Vegan Pancakes for Dinner cooking special with Pleeb n Ann
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
and there we go what’s up everybody myname is Siri plebeI used a than pronouns and this is myyoutube channel and I also have a twitchchannel and we’re going to string thison Twitch but we decided let’s do it onYouTube because we did our other cookingshow on Twitch the other day and then wewere sitting here for a good fiveminutes going why isn’t it live onYouTube yet it’s because this one got topress the live button on YouTube studiothere’s a lot of buttons to push upthere’s a lot of buttons we did it it’sa lot about here you know is everybodyelse ready for the the most amazing lifehack you’re ever gonna see it is a it isseriously quite the live fact that wefigured out here fix us gosh it’s a it’sa constant game of like these things tolook like they were meant to be thereeven though they’re not like I just mashthem together you know but oh well aslong as I make you all feel like you’renot the boomers that I am then we’redoing good how’s the audio huh-huh how’sthe audio going everyone how’s everyonedoing let’s talk about our day let’stalk let’s talk about this united thingreally quick just get it out of oursystem give you give people the updatejust to kiss anybody just in caseanybody heard about what we werestreaming about earlier when we weregoing carrying on united let’s just giveyou the update about what happened thereand then we’ll start with our cookingshow okay really fast so I’m here inHawaii I do not live in Hawaii I camehere to Hawaii to be with theory for acouple weeks because I can’t go toschool schools online not working rightnow and you know what during a globalpandemic I’m sure you would love to bewith your loved one partner becauseespecially we didn’t know like when we’dbe able to see each other next withflights shutting down and craziness andstay at home hoarders all this stuff sowe thought you know what and in mySpring Break was last week – I wassupposed to go to an academic conferenceover spring break that got canceled so Ilike like fuck it I was just gonna besitting at home doing nothing so insteadI decided to come stay here and donothing but with daily so I had myreturn ticket oh I bought it you know afew weeks ago to come to return to Boisecanceled on the six Oh on six and it wascanceled it’s like okay I to cancel thatin credit it is account canceled theygave me credit for a new flight it’slike make sure you want a few no flightsometime later that week and there werethere was one literally the next day butlike the credit that gave me was solittle it wasn’t like credit for a newflight it was just like money credit andgranted I same destination as the flightbefore literally one day later and Iwould have had to pay well I had to payan extra two hundred dollars to get homeand so we basically I called them thismorning I was like what do we do andlike oh just go to our website and finda ticket it’s like ok easy enough I wenton there I’m like wait saying I stillhave to pay like 200 bucks so we decidedto call them to call United and LordJesus that took about an hour and a halfto two hours of our time talking to oneperson I was the second time waitbecause we called what you called earlyand early in the morning that was quickbecause I didn’t know that the creditwas so shitty so anyways we call oneperson this person we can barely hearthem it’s kind of muffled but they’relike oh yeah you don’t see there sothere was a flight the next day that wewere looking at on the website that wasyou know those gonna charge me extra andwe’re like um so there’s this flight weI need to get on it but the credit yougave me is really low and this personwe’re talking to was like I don’t see aflight I don’t see what flight you’retalking about on our end good here thenext flight is on like May 10th andwe’re like oh no the fuck not it says soright here on your website and you’relike let me transfer you to someone elseslippers new transfers us to like samething like I’m not seeing this flightlet me transfer you to our bookingpersonand this poor booking person we took itout on her but though they’re like theydidn’t even have a phone did anyonephone they were calling from they wereusing the internet they were like I waslike I was like I don’t know what’s upwith your phone lines and she’s likecrackle crackleshe’s like it’s the Internet and I waslike what are you using Google Voicelike I didn’t say that but I was like Iwa yeah just cutting in and out we couldhear maybe every other syllable and sowe’re having a hard time hearing youand basically the she gave me the samefucking answers that I got this morningin my like two minute phone call but itwas like oh well yeah there’s thisflight and you can use your credit butit’s gonna be an extra that’s really$200 no we’re fucking calling you to sayit I shouldn’t have to pay any extramoney yeah you cancel my flight you getme a flight back around that time andthe price I get that there’s supply anddemand but just because demand has goneup fuck you I bought this ahead of timethat’s the whole point of purchasing aticket ahead of time as before thedemand goes up so no I’m wrong butanyway so we ended up having to eat itbecause there was nothing else we coulddo and it’s like I need I need to getback to voice you know and so we triedcalling Expedia which is where I boughtthe ticket from originally and we wereon hold for so long I just said you knowfuck itand now that’s basically it but we willhave to argue with you that anymorelater yeah I know I just wannareimbursement I just wanted to givepeople that heads-up that that’s a thingso but now it’s not like I was here onvacation it’s not like I’m here partyingit up traveling no I’m literally we’veliterally been in this house we went tothe to the cliffs once but we run aroundother people know and then in the videoabout us going to the cliffs it comesout on like Monday or Tuesday I forgetwhen a scheduled right now anywaywhatever whatever put that aside socooking now I am NOT a vegan but Iconsider myself to be quite the goodvegan expert because I mean notexpert I mean Ally because I like tomake food for my vegan friends and youknow I think it’s an important form ofactivism and so anyway an is really andan is always looking for a way to findfood that’s enjoyable obviously andcoming here where I bought some food inadvance so that you know she’d have somestuff but not everything and then we wefigured out a hack for this pancake mixand we want to share it with everybodybefore before any vegans think that theyhave to go whip it up from scratch butyou can be ready would you not to Hardybut like this isn’t just for vegans itturns out this is also like you knowlike bachelor cooking like you know it’slike the laziest form of cooking this isalso kind of like that so it’s going tobe a life hack and everyone willappreciate it so are we ready to do ityeah let’s do itI’ve brewed up some coffee and we’ll gostand in the kitchen and show you thebox thank youwell I was gonna come over there in asecond but but all right who’s in thechat here we’ve got I’ll be the chatperson this is the way we did last timeit’s actually a terrible pot no thatthat’s the pot that oh you mean thecoffee grounds or Walmart yeahso I accidentally bought like this whatis it like some truffle like whitechocolate truffle strawberrytruffle yuck so last night when I wasdrinking some of that I was like are youbecause I do not like I do not likeflavored coffee do not like flavoredcoffee at allstrawberry truffle um so anyway yeahI’ll take care of it don’t worry aboutitokay just your thirstalright it’s folksbut no hutch means milk and oil and eggsor so fail what if we drop that waterand eggs that’s all at all okay so thisis a terrible this contraption not verytight or too long no it’s too hot andthe thing with me is like the coils isthat so hard to turn it down becausethey’re already really hot so if you’retoo high and wait so long it’s likeedibles rather not high enough throughto up same with this oh we need coconutoil as well yesjust water3/4 cups of lentils and 4 cups they toldme the microphone wasn’t working maybethat’s good to measure but when you’redoing mixes or I don’t know like whenwe’re making our curry last night and Imeasure anything you just kind ofeyeball it until it’s the consistencythat you want 96 frames per second is inthe houseHolly is in the house what’s up Hollywhat’s upDamon Garcia Dani garments per secondillegal and free came in at a good timewhen we’re talking about edibles yep yessuch a substance waited in thebackground no copyright no processorhere I told my sisteryour sister’s not here yet I don’t knowcool cool cool welcome everybody here weare we’re not good food ideally youwould use a whisk but we don’t have awith your no ID using a spatula thing Ineed water because thank you this islazy like college kit cooking I’m notlazy it’s easy it’s easy and it doesn’ttake very much time and when you’re busyintellectual or a busy work or be or abusy whatever you are a busy person oryou’d rather just be in bed with yourpancakes as soon as possible just do itthe easy and fast way Holly says oh lookat that pan it’s getting too hot by yourcoffin okay folks do not do do not dothat Jesus yeah it gets too hot too fastthat’s that’s part of it but Holly saysy’all I never measure anything anymoreunless it’s the very first time I’mmaking a recipe yeah or like if you’rebaking something baking is a little bitdifferent because of just the way theoven works and the ingredients work likebaking soda and baking powder lucky formaking cookies I would say follow arecipe and stick to it as close as youcanjust because everything is verydeliberate and cookies and if you usetoo much flour too little flour whateveris gonna be us okay while we’re cookingso I used to have this