Pancakes Recipes

TRYING To Make Pancakes

In this weeks video I’ll be attempting to make pancakes to honour pancake day. Despite it passing already when the video is uploaded it hadn’t when I was filming it.

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hey what’s going on there welcome backto my channel and in today’s video guysI’m going to be attempting to make somepancakes so today is 24th of Februaryand tomorrow it is pancake did but whenthis video does get uploaded pancakethey would have ready pop but you knowwhat I’m gonna live in the frozen I’mgoing to attempt to do some Americanfluffy pancakes and I’m gonna see howold is good or how bad this goes so nowwithout further ado let’s get on withmaking some pancakes so starting off guyI’m just gonna run through theingredients make sure I have everythingand if you guys do wanna make me makethis recipe at home I will be linkingthe website on the link which I got thisrecipe from down below so be sure tocheck that out so now I’ll just berunning through the ingredients seeingwhat I have and hopefully I haveeverything and hopefully I am preparedfor it so we need self-raising flourwhich I have here baking powder cinnamonwhich is optional which I’m not going touse because I’m not really a big fan ofcinnamon buttermilk free largefree-range eggs butter vanilla extractand some blueberries for decoration ormaybe when we’re cooking the pancakesnow we have to because starter fluid andbecause really with the pancakes but theflour baking powder cinnamon if you thinand salt in a large bowl mix well makewhat on the center so I have three ballshere if I’m gonna be using for Hannaheggs right thereI’m gonna put this to the side yeah so Ineed 150 self raising flour which isprobably about 3 cups because I don’thave anything to wait here so I’m justgonna do it all back up so we have ourcocktailnow we just have to find his one cupfound it no gonna have great funcleaning after this now that’s done ofbaking powder which isfor thatno downsideso I’ll be right back it’s all rats Ilet the salt now and it’s a tablespoonyeahso the other side altar I thought andsurvived fully all mistakes and littlemishaps that we make it away so that’snot what’s that fool in mix and makewell in the center you know what stopmixing itI say I’m not that well in makinganything that requires the kitchen so ifthis does go well I’ll be just assurprised as you guys and if it doesn’twell kind of expecting that so it saysmake a well in the center which I do notknow so now I’m going to put this to theside get my Allah ball put this water tothe sidehopefully I didn’t frame got the nextone and it says put the buttermilk now Ineed 600 milliliters of buttermilk andeach or be the 303rd I will so I will beusing all of it big mistake another yesthat you think got my bed oh ohboomapronI’m gonna go clean myself up and I’ll beright backso now I’m back and this is a learningroof so it’s like you done not I’m gonnaget something boy if they laugh a littlecut it means I’m just want to getsomething that I maybe did in therebefore so right now I just got like alittle we’re both thing which I’m goingto be using case there are any spillagesso just put that next my temporary binand instead put the butter milk eggyolks melted butter on because I needfour egg yolks I have my eggs here and Ihave this to keep the whites and theyolks separated now with F it can stillget messy so just shove in there eggyolk egg yolk in there it’s in the binand clean but the bottom on a meltedbutterhmm do not know about us so once againguys I will be back with that in a shortmoment so it’s a crime so after a coupleof minutes I melted the butter andthat’s all melted right there so what doI need to do not eat butter that’s notanythingso this is 50 grams of butter that Ijust melted able to save we’re gonnapull that in I’m gonna put this away nowthat fun melted butter and vanilla howmuch 1 teaspoon people eat little fingerwhen she’s been nothing it’s just a lotthey talk thing I need new vanilladefinitely have that good smell thatmessage no one takes me put the lidaside next we just have to do with soI’m gonna put that yoke to the side herenext to the other dry and grease we haveand I was just gonna whisk and I figuredlike in the first step it told us tomake like a well in the middle I figuredout that that means like a little holein the middleyou guys probably knew that or some ofyou and so I just need to make a littlehole in the I never want to pull thispretty good I’m gonna put this in themiddle of it now I’m gonna put bit bybit of the egg yolks and then I’m justgonna fold it in over over and hopefullythat makes the batter it has to make andI’m quoting a fluffy bubbly batter so Ijust want to keep mixing this alright sonow I have mixed up thoroughly I hopegood idea now I just need to pour itinto a well I’m gonna put this to theside but I think I need a new caron top of that all right coolnow I’m just going to move to flee tosize so I don’t know if it’s a dream ornot but you know what that’s not offthis side I’m gonna just to fold I thinkyou know what I’ll be back in a secondand Josh I’m just gonna clear this tableup[Music]okay so now I’m just back with the dryingredientsthis mixture with the yoke but milk analleged jar and all of that and eggwhite so now what I want you to walkokay so we need to make a little wellyeah I’m going to use not gonna use ourend of this dick it’s gonna make alittle hole in the middleI do have King and guys there in case Ijust mentioned that before just gonnapull this in here[Music]and with us I didn’t mean to look badI’ll be right back right back with thewidth and you just have to wish thenI’ll enjoy another fun little time thatput me mixing it and hopefully try notto spill it up right let’s get all of it[Music]alright guys so after a lot of clean myhand and whisking it hopefully is whatwith because I have been struggling nowwe just have to do that we need finishwith be with meI’m gonna put this away so now that wasaway finally we need to add a bit of theegg whites fold it to loosen it up andthen during the rest of it and trying tokeep as much air as possible if you havea fluffy bubbly but let’s get to thatwhat does it say I’m turning fold turnin turn okay so I have folded with a bitmore so now I just need to add the restof it and stir it in I’m just gonna tryand keep folding with it so I’m justgonna get the rest of it all inside theyoke the do the whites do slash and nowenjoy me again time lasting so I didswitch to a metal spoon I’m going toswitch on my spoon because it didactually recommend me to do that in thefirst place but you know how to have abig giant spoon and actually it wasbipod sternal bit so now I’m just gonnatry again with teeth and another Turner[Music]all right I still I did stir it fold ittrying to mix it all together um fluffybunny butter not quite sure about that Idon’t know if does count a fluffy reallybutter but you know what hopefully itworks outI’m just gonna spend a bit more stirringoff country okay that’s so after a verystressful cooking experienceOh Nolet me just give you a little bit of aninsight so I first started off of thewrong pan I put a lot too much butterinto that wrong pan once I figured outit was the wrong pan I had to scrap thatbrunette in a bin I got a smaller panand I had just enough butter to makebatter to make two pancakes and with theamount of butter if I had the right panin beginning I would have been able tomake eight pancakes so that just theperspective how much butter are we sonow without further ado let me just showyou the very very bad which wassomething that I knew would happen toRomania pancakes that survivedso these are meant to be blueberryfluffy of American pancakes and let’sjust say oh no I should not be allowedin the kitchen again let’s see if we canmake this look any better with somethingall rightwhich I smell pancakesdon’t watch myself sir if you guys doyou wanna some help don’t know I see mecooking again and if you guys do I willfill my stressful events in the kitchenbecause that would be some qualitycontent right there I just leave downbelow in the comments and you ideas youwant me to do any things that you wantme to cook bake whatever if you guys didenjoy this video don’t know why youwould use don’t you failed some quiteeasily Baker will pancake if you guyswant us to around please subscribe turnon the notification and well then I’mgonna go try some pancakesyeslook alivethey actually do kpop cuz there areanother theorem to didn’t like fill mymouth for like 80% but if I get some getthis part which has no on itI will hey we have some dropping pancakefor a Down presentable ways now give ita 0 out of 10 but teeth inI’ll give it a full in let’s say 8 outof 10 hope you guys enjoyed this videoand to next week

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