Pancakes Recipes


Tiktok JAPANESE PANCAKES COOK WITH ME. I recently just got on TikTok and these fluffy gorgeous cloud of Japanese pancakes were trending. So I decided to cook them and in the mean time answer some question you guys have asked me on Instagram and on YouTube. The recipe for the TikTok Japanese pancakes looks quite easy and doesn’t require too many ingredients, which is important because now in quarantine we can’t get too many fancy ingredients. However as you join this cook with me sesh you’ll see they’re definitely not easy to make…If you try making these TikTok Japanese pancakes as well post a picture on Instagram or TikTok and makes sure to tag me. You can also email me the picture on I repost the best ones on my social media!

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Videos mentioned:
1 Indian beauty habits I picked up:
2 Conrad brunch video:

If you want more NOW here are 10 TOP playlists;
1 Dad in India 2018 vlogs:
2 First time India (2015):
3 Second India trip (2016):
4 Foreigner life in India 2017:
5 Foreigner life in India 2018:
6 Foreigner life in India 2019:
7 Foreigner life in India 2020:
8 Philippines 2020 videos:
9 Foreigner in India videos:
10 Travel.Vlog.Iv Personal:


PLEASE NOTE: I despise email in general. If you want to say hi or give me recommendations please leave a comment on a video or on my other social media. I LOVE responding to public comments!


Q Where are you from?
A I am born in former Yugoslavia. Mom is Serbian, Dad is Bosnian. During the ’90’s war we came to the Netherlands and I got Dutch nationality. I’ve lived in Amsterdam for 8 years but lost my heart to India. Since 2018 I’m based in Bangalore. See this video for my refugee story:

Q How can you afford to travel so much?
A I saved for 3 years while working full time and now travel vlogging is my job. I work together with tourism agencies but also do some freelance work on the side. You can watch this video: and this one: to learn more about my story. I book my hotels here*:

Q What camera do you film with and what editing software do you use?
A – My main camera:
– My main camera microphone:
– Extra lens for close ups:
– Extra 64GB SD card:
– My small camera:
– My tripod:
– My microphone: (I use it with an iphone 5 to record sound)
– My mini (vlogging tripod):
– My laptop:
– My phone:
– My fairylights:
– My suitcase:
– My headphones (with cord):
– My headphones (blue tooth):
– I edit on Final Cut Pro X

*These are all affiliate links. It means no extra costs for your but I get a small percentage if you buy something through my links.

Q (Why) Are you vegetarian?
A I’m vegetarian but not strict. I don’t eat any meat, fish, cooked/boiled or fried eggs. I gradually became a vegetarian over the course of 15 years because I disliked the taste of meat more and more. After doing a yoga teacher training in 2015 I also quit fish and the eggs. No matter my food preferences I have no issues with other people not being vegetarian. I don’t judge others and kind of expect the same favor from others concerning my own food preferences. It makes for a more friendly world 🙂

Q Why do you usually travel alone?
A Because my friends have jobs with limited holidays, kids and partners. Also I really like exploring on my own.

Q Why do you love India so much?
A Watch this video: and this one:

Q How do you work together with brands?
A Watch this video with the complete and honest truth about travel vlogging:

#TikTok #Japanesepancakes #cookwithme

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Video Transcription

one of the things that is going viralright now on the Internet next tothey’ll go on a coffee don’t worry we’renot making don’t go on a coffee todayare these very very fluffy Japanesepancake some of you wanted to do acooking series and I am currentlyobsessed with dick doc so I thoughtlet’s do this and combine it with a Q&A[Music]what’s the situation in the Netherlandsare your parents doing well and are theyat a safe place my parents are plugmy parents are probably at the safestplace ever because they startedpreparing weeks before the Netherlandslockdown the Netherlands in thebeginning just like the UK they tried togo for herd immunity but I’m so happythat they came back from that I thinkthey’re going to do a lot better in thein the long run because of thosemeasures let’s take the first step forthe pancakes which is mixing the eggswith the milk adding the milk I’m notquite sure if the measurements will beperfect but we’ll figure it out I guessthis worksokay got itthe milk is mixed in with with the eggyolks what thoughts keep you positiveduring lockdown if you feel lonely howdo you handle somebody else also askshow do you live alone first of all Idon’t live alone I live with a roommateexactly for this reason because I do notlike living aloneadding the flour and eggs and what keepsme positive I’ve had a pretty rough weekI have to say so what keeps me positiveare definitely videos from Louise hey incase you don’t know her I will link oneof her videos down in the descriptionbelow she’s all about positiveaffirmations and just thinkingpositively creating your future becausethat’s actually what we do the base ideais that our thoughts are things which istrue because if you put us under an MRIscan you can see the electricity that’sgoing through our brains and those areour thoughts the beautiful thing aboutit is thatwe have control over any thoughts so youdecide what you think it’s not easytrust me that’s what I’m saying I’ve hadsuch a rough week but that is definitelyhow I keep myself positive okay so Ithink this is okay this is quite wellmixed as you can see it’s it’s not lumpyit’s quite a smooth paste which is whatit’s supposed to be Indian habits youpicked up after moving to India I feelthat’s a cool video on its own one isdefinitely oiling my hair I also made avideo on Indian beauty habits that Ipicked up after moving to India I willlink that video down in the descriptionbelow but this this question might beworth a separate video who is it forSkrill positive and negative to servicein India and erectvola positive is dots oh gosh this isgoing to take a long timeadding the lemon to positive or theCisco we’re switching to Dutch in themiddle of the English video okay so letme just do this in English the positivesof travelling in India is that you don’thave to deal with bureaucracy at all youjust have your visa obviously you’refilling in see forums at hotels andstuff like that and you know buyingforeigner tickets but you don’t have toworry about you know registering companyto be able to work here or taxes andthose kind of things and that issomething that you definitely have tothink about if you want to live in anycountry in the world obviously if anyIndians go to the Netherlands they willalso have to take care of your taxesover there and the proper registrationsand those kind of things so that wassomething that I definitely did notexpect I don’t know why oh god this isgoing to take forever my goodness okayIndians are massive foodies and so am Iso living here the standards for foodare extremely high even if you go to aroadside dhaba which is a restaurantalong the road you will get a decent Dowwhereas I know in Europe if you go toOregonroadside restaurant it would probablywon’t be that good yeah amazing food andamazing weather and sweetest people Ijust love living here my arm is gettingnumb this is not for the faint-heartedokay motivation for pursuingunconventional career options so themotivation has to come from yourself butyou can educate yourself on you know thefinances and dive deep into your ownexpenses like how much money would youneed to survive if you don’t have anincome for a year and then basically ifyou saved up save up that money you canwork on your unconventional career for awhole year without having to worry aboutyour finances I feel the bookentrepreneurial revolution also hasamazing advice on this so would tenth Irecommend that one and as always thepower of your subconscious mind I’m ahuge fan of that book and maybe evenRich Dad Poor Dad that is also a veryvery good book when it comes down tofinances I think you’re on your waybecause the thing with an unconventionalcareer choice is that probably yourincome is going to be quite irregulareven for me right now oh somebody alsoasked how’s your business doing well Ihave two pending sponsored posts butbecause of the lockdown everything is alot slower so yeah that just takes a lotof time if you have a nun compared alittle unconventional career choiceyou have to just budget for that my armmy goodness okay if you have anautomatic mixer this would be so mucheasier Ivana throughout the years oftraveling and finally saturd settledhere how much you have evolved as aperson and what Indian elements arepopping up in your behavior andperceptions Oh respect for elders is amassive thing right now I feel evenguilty arguing with elders if even ifthey’re wrong my goodnessyes or the respect for elders whatI think in general caring for otherpeople it’s not something that reallycomes natural to me I have to admitbecause I was raised in a veryindividualistic culture the Netherlandsand then when I see Indians and the waythey are treating for instance I’m gonnawear drivers or kids in the streetit definitely teaches me how to be abetter human being and I have also Ihave definitely evolved in thatdirection we’re getting somewhere but weneed stiff peaks and we’re definitelynot there yet after the lockdown