recipe forchocolate chip confusedthat was the crowd-pleaser that’s thatlooks region I don’t know what to I it’sliterally down it’s just gluing to italright we need to get this this is amess I told you all it’s all there toohigh or not excuse the smaller burneryeah we’ll use the smaller burner okaylike yeah yes sorry to interrupt yourstory but okay so anyways here is here’sour batter it’s nice and runny you’retalking with camera oh I’m showing I’mshowing the batter here I can’t hold onlet me demonstrate okay I’m sorryapparently I’m in coma I mean call thishold this I was trying to tell you thisearlier okay this is huh so cuz theyhave eyes on it so you just look at thecamera you talk to them like that that’sokay there we go here here it is therewe go it’s ready guys it’s like wouldívethat’s what we like that’s where wewaited gravy like the gravy it’shands-free warm is this stove is justkind of a nightmare but we do this isthe world’s worst pan probably becauseof my terrible cooking let’s let’s behonest I probably ruined this panthere’s no you can’t ruin it yeah Ithink it was a no stick at one point andnow it’sso this pant okay this pan also kind ofsucks though because it like it likedips down like it’s not flat it doesn’tget like levelyeah and that might look like old eggbut that’s not what that is like the oilif you put oil then I’ll it just fallsto the side so it is what it is we’regonna get that and try to cover themiddle a little bit but again it’s likea weird it’s like a little hill in themiddle so you can never really get itall the way covered unless you might puta shit-ton in but we’re not trying todeep-fry this batter enough 96 framesper second is really intrigued by thecamera setup yeah we got three camerascuz we decided to use my phone for thiscool on discord yeah so the free camhere is just a phone on this cord it’sit’s it’s genius and then we have thatcall the the computer that it uses awebcam so I’m just gonna wet and leavethis right here welcome to banana intheory depth show and now this is coolbecause it has a little like spout rightthere so I’m just gonna pour some in youcan hear it sizzling that’s what I liketo hear96 frames per sec this pan is oleophobicso like raincoats being a hydro philicdoes that mean that they like waterwhat’s oliowe’re doing our best here sorryyeah we have to do real-time directionbecause it’s so livestream it’s easy toruin pants working in kitchens for somany years we’d get naan sticks all thetime at every kitchen okay I’ll get backon camera back on camera duty back oncamera duty so anyways I was telling astory about cookiesyes backs is for the best cookie recipethe best way of making so before I wasvegan I really like to make things it’sjust harder now when you don’t have likedairy products and all the good recipesrequire dairy products but this cookierecipe like pretty a pretty basic cookierecipe the big difference was so stepone you mix up your brown sugar and yourregular sugar I think it was like a cupof sugar 2 3 and 3/4 cups of brown sugarand the add your butter and a lot ofrecipes will say oh like the butterneeds to be just room temperature so forsomething for for most people who neveractually pulled the butter out inadvance oh whoapancake try to coat this a little bitmore get all the oil that has fallendown into the sides and it will not getinto the middle at all it’s impossiblebut what we can do we can so instead ofsorry instead of adding likeroom-temperature butter um or barely youknow just softened butter uh what Iwould do is melt the butter in themicrowave completely and add that meltedbutter to the sugar and then mix it upand let it sit for like 5 to 10 minutesand stir and then in another Bowl youknow you mix the dry ingredients theflour the salt the baking powder andafter thatafter the wet mixture has sat for alittle bit then you would add into thatthe eggs the vanilla and then you likemix the dry mix in like three quartersor three quarters like a third to aquarter at a timethe reason I would let thee let it sitis because I get just the the butter andthe sugar like would kind of give it acaramelize like toffee ish taste andthen they would come out of the ovenjust so soft and chewy and then on topof it before I cook it you like add alittle bit of salt and oh so good so ifyou’re making cookies try it out meltthe butter mix it into the sugar firstand then let it sit for a little bitbecause every time I made cookies peoplewould always call it on this tasteit’s like toffee ish caramel ish tastingsome water the fan blowing into thekitchen did not help so now we’re gonnablow out of the kitchen okay we’ll befineor you’re witnessing the death of uswhich case please call the police damnyou don’t want no cops actually don’tcall the ambulanceI don’t have enough money to pay forthat shit so just throw us a funeralright here on stream in the comments thelegal and free says dang sounds goodyeah y’all it’s really good hey I readsaid interestingly enough I was cookingmy night in my niece some pancakesearlier as well this morning that ispancakes are so good it’sI mean I get like buttermilk pancakeseverything but it’s like I feel likerestaurants should just at this point berequired to have like a main dish that’sdairy-free or vegan or whatever like Iwant to be able to go to IHOP and notjust have to eat fruit it’s not hard ata toes it is not that harddo like a how about a specialtydairy-free egg-free french toast youknow as we see with these pancakes righthere you just don’t have to add theother stuff in it’s fine yeah cuz onceyou put I mean here’s the differencebetween these and the other mix whereyou just have to add water thebuttermilk mix they’re not as sweet Ipersonally love that I personally thinkthat that is so good but when you putthe sugar or the the syrup in the peanutbutter and the butter and the bananas onit you can never tell the difference sothey’re they’re just not as sweet you’renot adding like milk and oil and eggsand you’re not I don’t know but it’sjust it’s easy it still tastes good heyHolly says I completely agree with youand also please don’t die on stream butif you do start to die she’s gonna comeon down she’s got first aid for you goodwe’re safe so for people who’ve neverpicked up a spatula in their lives I didwant to say just don’t be scared aswe’re showing you like you can fuck upas you go it’s totally all experimentalprocess like our generations likeforever as like forever going forwardyou know this is the way it will beyou’ll have people who like they don’tknow they just won’t know how to fendfor themselves and you have people whodo know how and we are going to be onthe side of those who who do know howand share that know how arm sleep Iwould say if you’re scared of cookingmake a Pinterest account and then justsearch like recipes or if you have aspecial diet searchthere’s specific food you like becauseyou can find some really easy things onPinterest I have a whole pin boardthat’s just recipes that I want to makeand I’ve made a few of them on there butit’s really easy cooking is a lot of funat least for me but as I mentioned lastnight I grew up in a family of chefs andbakers and food lovers and people werejust really good like how good homecooks my dad cooked professionally for abit so kind of does so I guess that wassomething that you said yesterday butyou haven’t said today and kind ofpicked up a lot of these skills justseeing her dad being a chef and thenlike me my dad kind of really loved tocook a couple of meals my mom hated youcook but she had a couple of meals thatshe was really good at as well and thenyou know just like the longer you liveon your own and the more you get fed upwith certain things you eventually forceyourself to learn this or that and forme that’s like I basically add a dish ortwo every couple of years but they’veaccumulated at this point where I’ve gotsome good ones like we got we made currythe other night I love curry you knowbut that’s slightly more elaborate yeahpancakes this is like ground floor thisis like you can make a grilled cheeseyou can make a pancake soup soup is alsoso easy you literally just like putvegetables and some spices in a pot andthen add some broth and some noodles ifyou wantoh that’s hilarious Danny Garcia saysterribly wave it the other camera on youI see you yeah it’s a good girl goodthing I wasn’t playing with myself underthe table here because you’d be like weactually see you what you’re doingthey’re like well you know you you knowby the way I’m wearing this dress do youlike this dresswait a minute is that oh I see why it’snot the mirrorit’s the is your phone that’s catchingit yeah Oh yesterday was the mirror butthis is so disorienting it’s like itcools down like it sits see it’s not ashot tell this thing before was likebubbling up so fast and just ready likesuper fast and now it’s like it’s justnot as hot Danny’s a 4-peat 4 a.m.hey it’s good to see you first of alllong time no see says if anyone feelsbad about making mistakes while cookingwatch some old Julia Child shows i I youknow actually I I need to because that’sa that’s a reference that I’m missinghere we are now I just can’t see youlearn from pops as well yeah I mean Idon’t know there are people in the worldwho just but can’t refuse to try cookingand it’s like not speaking from personalexperience at all but I knew someone whohad a roommate who for the first likelike three months of this person livingwith this roommate he was like you knowcollege-age video-game-playing personwas just only order takeout fruit likeevery night for dinner rich kid rich kidokay and then this person’s roommaterealized oh fuck I broke from would onlyeat like only eat eggs tortillas withcheese melted in the microwave not evena fucking quesadilla and like cup noodleand a few other things that were so likebasic but I’m like this person thisperson