors just make it a bit moreentertaining for the children now theother thing is we do have some maplesyrup well fake maple syrup I do preferfull maple syrup we just couldn’t gethold of it for the minute and againthat’s what people know to put onpancakes so let me just get into thisand I’ll show you how to make the batterso you take your three eggs and youbreak them into your your Bowl yourmixing bowl so then what we do iswe whisk it up quickly breaking theyolks it just binds everything a loteasier and quicker we want two cups offlour now it can be plain or selfraising it doesn’t really matter this isa little half a cup measuring jug ormeasuring spoon so we need four of thesethere’s one is two is three and four nowdepending on how thick and fluffy youwant your pancakes you would either addmore flour more milk your sugar that youwant to add I just use castor sugarnormal granulated sugar is good so whatwe want to do is for this size of a mixis to put about three spoonfuls of adessert spoon or six little teaspoons sowe’re going to put one two in three thenwhat we’ll do we’ll start mixing that inmix it all in and as it starts to blendlike thatwe’ll add about 200 to 250 mils of milkso that’s about 200 mils I always keep alittle bit extra in case you want tomake it a little bit thinner mix inmaking sure you get all the flour fromthe sides of the dishand just keep mixing until it’s allfully combined and at this point iswhere you would add the food coloring orthis is where you would add the fruit ifyou want them to make full fruitpancakes we’re gonna make some plainones first then we’ll add the fruit tothe afterwards now that’s about theright consistency that I’m looking forlike I say if you wanted a bit fluffieradd a bit more sugar and flour if youwant it a bit thinner but smallerpancakes then just add more milk butmake sure that when you add those youmix it in thoroughly so what we’re goingto do now is move over to the to theoven or to the stovetop so what we donow is we heat up the pan so a small panhave it on about medium heat now what Ido is instead of using oil which canmake the pancake very greasy what I dois I use a bit of butter so put a bit ofbutter onto the pan and let it melt andwhen it melts you know it’s ready tocook so just let it melt nicely nice andslowexcellent keep it goingdoesn’t matter what type of body you useI tend to use your lower back I quitelike thatalmost done now the one other key thingthat I do is rather than let thepancakes bake in grease or oil or butteras soon as we are fully melted I take abit of kitchen paper and I dab it aroundand make sure that I coat the sides ofthe frying pan this makes it easier forfor cooking and it also means that thepancake doesn’t get covered in greasejust make sure that the pan is hotbefore you put the mix in the firstpancake will always take the longestbecause the pound is still warming up soI’ve just put plates there ready thenwhat you do is depending on the sizethat you want your pancake you get yourbatter I always remove it slightly fromthe heat just as I’m starting to make itand in the batter goes now you want alittle bit bigger than that so take abit more batter and then place it backon the heat now it’s just a waiting gameto make sure that it cooks thoroughlyyou will know when it’s ready to turnyou’ll start to see the edges of thepancake dry upI say dry up but it actually means it’scooking and you’ll start to see bubblesair pockets start on the pancake itselfyou do need to be careful when if youwant to try flipping it as you need tomake sure that it’s sort of half codesalready before you do any flipping or ifyou’re using a spatula go like this justbe very careful with the first flipso we’re moving along nicely and as youcan see depending on the pan that you’vegot and by putting the spreading of thebutter you can see it moving gentlywhich means it’s going to be easy enoughto flip and it’s not going to stick sojust keep it goingand here we go now as I said what we’lldo with the last pancake we’re makingthis I’ll put some blueberries or somefruit inside the pancake mix has it’s onthe or in the pan here we go this shouldbe perfect for thatfirst flip I know it’s not fully cookedat the bottom so we will flip it acouple of times the second and thirdpancake won’t take us long and then justpush it down the good thing about theseis they’re quick simple easy great for alarger family you can make lots and lotsand lots then serve them up and ifyou’ve got a little little tugs with alot or little bowls with all theingredients in kids and family memberscan have whatever they want as theiraccompany in accompaniment and then ifyou’re like chef – she loves ice creamon her pancakesso we’ve we’ve got some ice cream readyso nice and loose it’s not gonna fliptoday oh and it did at last excellentso it’s coming along nicely as I saidthe first one will allso just keep at it using the spatula topush it down to let it cook at last itdoes work excellent and you have a nicefluffy golden-brown pancake excellent sothat’s number oneso you just get a plate and look at theside now what we do I always get anotherlittle bit of butter and push it in andyou can tell the pan is heated up nicelynow because it’s sizzling away and againyou don’t want to burn the pancakes sojust do the same again with a kitchentowel and pour your second one againremove it from there from the heatexcellent nice and then what we’ll doonce we’ve got all three done is we’lltake all three over to the bench andthen we will decorate them accordinglyexcellent come on hot coming alongnicelystill a little bit uncooked so otherideas for pancakes you can if you wantto make savory pancakes for a dinner ora lunchtime you can instead of puttingall the sugar in do the same mix someeggs some milk you can add some salt toit to make it a bit savory you can addcheese tomato onions mushrooms you canbasically add any savory food to it youcan add meat um make them like minipizzas but in a pancake form and even tothe point of you can crack an egg intoit as it’s cooking into the top so it’snice and savory always remember somesalt and pepper for flavorand as you can see this pancake is nottaken anywhere near as long computebecause the pan is nice and hotexcellent that’s coming along nicely butthis is a great little thing to get thekids involved in especially for Easterand liven it up a bit let them putchocolate let them put chocolate saucesome extra extra treats in it gummieslollies whatever way you want to callthem and this one is ready which isgreat so number two is done and nowwe’re going to do number three and thisis the one that I’m going to add a bitof blue breeze into as it’s cookingnow you can either put it into the mixas you’re mixing it or you put it inafterwards like we’re about to I gainvery very simple make sure that all thebutter is taken off now I know who’sgonna have this one isn’t that rightchef – yes she loves her blue bruiseO’Kane the same sort of mix and thenwe’ll just add some blue grease into thetop there we go very similar processjust cook awayexcellent so I’ll put these over here Ithink you ready what would be fun isanybody who tries this at home takephotos of different mixtures differentflavors different ways that you cookthem post them on our Facebook page andwe’ll share and we’ll have a we’ll havea look now this one here I wouldn’t betrying to flip it because of theblueberries in itI mean flip it with your from the panbut just let it cook away don’t bescared of it so anybody who wants toshare their ideas very simple ourfacebook page if you just search themouth chef we will be putting thesevideos all on both social media so it’llbe on YouTube and it will also be on theFacebook page so that’s nicenicely a little bit more cooking thesetwo girls amazing chef ones gonna bechef who’s gonna be happy and excellentperfectso almost doneand let’s go back to the main area fordecoration now let’s have a look so wehave the three pancakes here what youcan do is as I said before you exactlyput some fruit on it whatever fruit youwant now the other thing that Isometimes like to do is fresh creamwhipped cream I whip the cream up withwith some sugar in it and I also whip itup with a little bit of honey say half aspoonful of honey inside and gives it alittle bit of better taste and textureand let’s put some bananas on one ofthese very simple get your banana pop iton this is the banana and marshmallowone great you get some of your fakemaple syrup real maple syrup doesn’thave additives it’s pure 100% maplesyrup get that from any good supermarketsame as sources chocolate sauceraspberry sauce you can squeeze lemon ontop and some extra sugar if you need toor for chef to what we do is we put abig dollop of ice creamon the blueberry one but she’s gonnahave some fun eating that that’s a greatbreakfast very very simple excellenthopefully you’ve enjoyed that today letus know your comments and have a greatbreakfast and a great Easter thank you