Pancakes Recipes

Trying TikTok’s Pancake Cereal Trend – How to Make Pancake Cereal and Our Pancake Cereal FAIL!

The latest crazy food trend on TikTok is teeny tiny pancake cereal. You can find videos for strawberry pancake cereal, rainbow pancake cereal, even heart shaped pancake cereal. I decided to put this trend to the test, using a healthy grain free pancake recipe. And I made them blue, because you’ve gotta be extra for TikTok.

If you want to know how to make pancake cereal, I show you what to do, and not to do in this cooking video. I suggest you use a regular pancake mix for pancake cereal, and save this yummy banana pancake recipe for normal sized pancakes.

Thanks @MyHealthyDish and @iankewks for letting me use your tiktok videos! You rock at pancake cereal!

🖨️ 🖨️


5 Quick Cute and Healthy Kid Snacks

🔪 TOOLS 🔪 (affiliate links)
Squeeze Bottles:
Spray Oil:
Non Stick Skillet:


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obviously I am in a very silly moodtoday probably because it’s midnight andI am up making cereal out of teeny tinypancakes Aloha friends and welcome toEaton richly where we cook mostly homelyaffordable family friendly recipes richin nutrition and flavor I’m Dana Johnsonand today we are testing out the latestviral food trends adorable and possiblypointless unique can cake cereal haveyou ever seen a recipe or a food videothat makes you think that is so gross ordelicious and I’m not sure which this isone of those foods if you are ontick-tock which we are because I pretendto be a cool old person you have likelyseen the crazy new food trend of pancakecerealtick tock tick tock users check stalkershave long been fans of anything thattiny pancake cereal is just what itsounds like you make a batch of Pancakesbut tiny the size of pieces of cerealthen you put them in a bowl and thenthat you decide should you top them witha butter and maple syrup or fill them upwith milk why not both so that is whatwe are doing today we are going to makeour foam pancakes cereal and decide ifit’s worth the hype if you know you knowbut before we get cookingyou know what’s coming like this videohit that subscribe then click that bellthis helps you up by getting you anotification every week that we post anew video and it helps us by telling theYouTube algorithm that we create contentpeople want to see it so they shouldpromote us to more people also we’ve gota free ebook full of food hacks to saveyou money so click the link in thecorner to sign up for our newsletter andget your copy now let’s get cookingbecause whether you’re cooking withsomeone for someone or for yourself cuzyou time is connecting time I’ve got acouple different pancake recipes oneating richly calm one is a super fluffywhole wheat pancake recipe and the otheris three ingredients banana pancakes Idecided to go with the banana pancakesbecause they’re healthier I have a lotof a because I have two bananas that areabout to go bad and I know a lot ofpeople don’t have access to flour rightnow so this is the great option formaking pancakes if you don’t have Lauralso and these are super easy to make inthe blenderlike reallyuse any pancake recipe or mix that a 1/4of banana pancakes I’m going to make adouble batch of my recipe get becauseI’m not sure how many mini pancakesbecause I’m not sure how many tinypancakes I will need to fill my cerealbowl first up we put four eggs into theblender obviously I am in a very sillymood today probably because it’smidnight and I am up making cereal outof teeny tiny pancakes okay seriouslyfour eggs here we go ticket aftertouching raw eggs to wash your hands nowwe’re gonna blend these for about aminute until they are super frothy andsee how the eggs are foamy and bubblythat just helps to give your pancakessome flak because no one wants flatpancakes next we’re gonna add a littlebit of cinnamon I’m going with half ateaspoon then just a quick pulse to mixthat infinally it’s banana time eventually youwant to very ripe bananas your bananasaren’t very break they’ll still blend insign if you’re using a high-poweredblender it just won’t be as naturally assweet of course this is probably not aproblemif you are making TV tiny pancakescereal and going to be bouncing them inmaple syrupI was so ridiculousnow because this is agent uptrend I feellike I just have to do something to makeit extra some people make their typeshape others do red bowtie guy but Ithrowing this together super last-minutespur-of-the-moment so I’ve got to gowith something easy I’m going to keep itsimple and make my blue y blue you mayask thank you for askingit’s because I just happen to have ablue spirulina unicorn superfood powderis my cupboard that would be such agreat segue if this was a sponsor Costabut its back they’re not paying me Ibought this myself just so that I couldnaturally die dude a pretty bright blueit’s great maybe 84 that was a lot it’sso now that we have our beautiful bluebatter in a blender we’re ready to makeour pancakeI usually just pour straight from theblender into the pan but because theseare tiny I need a little bit more I havethese squeeze bottles that I use forfood styling but you could use a baggiebut the corner snipped off you couldn’twash a condiment bottle really well youcould use an empty water bottle and pokea hole in the lid and do it that way allsorts of ways to make it easy andspraying the pan with some avocado oiland I have the burner on like medium lowheat because I don’t want the outer ringof pancakes to burn by the time I get tomaking me and our pancakes I say thatlike I’m an expert and know what I’mdoing but I have never made this beforeah they’re so cutenow here comes the crazy flippin partyou’ll know they’re ready when you see abunch of bubbles coming to the top ofthe pancake same people just toss thepancakes with a spatula or flip themwith a trusting spreader chopsticks orForks I’m gonna try these bamboo tongsbecause I’m hoping they’ll be fast andeasy oh my gosh okay I went to thefrosting a spreader because I messed itup so number one is a fail it was notreadybut taste itokay so the outer ones just aren’tgetting enough heat so that was theissue of something inside once wereactually cooking superfast and theoutside ones or not done so I think I’mjust gonna cook smaller batches on theinside of the panall right I have dumped my pancakes intomy bowl let’s go over what I’ve learnedfirst of all go with a non-stick skilletI started with this one because it’sbigger this one was way easier andbetter at cooking the pancakes second afork is the best tiny pancake flippernot only does it easily get right underthe pancake but the times of the boardcook it and help you flip it over andthird banana pancakes are delicious sothese are wonderful but I’ve never madethem small before and I just have afeeling that this would have been a loteasier if I have used flour in mypancake batter now that we have our bowlfull of tiny pancakes it’s time to topit off first step comes the butter upnext comes the syrup I use real maplesyrup because it tastes good and wedon’t give in half pancake sirnow you could stop right there and eatit as is basically it’s tiny bites ofpancake with butter and syrup and it’sreally good but to really hop on thetrend you have to add the milk and thereyou have it tiny ridiculous but adorablecan pick cereal okay time for the tastetestOh a little nervous actuallyI don’t hate itI personally would skip the milk it justkind of makes them soggy althoughthere’s something a little bit goodabout it almost like one of those Frenchbread breakfast casseroles but then themore I ate of it the grosser it tastesand now I kind of have starting to feela little sick I would say the biscuittrend is not for me but the kids aren’tgoing to love it I made some extra forthem to try tomorrow so I will try toget their reactions for you[Music]what do you think listensir you done happy I have so much funI’m sharing this viral food trends withyou so let me know what you think in thecomments especially if you have made andtry the tiny pancakes cereal yourselfand as always whether it’s with me inthe comments or out in the world you canbe real and the time and if you’rehungry for more food trend videos we’vegot the amazing whipped coffee over hereand the oh so typical french fry boardover here and I’ll see you in our nextvideofeels really weird to be getting bluepancakes I can’t you just got humongousit helps if you like your blender and[Music]

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