whose roommate this was never sawtheir roommate cook anything that lookedgood or appetizing the whole time theylive together and it’s like hot like howcan you exist I think I didn’t get beinga busy college student but and you knowonly being able to make something kindof tasty every what only once a week butit’s like how about like some toast withlike some peanut butter on it how abouta grilled cheesehow about anything with any nutritionalvalue so dangerous maybe says Juliataught a whole generation how to cookDanny says Julia was renowned for bothbeing an excellent cook and making a lotof mistakes on camerashe didn’t edit out mistakes because shewanted people to see how to recover fromthemokay so Holly might die in with usprobably welcome is there reallyoh boy grandma oh geez other people’sdrama not our we’re not dead yet Janicewe are now we know double up ulusal itthe cost illegal and free said learnedhelplessness maybe I had a roommate likethat in my 20s frozen pizzas or takeoutevery night you all see Holly come indid you see I don’t know if you couldsee but this is uh this is silver bootspartner you’ve probably seen her in chatwelcome welcome welcome to the this isthe spot this is the spot where silverspook and Holly both came in before totrial runs a bite of our curry there’s alot of rain coming down right now folksactually the ringhi Bennyat least it’s been nice during the daythough not like yeah when I first gothere was like pouring rain just everyday all day it’s kind of depressing herethis is not coronavirus either this isjust called for a mr. ed this is allfrom our original pan pan error I thinkit was the on ungreased ungreased anerror fucking classic mistake lasticyeah it’s one I’ve done before and thatI will do againyeah I’ve had to think about handles alittle I might just do something elsewith this one like I might with this panand the set up the way it is coconut oilall the time might not be the best waybut um Hale man says do you considerveganism to be natural soul Terry saysme no I didn’t think so Joe yesyou consider it to be natural orHughie’s natural are we are we real arewe natural I guess like if you’re askingdo you think humans were just like meantto be vegan I don’t know like here’s mytake on veganism is I don’t necessarilythink that people like shouldn’t consumeanimal products like if we have found ause for eggs or cow’s milk and if ourbody is able to digest some of it andwe’re able to get it in a humane andcollective way to where it’s not us likestealing from and exploiting animals butit’s like just animals and humanssharing our resources and we take careof animals in exchange for what they cangive us to cook with then like I don’tsee anything wrong with thatI’m so not sure where I stand on like ameat-eating I definitely don’t thinkhumans need you’d like drink cow’s milklike but if you could use it to makesome frosting or you know make ice creamand you eat a little bit of it okay butthe current dairy and egg and meatindustry is just so inhumane and sickthat it makes me feel gross like justthinking about it thinking about puttingme in my body ever again makes me feeldisgusting and I can’t dothere yeah again and it’s just likeanimal products I don’t know give mymoney tonight an industry and thenSilver’s food can’t can’t not yet notyet yeah see it’s like some people likeyeah yeah and I know there are a lot ofvegans who think oh you have to be veganeveryone needs to go vegan and likeeveryone has to be vegan like me yeahit’s gonna be just delicious everyonealso be vegan I just don’t think that’srealistic what I do think is realisticis cutting meat and dairy and out of ourdiet so much to where it’s just adelicacy or we just use it in likecooking but our main meal like shouldn’tjust be like a steak and some I’llcreamy cheesy potatoes like you do needvegetables you do need like you meanfruits and vegetables and it’s reallygood you can make tasty things out ofthem like I’m so tired of like you knowa veggie burger to me tastes just asgood as a you know in-and-out burgeryeah obviously they’re not they’re notsupposed to taste like the same thingthough my take on vegan easy my take onveganism just got shared in the chat youknow I’ll watch it later because II want to be eating the vegetables yeahI think for some people who really likeddairy products before they were veganreally enjoy things like vegan creamcheese and vegan egg substitutes andit’s like impossible burgers and allthat I personally just like never reallyate dairy products like I hated prettymuch all dairy products except for likeice cream and nonfat milk before I’dlike butter on toast and stuff it wasreally the haagen-dazs is the best kindwell my sister works at Baskin Robbinsand she says the vegan chocolate chipcookie dough is the best flavor in thewhole store like oh that’s cool soreally quick just back to the morephilosophical implications of thequestion is it natural or can everyonedo it one of the biggest things aboutwhat is natural is like first of allhumans are natural when it comes toethics we can’t go off of what’s naturalbecause you know this sociologicalanthropological like these things arenot reducible to biological and you knowif my intro to philosophy lecture thatjust went off gets into a little bit ofreductionism and why I’m not into it butone of the things that we do get fromnature is radical diversity and howthat’s important for survival and maybethis is just an analogy but we do seeradical diversity in human idea systemsgroups and you know so like at everylevel we see that kind of university andso I don’t think you know a questionlike that it’s like well no human dietsare always gonna be very different therewill never be the one right diet becausehumans are so diverse and that’simportantwe need that and we wouldn’t we wouldn’twant to live in a society where 95% ofpeople could all get by on the samethree products because we’ve stoppedthrowing other products and we probablysay to those other five percent ofpeople will fuck you would die we don’tcare about you anymore but as long asit’s a scattershot and you know you’vegot people that are billionaires whocan’t eat meat you’ve got people who arebillionaires who can only eat meatwhatever you knowokay we’ll always have some kind of adiversity of foods there’s only one dietthat’s wrong and that’s JordanPeterson’s only meat and saltstraight-up water diet that’s not goodthat’s not healthy I don’t care what yousay I don’t care I’m talking usefulTerry I don’t care what you think abouton Evabuilding your muscles you can’t eat asteak three meals a day and only thatthe Germans like I tried it I got sickeverybody who tries to get sick like whywould anybody ever try it after readinghis description of health but then he’slike but I have lots of energyTito puts you in a primal state butthat’s not a good place to be most ofthe time for most things and that italso like is easy to do rail by drinkinga little bit of apple cider and thenyou’re gonna have a bad day yeah thatweek that worst worst night of his lifenight if you was out for a month youdidn’t sleep we’re second ultimatelylife you yeah I think that you know mewas always more of like how are we gonnaget through the winter kind of a thingand I like a party feast right like likeit was it was like oh my god all rightlike let’s uh let’s sacrifice this goatyou know whatever it was a sacrificelike when when old cultures andsocieties would kill an animal they useevery part of it it was a big dealnow we murder you know millions ofchickens every day we grind upbaby chicks because we don’t need thembecause they’re just objects to us andwe don’t make that connection I think ifwe were just living in a world where weall knew that you know this meat thatwas on our table or this you knowwhatever this ice cream that came from aliving thing and are just the sentimentof like compassion and kindness andrecognizing other beings we need thatback and with our current animalagriculture system we’re never gonnahave that because it’s so easy to hideand these big companies they just it’scapitalism they just care about profitso they will they will do everythingthey can to hide it so they can keepmaking money because they know so longas people don’t know the truth aboutwhat’s happening in these industriesthey’ll be so successful because allbacon so good you know Oh juicy steakfurther out so I was just trying to seeif I can get chat back on screen heretry to reset it this was a big messgetting set up yeah and I’m still thisis all very experimental mode with themulticamit’s a little bit pathetic this onenight chats not back watch chat chatBOTS I want you back okay we’re back onthe screen we’re backno no I have meet Moulton hello goodnessyou don’t have a green screen so my hairshows up I just think that vegetablesare tastythose are vegetables are tasty I’drather eat Brussels sprouts and baconany day mr. SS smash fascism and smashcapitalism and also smash proper terianISM yeah and also imperialism and alsoanybody who argues with you because nowyou’re a moderator I don’t know whychats on screen I’m gonna give up onthat I’m gonna so I don’t want to stressit it’s in the chit’s and y’all can seeit in the chat that’s fine yeah okay butI did want to read what Mikey said thatwas some good shit so he said ourlibidinal economy’s Mikey what’s alittle bit in the OL economy like Ithink of that as like we have desireattraction sort of like flows in ourbodies and psyches better and that’s oura little bit of libidinal economies Ithink right but anyway our libidinaleconomies are totally structured aroundthe signifier symbolic order we have nopure needs or nor instance we havedrives and drives are not reducible tobiology yeah and in fact drives couldput us in the situation where we spendmost of our lives at a tug of war andwhere we live in like cognitivedissonance and compromise betweencompeting drives and so dangerous maybejust publish a whole theory post on onhis blog so go check it out it’s onmedium he explains the differencebetween the pleasure principle and thedeath Drivegood stuff what’s wrong with lagoonsFred me up baby says illegal and free soit is Freudian what it’s Lacanian theway that he does it and which is why ithas to do with the signifier so I don’tknow I don’t know I don’t know I don’tknow about Freud but I like Lacan and Ilike pecan because of the dangerous madebecause I’ve had a lot of conversationswith them and I see how useful it isso yes well what do you have against thegoose yeah well you got against lagoonsHospital swell chariot put out a greatvideo a few days ago about how to getfit during this quarantine I don’t carehe’s still canceled for not likinglagoon and then he insulted lentileaters at the very end that video was sogood and then you trashed on my lentilswhat’s going onwhat a dick displaying yourself Iliterally immediately took theoriesphone and messaged him I was like I’mit’s not okay not okay it’s not okaynever okay that line does I don’t haveto eat them but I think what what what’swill meant is that there’s all thesepeople who spend a lot of time doingstretches and little what is it versusversatility training and they they likeeat lentils and think they’re gonnastill be able to build strength yeah andthey’re not getting those they’re notbuilding their core strength corestrength is built through followingsolitary its program and I can tell youthis because I’ve tried it before I lostmy access to a gym on a regular basiswhich was very neat yeah we were doingtogether in fact we’re doing it togetherfor like a month or so to a month and ahalf and thenokay yeah Chuck mm-hmm chat is back itlike to this whole like wait and it’llbe a like on the leg you’re gonna beable to see it it’s so funny it comeslike yeah anyway well welcome back Chadgood to see youthat’s much better that’s exactly wherethat’s supposed to go yes I am soexcited yeah yeah yeah yeah there it isyeah I think everybody in chats like 30seconds behind yeah so when you touchwhen you type you’ll still see a delaybut before it goes up on screen you’llhave to blame the fact that billionairesdon’t rely on the same internet servicesthat we do for that one says too muchfiber too much fiber fine for sedentaryanarchists bad for digestion efficiencyit’s fine if you just want to hang outin your tree house out back listening toblack it’s black flag out and stop it doyou get the reference it’s from the newessay he does a he’s like he’s like meand my friends are building dual powerstructures in our tree fort we listen toBlack Flag albums is the best tree forit I’ll show a picture of the tree Ihave it handy it’s an amazing tree wellthere’s two people I’m not gonna what’sgoing on in this chatand thisOh No trying to make it go fullscreenoh yeah that’s so much so hard over heremy monkey yellow so but my if those arethe folks herthere’s nothing grosser in the worldmaybe then this fucking thing that I’mgonna put on the screen I was gonna showyou something differenta good tree an epic tree but instead I’mgoing to show you this fucking worm yessee how easily you just did thatyou’ve become Trump I know I’m sorryokay I think the whole cadence aboutyeah I’m sorry it’s terrible I do itwith everybody a great thing a wonderfulthing a best thing tremendous anywaythis thing is nasty a drugs needs to belocked up look at that thing so thisfucking worm hold on can we zoom infucking it has this fucking hammerheadshark bullshit on it fuck nature that’swhy humans aren’t natural okay cuz fuckthatcuz fuck that we became human becausefuck nature and then people were likewhy are you messing up matric well we’vekind of got an axe to grind against thefucking Hammerhead worms okayI mean I think at this point we’ve doneenough damage we’re probably even youknowbut okay and here’s know they’re sostickywell what’s really scary about themfolks is that they eat earthworms aregood and a species that is its entireexistence is predatory on earthwormsit’s like a species whose entire imaginewasps instead of just loving to hurthumans and do nothing in nature alsolove to kill bumblebees that’s basicallyit’s basically what the situation isexcept that these things look like thefucking alien for pitch black but slimyI don’t think they’re that scary-lookingpersonally and you’re they’re scary theconcept of them is terrifying so that’swhat makes it scary it’s like a leech Iwill not walk through tall grass whileI’m here I would there you go folks onscreen that’s the good tree we couldtotally do a tree for dinner let’s doour our dual power structures in therethere we go swell join us we’ll listento a black bike you know revolutionalright we’re backI think chat went away again and I thinkwhat it might be is that we’ve got threecameras going all basically I don’t knowit might be a little much for this forobviously processing right so it’s likeand then it’s gonna you know the thingya know let’s please like have to turnthem after time I’m saying Biden ismslike you know the thing and it probablymakes me sound yeah you know the thinggo you know the thingI can’t even now right now because Ithink that that means okay yeah thingsare saying birdiesyeah I also do I doI do sometimes do the Bernie isms I amonce again asking you for your financialsupport like you probably know thatwe’ve been getting attacked a lot rightnowhe’s like by the billionaire class bythe media by the establishment by the bythe drug and oil companies by thelobbyists by Wall Street by that by thatbitch Hillary you know the thing is justhow my partner Hawk says illegal and Isays illegal and free honestly likewe’re in to that point where everythingwas like it’s a thing you know you knowthe thing I would never I would nevernormally say that be worried Hillary butI have to that was a that was a tigerKing reference you know watched it yetyeah finished it I actually missed thelast 10 minutes so I have to watch thatbecause I fell asleep but I go back toit I was like so I know what’s gonnahappenso after that point the only part that’smissing is that Joe exotic now hascoronavirus yeah we prisonershe’ll probably get out because they’llbe like wow you know you’re rich canCape I think that’s how it worksstruck early going free I watched it inlike four days but I took a break forlike a day yeah yeah you need a breaklike who came I need to watch somethingelsealright now Anne has made quite thestack so I can I could take over cookingthe last bit and you and Holly can eatand talk to the chat if you want I’ll dosome of the final stuff in there I’ll bewhipping in the kitchen whipping in thekitchen hammer head worm killed CarolBaskin sorry the husband yeah yeah don’tkeep dawn had it coming great yeah agood guy a great guy great wonderfultremendous man yeahtotally not at all a piece of shitbillionaire yeah yeah yeah so secessionkind of has a Bernie Sanders characterthat the billionaires hate and they’reall like I think you want so why notstop on the street and showed us is oneof the lines from one of the people inthe show and there’s a couple of coolclass-conscious see moments for it likethe one guys like trying to show likethe new the cousin the new kid at theworkplace like how to how’d it be richhe’s like taking him out to like allthese expensive places and like you knowthat one of the show the price of thewine he’s like that because it’s tooexpensive and like you know they do abunch of weird stuff but anyway like andhe’s and he’s like we get to do whateverwe want you know and stuff like that soit’s true it’s real straight upyou wouldn’t find Oliver Hortons feet Iknow the fuck Forks I have to wash themI know it shows there’s one here sothese these tiles really because we gothrough so many paper towels we decidedto start using just bought these thingsby the bundle yeah they’re like somereusable so this is this not veganbutter when you like butter these andeverything on camera can you like usethis like having some struggles okayokay let’s chat going Holly in do youwant to keep us up today illegal inthree gone my legal yeah and the dangersmay be said Trump will probably pardonJoe exotic okay I heard that I heard theparty part but this position inadministration worse I was worse I wouldnot be surprised I mean yeah and thispoint you like will be ahead of theyeah or length us should get ready theyare these are the babies I’m warmingmine up because they were the bottom ofthe stack it’s really important to dothat folks listen don’t give don’t justlike make a stack and then everyone goand start eating because whoever getsthe bottom a stack see me eat me Sallygo soggy ones have to be thrown on againin that pan is still hot so keep that inmindyeah if you want to be a good hostdesperate Damon says what’s up Holly Ipersonally think these are so muchbetter like so good I like they’re notvery sweet and also I mean I think thatit was kind of in the title the titlesays that you don’t that is what I saidpancakes for dinner I think and it’slike that’s a thing you can do you knowbreakfast isn’t all anytime food now theweird thing is like lunch and dinneroften gonna be a lot harder to eat forbreakfast that’s kind of weird butbreakfast is that you can eat at anytime a grilled cheese or some lentilsoup for breakfast and there’s anothervery startling sometimes I do that allyour leftovers for breakfast or I’lljust wake up Soleil and like 10 o’clockor 11 o’clock and I’m gone you know andsome of us are more affected by thoseconstructs than others me I can’t dospaghetti for breakfast okay I couldn’tdo spaghetti at 6:00 a.m. but I could doleftover spaghetti at like 11:00probably if I was hungover but I don’tdrink anymore so but when I was hungoverit’s like that’s the only time I couldreally do like leftover pizza and craplike that it’s like cuz it’s greasy andshitty and you feel like shit so doesn’tmatteryou just want to eat something all rightnow it’s time for me to do the thing youknow the thing you know that say he’sgonna live a lot longer than Biden whichprobably won’t take very long you knowthat’s rickets yet for them for your bythe Biden fireside chat only $2800listen that yeah I saw it cuz you sharedit oh yeah what yeah why why is it somuch I know it’s a livestream that’smore than our stimulus check Jesus tolda government give us at least threethousand dollars so we can all watch byus and was talking about because one ofthe political science club people islike a Biden stand like this reallysweet like Bernie like very anti systemand this guy would like suck Joe Biden’sdick Bernie I don’t know but I wasthinking about I didn’t I’m not gonna doit I don’t know him well enough but Iwas thinking about just going hey meedge mine do you mind loaning me twentyeight hundred dollars so I can watchBiden’s Chad I everyday I just somethingnew comes I’m not Biden and I just wantto go just tell me what yeah just tellme why you like him oh wait can havesomewhat respect for you I like himbecause he’s not burning that’s you knowall of the people I know who aresticking up for Biden the most arereally these people who are like I meanyou know if he’s got the best shot atbeating Trump than fine and at thispoint they think there is no other waybecause all the other cannons foldedinto him and so it is a done deal nowyou just got to bite your lip and get inthe mindset of getting him in there andso that’s why a lot of them kind of pullthis like what is it we should probablycall it practicality shaming and theytry to sit there and be likeoh well you know less or two evils bodyapply you’re voting for Trump if youdon’t and I’m just like well I did ahalf-hour rant on that already on myroad siren just a couple days ago so youcan go see that I don’t have to do itagain here but basically fuck that heyif you want bananas on your pancakes I’mgonna do it okaythe dangerous maybe says it’s so muchbecause we poor fucks aren’t invitedyeah cuz if we poor folks were therewe’ve been making so much fun too butI’ve been at this point it’s an ego noprobably because of the booing at theend of that one debate you know yeah Iwatched it on camera and it was justlike you can’t even hear what they weresaying but it was like oats they letsome of the wrong people in apparentlyoh yeah cuz we’ll make memes and yeahcalling for everything you know I wentinto the the Bernie Sanders free twitchstream earlier we raided into itactually it was fun raiding Bernie hestopped and said oh my god oh good thinkI’m getting a thank you do you thinkthirdly oh cool name I like that no I’mjust kidding I didn’t totally happenedthere are a lot of mean people in thatchat though saying that Bernie hasdementia saying that he’s tooled to leadsaying on all these things i straight-upit was just like the same shit that youknow and I was like well psych well ummaybe that’s what Biden is trying tohide from and the thing is is Berniedoesn’t hide from it what a fuckingchampwhat a fucking champ because when you’rein the White House get high from thatshit people gonna make comments aboutyou people are gonna make lies about youyou’re gonna fucking have to deal withit and why don’t you be like we’reduping me to me cream job mm yeah itjust doesn’t work my face pony soldieryeah David says they don’t want us inthecat saying okay boomer over over just afucking stream of okay boomer and alsothe emote for boomer that would be radif it was on Twitch I think we need toall of us leftist all of usBernie supporters need to pull togethersome like cut like a couple thousanddollars to get two or three people inthat stream off today again oh my godthey can screen record it for us andthen someone’s gonna get it for usanywayand then two of those three people letneed us but you know comment and callhim on everything until they inevitablyget kicked out but if one person needsto say Silas or they can still yeah thisis this is like this is like that galthe black lives matter activists whowent into that that private like Hillarything and tried to ask a question andgot escorted out the real quick style atyou know the way they like to do withactivistoh yeah it’s disgusting there’s she paidfor it that was the thing bact Weismanshe paid like the 500 or $1,000 likeentry into this private house orwhatever yeah well like a week or so twoweeks before Pete Buddha judge umdropped out of the race he was a bear ofBoise decided to endorse him and theywere having their annual like DemocraticParty big fancy dinner that costs liketickets were expensive like hundredtwenty dollars each when people judgewas going to be the keynote speaker andso some of the people from the sunrisemovement in Boise we’re doing exactlythis they were like donating money to acollective fund to get one or two peoplego to go and like protest Buddha Jedhold up signs of this really fancyexclusive dress up dinner one of themayor’s here in Hawaii the mayorHonolulu which is basically means themayor of the entire island oh he wantsto run for governor and so he waslike.he first he made a bunch of reallyterrible decisions about development onOahu that people were really against andthen who has many announced that he wasprobably going to run for governor hewas going to hold like this likefundraising dinner at this really fancyGolf Resortplace but the thing is this Golf Resorthas only one Road in and out so nobodycould afford the cheapest tickets were$1,000 a plate but there’s one road soeverybody that wanted to protest himjust lined the road and there is no waythat no you know they could not get inor out without driving paths all ofthese people with signs and he couldn’tlike switch the date or anything eitherbecause these they told all the ticketso he got protested and I couldn’t doanything about it because they weren’ton the property of the resource we justwent they just I’m using a spoonnormally we would use a fork at thispoint they’re all gone there’s only twoin here we literally have like two ballstwo forks two spoons one knife did youhave someone banana on it and if you’rea Narnian who wants to add your own eggsafter it on the side fucking go for itbut there’s no point adding eggs orthat’s what we’re doing if you do likeyour milk and eggs you don’t have to useit for this mix if the only one that’savailable is this one you don’t evenhave to use you save those further it’sjust the original it’s not thebuttermilk and the buttermilk has likebuttermilk powder yeah so here I’ll holdit up again it’s like it’s in thethumbnail as well so it’s like what’sthe what’s the UHI wonder what backroom deal got struckbetween the dairyand the egg and the dairy egg and whatpancake people like some deal they likerich right and and and Mike you couldtell you about how this is like asignifying Network right like each oneof these like eggs insinuating your minda couple of other things rightOh milk oh we gotta get eggs got to getmilk it’s the American dream yeahthere’s a lot of things they’re likebrownie mixes and things that I knowthat people can get at Trader Joe’s I’min a couple Facebook groups so sadTrader Joe’s get it togetheremail them why why you get a petitionafter all this is over really you dowelcome here this is a very blue placeand they survive and they survive in redplaces but you know oh well I asked blueis Boise as a blue Mecca in a red placeso but generally speaking it’s kind oflike a more liberal like urban lifestylebecause it’s like we’re one person ortwo person like household but they doget a lot of different people WholeFoods and Trader Joe’s are 100%different Trader Joe’s is a lot cheaperit’s just like easier it’s kind of moreconvenience stuff I don’t honestly thefruit and vegetable section like isn’tamazing this one probably happenseverything is packaged breathing’s evenplastic yeah it’s even like certainvegetables but that don’t need to belike a twin turret somewhere you can buybulk hmm just put it in euro in the backyou’re like at Walmart you know when youthink the broccolis in the section thatis getting strained almost then peoplewill go oh it’s in a bag and it’s reallyeasy and I can just grab it cuz it’s ina bag yeah I went shopping with mymother-in-law and he was wonderful and Iloved her but she was totally gonna buythe three red yellow orange and redpeppers packaged in a bag for like ninedollars rather than buy 1 red pepper 1yellow pepper and 1 orange pepper andshe didn’t even really want the orangepepper but she was like oh but it’s alltogether in a bag and eggs a mini akeeper you’re gonna get the exact samething yeah like so Trader Joe’s is likereally all about that that type of brandit’s easy fast meals yeah pretty mucheverything is packaged it’s all goodstuff like they have a lot of reallygood stuff in the freezer section justlike a lot of meals like a lot of frozenmeals yummy snacksI like they’re like cosmetic and bathproducts cuz most of them are crueltyfree and like affordable Trader Joe’s islike so much more affordable and I likesmacking my food like loudly in themicrophone now I am cool alright wellnow we’re talking my Trader Joe’s let’stalk about for another hourwhat’s up sure yeah I don’t know I Iguess chat do you have any questionsabout cooking and then we’ll do ourfinal thoughts and we’ll close out ohfuck you’re right that the new good letme yeah he’s funnyokay you’re gonna head back up that’sright Polly is sure yeah my folks thankyouhi Holly thanks for coming byglad you got to have some pancakes tosee ah okay so and you want to change itto the just the table set up like the Ithink it’s the one right above that oneand then I will go ahead and and movesome things around and we’ll get set upto watch this final video and then we’llhead outso maybe asks have you and Dave beenreading or watching anything of interestsecession is really good yeah they’rethe other than time came I think theoryalready mentioned this oh why am i attable for talking table for talkingstill has secession is awesomeat first I kinda thought it was like thefirst episode I was like I don’t knowhow into this I could get but it’sliterally just this family ofbillionaires like in all their familybusiness and drama who’s getting thebusiness who’s taking over CEO CEO CEOoh and oh dad sick and backstabbing dadand backstabbing siblings and affairsand others is one character who’s likethe the nephew of the like Maine’sbillionaire CEO and he is comes fromjust like a working-class background andall of a sudden gets a job with thisfamily so he kind of brings in this likeclass consciousness narrative and a lotof the scenes like she’s not notexplicitly he’s getting into it all butyeah I’m just good to see some things incontrast yeahso it’s I really liking that show that’skind of all you oh my gosh we justwatched this movie last the other nightwith silver spooky and Holly calledBest in Show it’s a Christopher Guestmockumentary made in 2000 it’s becausewe were all thinking about like thedocumentary of tiger king and Holly andSilver’s paper like Oh have you everseen this one it’s similar but it’s it’sfake it’s a mockumentary you know thatshit is so funny it’s just about theselike insane obnoxiousit’s a high-strung rich bougie like dogshow people and I’m sure they’re comingtogether at the dog show like one ofthem’s like this hillbilly guy who whohave a black blood hand works at afishing shop and then somes like thisreally rich people who their dog has wonBest in Show the last three years andthen this like just a horrible couplethey both have adult braces so prettybrats and their brats they’re spoiledlike rats I can’t come up with the rightword for it right now but they’re awfulyou know that’s just like nice suburbancouple it’s like all these differentpeople coming together at this dog showand it’s just so funny so that was goodand then a book that really quick beforewe start know around starting yet butit’s called so I’m a sociology major soI read a little bit different like youknow literature then like the philosophyyear I don’t know what would you cooklike what would John or would youconsider it for futures kill all Morbiusit’s like social science it is yeah it’ssort of science but yeah I’ve beenreading use a lot of like more sociologysocial science oriented books and thisone for my environmental sociology classit’s called braiding sweetgrass by Robinwall Kim ER it’s it’s wonderful I’mreally enjoying it because it’s thisnative woman just talking about kind ofthe the mindset and the ways in whichshe was brought up to enteract with and perceive nature and it’sbeautiful like it’s that it’s it feelsmore like a novel because it’s like it’sjust these beautiful storytelling ofexperiences with nature and other peopleand her daughters and kind of growing upin like it is a little bitanti-capitalist and not she definitelyat least in the beginning and some thefirst few chapters talked about you knowthe consumer economy and the ways inwhich we’ve we’ve taken nature andshifted our relationship with nature soI I’ve just really been enjoying it it’sjust it’s easy to read it’s superenjoyable because she uses reallyartistic narrative poetic languageI’ve been reading Mikey says we shouldwatch righteous gemstone okay well I’mgonna have the last bite right now whathave you all been reading during thisquarantine I’m gonna be real I’m I usedto be pretty good at reading but my I amhave such trouble focusing just forvarious reasons like it’s been like thelast five months I’m securely focusedI’ve really been able to finish theconcentrate or read very much it’s beena struggle for me lately but I’ve stillgot some chapters in but yeah just sucha struggle it does not come easy at allyeah I’m just yeah a shot at focusingalright oops I think I just blew out thespeakers for a second third now we’regood okay yeah well we can engage withchat while they talk about we can get itgoing that right sitting here scratchingthese bug bites oh my god I counted onhim we counted and we took a marker andwe put a dot on well because the firsttime I lost track yeah everyone and Ihave 28 mosquito bites on my body that’snot even counting the ones that havegone away mostly 28 and we got her wegot her some repellant – yeah it’s justgoing to the point where I’m justconstantly like in bed I’ll wake up inthe morning I’m like I going out it Iknow I’m not supposed to but what do youIndia and Holly gave me this lovely likegels stuff to put on it so at least Ishould actually actually go grab that soI really appreciate that that hasn’thelped because we’re gonna start thiscan I can I do it it’s gonna start itokay all right all right folkswhile I’ll be sad to stop that musicreally quick I say it’s obvious but Iforgot okay there we go um Holly isreading the Communist Manifestoso I would like to say that Ashleycoffin needs no introduction but maybeshe does so really quick Ashley coffinis a creator on YouTube a new person arelatively new to left him unless youwatched the show that she did back inthe day with Peter Kaufman calledadversaries where they did basicallylike advertising critique kind of from ahost Marxist what is it what’s what’sthe what’s the not bored do the who’sthe thinker but they all love thesociety that spectacle debord yeah froma Debord en post Marxist kind ofcritique of advertising and so it was agreat show but now honestly this contentI’m into it I’m really into this likeshe’s got a way of being funny withspeaking truth yeah she is she just hasthis type of humor that no one elsecould do no one else could pull it offshe’s just so funnyand she’s just so ironic all the timegotta know if you’ve ever been on herTwitter maybe we can scroll it a littlebit when we’re done she’s alwaysconstantly making jokes about her boobsand like it’s just hilarious y’all it’sjust funny that’s why you should likeher not just that no no you it’s justlike that type of stuff and just reallyironic so here we go let’s do outnow let us okay we’ll put our headphoneson if we have to if there’s too much ofan echo let us knowagainst the defendant Jill Biden but wefall wanton extends to believe in me youand I say I went to Harvard School ofLaw I’ve won the grand prize1 million in student loan debt and abriefcase with my name on it so I’m justkidding of course I got all my knowledgeof the legal system from the AceAttorney games and they have yet to feelI win every case but there have beensome questions raised about whether ornot you’ll bite in it’s fixed andCharlie he called the judge of fat lyingdog face only soldier but we have beenassured by many verified accounts onTwitter with Nancy Pelosi tote bags butit would be extremelyablest to point out his obviouslyadvancing dementia and impossiblecoronavirus fingers crossed but ofcourse it’s not ablest to point out hishorrific starring which is so bad thatis significant dementia I am one ofthose people could it be the Liberalsjust a political tool so when helpingwomen as a concept build a case againstJill Biden where do we start let me justpull up my binder of women here myfolders of females and we can getstarted on racking this fuckingperverted cum brain presidentialcandidate as you can probably tell thereare a lot of incidents in my case fileManny sniffed women Mannyinappropriately sensually kissed womenbut I think it’s probably best that westart with Anita Hill uh yes that massin 1991 a judge sitting on the US Courtof Appeals by the name of ClarenceThomas got a call from the big leaguesThomas’s confirmation for the SupremeCourt was highly controversial as he wasand still is extremely conservative he’sparticularly fond of The Fountainhead byAyn Rand at one point evenhis staff to watch the movie version ofit emotional abusethere’s no excuse but what really setoff a national conversation was a womannamed Denny a hill because her FBIinterview where she alleged sexualharassment against Clarence Thomas wasleaked to the press because of this andhe was called to testify at theconfirmation hearing which she initiallydeclined Joe Biden then chairman of theSenate Judiciary Committee presided overthese hearings and he allowed it todevolve into you Clarence and hisfriends basically tearing apart AnitaHills character I did not only alightthis he encouraged it it is appropriateto ask professor Hill anything anymember wishes to ask her to plumb thedepths of her credibility there werealso four witnesses who could back upAnnie Hills version of events that werespecifically not called because of adeal Biden made in private with theRepublicans go off feminist queen swayyou would think having a starring rolein the degradation of a black sexualharassment victim would be enough fortoday’s me to purporting liberals toturn their back on old Joe sleepy JoeCorona Joe Joe weakness but as you willsee liberals and their belief EoE feesare easily parted and oh it is suchsorrow it brings legal tears to my eyeslet’s talk about abortion and fun for avery long timemost of his life in fact Joe Biden hassupported the Hyde Amendment whichprohibits federal funding of abortionsunder programs like Medicaid Joe Bidensaid he still supported this law asrecently as Jean faith 2019 he said sothat day he said it him that came out ofhis mouth after an immediate backlashthe full fury of liberal to her JillBiden the very next night a DNC galawalked back what he said completely andsaid he no longer supported it a lot canchange in twoif whatever is apparently you and thelads ever just casually go frombasically pro-life to pro-choice in justa day a stunning reversal of ideals onpar with the likes of Ian miles Chongyeah not to mention Vice President Bidenworked very hard to cut mandatedcoverage of birth control from theAffordable Care Act that’s Obamacarestupid Biden doesn’t want you to usebirth control or get abortions he wantsyou to have sex for the sole purpose ofgetting pregnant and then have thatdying baby Jack sixth wave feminism ishere ladies in our empowering Catholicicon Joe Biden started at first trad CAFpresident actually you can pretty muchpick any social justice as she ever hadand Joe Biden has had a shit opinion onit in the past hey if you’re likingthese current Knee bad takes on Twittertry dipping into a vintage which is JoeBiden’s life lots of fine amazingly agedbad takes sharp on the tongue he workeda segregationist against busing he wrotethe 1994 crime bill that set massincarceration into overdrive he didn’tsupport gay marriage until 2012 whenobama’s reelection campaign was loomingI mean seriously Joe the problem withBernie Sanders has always been thesepretend racism and sexism issues that hedoesn’t have but Biden does do I looklike the penguin the amount of womenthat Biden has her and his politicalcareer is too many to Cain and too pureand nameless for liberals to cared aboutno quite they’re talking about thiswon’t get me enough hearts on my onlinepost Oh guys just anyone else’sengagement day is their thing somethingwrong with too early being verified onTwitter is an illnessyeahbsolutely bulk of my files herethey’re Iligan saying the absolute bulkof my files though we call these microsexual harassmentand the biz I don’t know actually whatthe legal term is I’m not gonna look upwhite it has been caught on camera moretimes than can be countedinappropriately touching kissingsmelling women and girlsit cannot be overstated how shamelesslyhorny on me and this old boot is youdidn’t need a private island to do thisshithe just keeps it all out in the openmost of it he does when he knows he’sbeing recorded he wants you to watchhe’s sick it’s either 100% illusion or100% fetish I don’t know which is worsesomehow only eight women have comeforward despite there being definitelymore than eight women at least onYouTube who have had their chokersrecorded but there are 8 separate womenwho have stories of Joe Biden makingthem uncomfortable with his behavior andyet his response was to say I’m notsorry for anything I’ve ever done listenhere fat I’m not sorry for anything I’veever done leave over Elena done him wehave a new sheriff for women’s rights intown and his name is Joe Joe Biden notsomeone else are you doing that JoeBiden the Joe we’re talking about andnow we get to terrible and her I can’tabide and sexually assaulting her in1993 well she worked under himaccording to Terra he inappropriatelytouched her and digitally penetrated herbefore saying come on man I heard youlike yes that’s right ladies andgentlemen of the juryBiden’s been using the same awfulSaturday morning tea party for as longas I’ve been alive even when sexuallyassaulting someone sick this was abreaking point for liberals who thendecided to descend all their support forBiden and believe all of itsite it’s false no way not this time noyou’ve been online long enough to knowhow the training even some formersupporters of Christine lousy Ford andmeaty such as sandy Sanders he works forthe Joe Biden campaign let’s go in onthe actionshe and some other high-profile livesdeleted all their old tweets regardingthe Cavanaugh you can’t be being held toour previousyeah so we stand a six-way feminist icontime is truly up for rapists can youimagine not standing up and dying foryour teens when the time comes I cannotspeak enough times up the Joe Bidencampaign back in 2009 to eat tired andeat had done the person he provideddamage control for Harvey Weinstein andwe all saw how the damage was controlledthe done currently has full and finaldecision-making authority within theBiden campaign and according to the NewYork Timesshe’s also the managing director of askad which by the wayworst fucking name you could have chosenfor the company what were you thinkinghold on let me call up s KDKnickerbocker to handle my publicrelations that sounds like a great ideaagain absolutely amazing job done withHarvey Weinstein great name great highprofile success claim this company alsomanages public relations for times upsLegal Defense Fund which is a nonprofitorganization which helps workers getlawyers for sexual harassment claimsduring violence product campaigning meatapproach things up for assistance andsaid she felt specifically lied on paintup apparently and lessly searched forlawyers who would decline to representher for various reasons one of whichbeing that they were Biden’safter friend about the end he had doneand terribly named PR firm situationpeople whose time’s up he’d have beenrunning interference could it be thatliberals just do sexual assaultallegations as yet another politicalthis is why in this case of women vs.Biden I suggest we also put liberalismon show as an accomplice or an accessoryor whatever I don’t the point is thisisn’t radical as many other allegationsthat were made that were a lot but it’snot something that would serve theirvery online liberal interests so thegatekeepers patrol their game becamewhat rape survivors to believe based onwhich one will get me the most likes onmy team six way of practice is herehashtag six way of practices people hewould otherwise use their position ofinfluence and institution or their swaywith a massive audience to rile focus upover something bad this white mailmandid are suddenly not doingmaybe that position depends on donationsfrom health insurance companies andmaybe the candidate without allegationsis the one who’s trying to pry the housesector I love those companies have ofcourse the liberal argument forsupporting Fagan always comes back tothe man in charge Donald Trump we needto delete Trump reach level 100 andunlock America utopiafor everyone is smiling and nobody feelspainnow even though self-hating liberal menwho get left on that by the woman theyobsessively beat the quest of differentatomic so vulnerable apart has exposed aruthless desperation of the girls wherethey are willing to treat in all oftheir supported ideals just to ice theone man they do a particularly heinousto eat from a certain verified accountstated the sake of argument say bitingis America’s Trump is all sorted so whynot vote for the rapist with betterpolicy despite the liberal fascinationwith hashtags such as me you have noregrets to a point where liberals areweighing the lesser of two betas frompresident rather than support acandidate if you’re a lucky rapist theliberals like your consequences willinclude only getting their food fromPresident on multiple two threadstearing apart your victims story untriedability as a person every rape victim Idon’t like is a Russian asset to a bagstand available on an as a familybut the importance of stories is fuckingsickening to see people being shamed bygalaxy freedom liberals for not feelingcomfortable voting for our rapist withdementia because of my long history ofterrible terrible and other issues toois beyond padded I’ll just say itliterally in the midst of the primaryseason literally in the midst of theprimaries but people are like oh my godlike this case is done all the othercandidates folded into this one okayyeah but don’t forget Bernie was thatwas leading so let’s go back to that yeslet’s go back to that I I mean I do Ireally have my hopes up oh no not rightnow I’m really for four more years arethe best the best years we know they’regonna be really great the economy it’sgonna be better than it’s ever it’s everbeen first sure and then one littlecough goes around it’s gonna wipe outthe entire economy again because youknow nobody has health care fuckinggreat or if they do have health carethey’re worried that they’re still goingto have to pay some high deductible orsome kind of a paywall that is meant tokill poor people soas hospice even cooled for literallyanyone with a deep insight there andthey clearly only cared about the issueswhen it serves the purpose of personallyvalidate your personal validation pizzapie fight it was wondering if I did asbetter for their interests than winningwith Bernie but hey it’s sexist at wesneaking so quick doing it well attorneyAshley a law you see I’ve got fightingis going to have Oakland vice presidentdoesn’t that put him of his crimesno and I have a blog rest I can’t sayassist is a chair to a turncoat unlessof course the pic is Hillary Clinton wewe know is neither a woman nor asyou Iwill just have to wonder what the BBCRiesling Biden he’s gonna get it smelldo you think she will appreciate bigsloppy kisses on the cheek she’s gonnatake self coming up I’m grabbing her bythe shoulders it should be feminism 101feminism for babies feminism for dummiesthe Joe Biden is not worthy of yoursupport even if he is the only optionagainst drunk it’s not a bold stance torefuse to vote for someone who’s aserious sexual assault allegationagainst them it’s a 100 percent normalhuman response to being asked to supportare they pissed for our reductionpurposes em and all these liberals endup doing was building the shady alleythat if you commit a sexual assaultYouTube can be President she just haveto you to people of the journey I restmy caseif youthat creepy job I didn’t she drop aquick like comment subscribe I shouldget paid job in court for giving you mylegal labor so that’s it so I reallyhope that everybody sees the subscribebutton and make sure to bring no damnBell the damn Bell is so it’s soimportant we’re doing sorry oh no all Imean but it’s true though I mean it no Imean it’s there no this is not twitchpeople can still go back and watchthat’s right you can go back and watchyeah so hell we can go back look at thisso yeah boy they told me the microphonewasn’t working but when you’re doingmixes this was like we just we just didthis it’s like a weird inception to goback on the same stream and startplaying through it I’ve never done thaton youtube before but we we have likethis elaborate camera setup that we wereusing and Holly came in and ate with usso here’s an cooking and talking to thecameraand using the you know the you know thething and then here’s Holly and I andand let’s watch this street we listen toBlack Flag albums and you know anyway soyeah that’s all there you know to gocheck it out but I think we’re justabout good and ready to head out and wedon’t have to raid so this is reallyjust like how about we say our thingsand then we’ll close it out this alwayshappens every time well there’s like youwant to end it give a closing thoughtand it’s like no I don’t really have aclosing thought usually I just try tosummarize what’s happened and now how Ifeel about itso are you guys vegan I’m vegan theoryis not but is a wonderful vegan partnerand buys me of eating things and cooksvegan with me and eats our vegan mealsso yeah so we have we want to share ouramazing breakthrough easy way like theeasiest way I’ll see you again basicallythe Aunt Jemima pancake mix thatrequires like eggs and milk and oil youcan actually just add water and they’restill delicious there you go that’s itthat’s a hack it’s great because the mixitself doesn’t have any dairy productsor like buttermilk or milk powderanything which most other pancake mixesdo this is flower power so I guessyou’re right it’s wheat so I’ll just saythat those are my new favorite pancakesbecause they’re so easy you’re so cheapthey’re amazing we’ve done fucking doneyeah I’m fucking done chat thank you somuch for all joining mr. Reza pleavin anan amazing stream of vegan pancakes yeahthank you mr. red it’s been it’s beenchill we appreciate you all I might cuta two minute version of this hour and 44minute conversation yeah and just like a2 minute like wham-bam go upload it as apolished polished bid soon because youknow now I’ll actually start uploading alot of content about things to do inquarantine you know it’s a special timeright now as a society it’s like we allhave like Christmas but apart buttogether through as Joe Biden saidteleconferencing from remote locationsbut it’s like Christmas for like a weekfor two weeks for three weeks most of usare so poor we can’t do that we’rewatching secession and and one of theone of the kids of the the billionairelike media mogul gets sent to rehab andis like just like in a bathrobe likebeing basically like I was like look Iwas watching I was I can’t I can imagineso many times in my life when I reallycould I would have gone for rehab Icouldn’t I was like damnyou know this is why we have to make thebillionaires rely on the same servicesthat we do so we’ll all see a radical ohyou know or otherwise it doesn’t trickledown we chop their heads off or theworkers take over this day and we decidehow things go and how things work I meanyeah I totally agree but I’m gonna keepsaying no because I don’t want to go tojail so no no don’t do yeah you knowCentral Park if we have to that’s kindof the whole point of heads heads willroll right you have chief of manifestowhen great questionmaybe one day maybe one day I will be aonline presence and already know shetakes there not that spicy this is atrailerexcuse meso dramaticand made that trailer and what was adisclaimer we are not advocating forviolence for guillotine guillotininganyone our message is quite the oppositeso that’s the trailer here i’ma drop theactual video it’s seven minutes long ifyou haven’t seen it go see it if youalready seen it go rewatch it so thatthe memes they can be internalized intoyou imbibed into you inculcated intoyour bones and also share this videolike we have really thought becausePeter coffin was in it and just becauseit’s fucking awesome and there’s afucking built guillotine really thoughtI would do better considering ourchannel the NSP channel that we sharedit from has a video that has what like200,000 views almost 200,000 views nowyou’ve got two point three five thousandtwo point three five K and subscribersand we had how like a thousand views yepand I’m just really sad like we put alot of work into that no it’s notprofessionally shot but it’s fuckingfunny as a good message and there’sfuckin guillotine and like cool peopleare in it’s just it’s cool this is thisis corporate media suppression ofalternative alternative creative worksthis is this is don’t be don’t bemistaken if you put guillotine socialistanything like that into the tags of avideo or if they mark you as suchbecause they’ve read thus that the wholeconversation and the things that aresaid they’ve read everything right andthen they run it through theiralgorithms and they suppress contentthat that has those words oh my godchats back on screen ridiculous it’sbeen misgendered a stream labs have beenmisbehaving Holly says it is funny thankyou and yeah and it’s great thank you weshould just start dropping it in everytwitch stream and YouTube stream andTwitter out by showing it well on ourway no other Twitter stream i comment icannot have like an idea to like likehave like a thumb drive of content thati send people you know I’ll do like athing where you can maybe maybe if youlike when yousign up and become a patron or some likethat then like at that point you receivea thumb drive you know and it’s got likeit’s got the goods he’s got the bestvideo essaysit’s got like heads roll roll it’s gotjust a bunch of stuff you know like awhole a whole like you know and justlike thumb drives I just love that ideabecause you know the internet eventuallygoes away I know we have it on thenightbot on stream or on Twitch theheads will roll command do you have iton here you’re right we don’t have it onhere yet so oh yeah here let me fix thisbut we will get it on here yeah we willget it on for now there you just postedthe link yeah a thumb drive with onlyheads will rollDamon that’s it genius yes amazing howdid you think of thatthe other thing that I was gonna sayabout this thumb drive thing I wonder ifthere’s a website where you can justlike how it all in the cloud and then itgoes from cloud to thumb drive there’dbe some worker probably like somehowinvolved in the process but a lot of itwould be automated in that you know theinformation goes onto the thumb driveand then it gets sent out to the addressthat purchased it through my patreon soI don’t have to go and put it on thereand send it out I’m really bad atsending things outwere you looking at Etsy markers asksdid you steal itgive me still what erase your headfuckers what up what up Wow oh you whodon’t knowerase your head fuckers has this epicalbum that you can find on Bandcampmaybe they’ll link it in here it’s likeit’s been a while since I’ve listened toit but it’s like just scream OHpublic political screaming how you spellitare you sure is that erasure Ras eraseryeah well that’s not the whole song it’sa very a clip of that gets used in myvideo where I use the guillotines andyou call yours I’ll be sure I think Ihave the shirt I happen that actuallythe music videos come on this is avisual visual thing you know mediumlet’s do it right here we gohey if you hate Donald Trump you mightlike thisrightthe grabyeahcliff so dayfunyou came this fall greatoh waityeahso yeah so yeah pretty awesome butthere’s other stuff too we did not stealthe pancakes there are other songs toono we did not steal it we actually paidmoney i wall mine so now I’ve paid moneywhat did I still I pay for everything inthe cart well in self-checkout canneither confirm nor deny that’s all youdo this mystery you knowWalmart he just said the other day thatstealing from Walmart is fine I wouldnever do it we’d never do it I never Idid not say you did it I know yeahbecause I wouldn’t cuz no why would I Imean it’s like obviously I have enoughmoney to live a good life yeah like youknow by pancakemixobviously totally speaking of I’m gonnago back there tomorrowI’m really excited time to use mysocialism food bucksthat’s right food stamps tomorrow that’sgonna be cool anyway folks I guess we’regonna close this thing out fun thank youfor joining us folks you get some freeitems with self checkout because you’redoing a free labor for them that’s rightI saw the automated machines went upfewer employees now work there and we’resupposed to do do we’re supposed to domore labor so lay off a bunch of workersyou know they have these so check outand then just make more profit yes soyou know that yacht that you bought withthat no you got to sell it and pay usactually the the ship that we did nottake at all is not enough so good nightHolly and everyone else who’s been hereenjoying this and some of you who fellasleep you’re like laying there sleepingright now I can just picture you layingthere on the bed and you can hear us youcan still hear us and you’re unconsciousI hope your unconscious has a good nightthat does not that you know I hope thatYouTube doesn’t automatically playanything bad after us I’m sure there’sbeen plenty of Trump ads directed at youbecause you know I’m sorry if you likealternative media right now you’re gonnastart getting targeted and I just likeyou know I hope you dream good dreamsabout food friends family loved onesgood times good timesgood enjoy yourself isolating and you’rewashing your hands and you’re drinkingyour waters and your teas and your youknow doing some exercises you’re allowedto walk that one person in the commentssection was wrong they were like oh mygod how can be so irresponsible goingoutside and walking and I was like Ithink you’re joking I’m not sure you cango out and get a walk in infect youbetter so good night gamers good nightthanks for being with us and now I’mgonna see if I can close out the properway instead of the let’s see you don’tdo it from this side you have to do itthrough X