Ohcoronavirus is over what will you do onthe first day of normalcy which placesin Bangalore will you go to breatheagain I can’t even tell you how much Idream about this I will go to the Conradbecause the Conrad Sunday brunch bestbrunch effort obviously it had to besomething with food right is this no youknow what I’m just gonna finish this upand then we’re going to talk I havewhipped it up as much as I possibly canyou have to have these stiff pics picsokay Peaks this happens when I speakDutch and English and I mix it and we’regoing to mix half of it in the eggs areyou going back to holland by evacuationno I am NOT because I have been gettingmessages from from the Dutch governmentthey obviously they are not allowing toomany flights right now from India backto the Netherlands but I also feel it’snot a safe thing to do it this isliterally done safest time to travel andif I go back then I’ll be staying withmy parents were both 65 plus so thatmeans I’m not just risking my own healthI’m also risking the health of myparents and there’s no point you knowhere is my home my business is also hereI feel the health risks of me travelingright now are not worth itI’m very happy here to be honestso okay this has been mixed people ofIndia has shown so much patience anddiscipline and lockdown what are yourviews I am blown away by how India andIndian government is handling this wholepandemic I feel honestly sometimes a lotbetter than then a lot more developedcountries but perhaps it’s also the fearthat I mean everybody in India has Iguess that if this thing gets out ofcontrol and a population of 1.3 billionpeople that’s going to be brutal manso I’m very very happy that everybody isfully aware of that let’s say 99% of thepeople for me it’s just love it love itwhich is one of the things I alwaysloved most about India is the way peoplevalue humanity most instead of justbeing behind the money obviously moneyis important oh my gosh look at thisthis is so fluffy guys I really hope itholds up well in the in the pan as wellbecause right now it’s a little bitrunny but it is extremely fluffy I amnervous and excited to be popping thisin the pan goodness okay seems likethey’re holding up quite well I readsomewhere that you can make six pancakeswith this amount of ingredients you’resupposed to put a lid on the pan sothat’s what I’m doing right now and inthe meantime can we have your cookingseries back in case you don’t know I dida cooking series back in 2018 I guesswhere I try to cook Indian disheshowever that series was not that popularit took quite a lot of time to makethose videos and I just thought you guysare not interested so if you areinterested in me cooking any type offood or maybe specifically some kind ofIndian dishes let me know down thecomments below because if you guys don’tfeel like watching something why would Ikeep on creating that content thatdoesn’t make any senseand the same goes for the movie reviewsI used to do a lot of movie reviews Ihave a whole playlistof 80-plus Bollywood movies that Iwatched but unfortunately they were justnot that popular at one point and Istopped making themI’ve once got a copyright strike on thattype of video hence why I stopped makingthem on my main channel but maybe forthe for the other channel Bollywoodreaction IV in case you don’t know thatit might be something but yeah you guyshave to be interested in it if you arenot interested in it what’s the point ofme making it oh my gosh oh I thinkyou’re burning oh god no oh wow they’reprettyyeah that’s burnt okay maybe I canscrape it off later would it look superfluffy though oh my goodness oh okaythat’s super burned but they are veryvery okay yeah I’m very very fluffyI am extremely surprised about that thisis the point where you guys tell me Ranayou talk too much you should stick tojust cooking okay oh this is really fastwell okay okay so this is like how fastit isyou got some batter left let’s see if wecan make a better batch why did you haveto fill your little pancakes okay that’sone that one is a little bit less fluffybut I saw a hack where you can fix it byjust putting the the other batter on topof it maybe maybe my heat edge is justtoo high that could be itoh my gosh No they’re going to burnagain I need to like take it off theheat for a bit what do you miss the mostabout Amsterdam the fable oh my goodnessin case you don’t know the fable is afast food chain and they have the mostamazing fries war I’ve made a separatevideo about that licked it down in thedescription below so you can troll withme while watching it where are youliving currently I am so confused whyI’m getting this question so muchbecause my channel hasn’t grown thatmuch I live in IndiaI live in Bangalore this is my home areyou gonna be single forever or any planof marriage again this has been asked somuch first of all I am in a relationshipwhich is the last thing that I would sayabout that because my relationship isvery private and also if you check myfirst post on Instagram I also addressthe marriage situation and the questionokay should we try this again let’s seeI have to say I think I don’t have theright spatula for thisoh my god why why no I’m just pissedright now why this would have been theperfect why why if this isn’t thesaddest batch of Pancakes that you haveever seen in your life I’m questioningthe pancakes that you have seen in yourlife look they did cut fluffy see youcan see it here but unfortunately yeahno not happening when is my birthday somany of you wanted to know that may 121984 oh my gosh oh I think they are justdeflating I have no words like look atthis this is completely deflated butokay mmmthere are very yummy though mmm they dodish a little bit eggy I have to say soone thing that you could do is addcinnamon that always helps to disguisethe eggy flavor or add vanilla essence Ialso saw that in another recipe I justdon’t have it right nowOh what it is yummysee this this is deflated and it’s stillvery very yummy so I can’t even imaginelike when it’s good and properly mademmm if you enjoyed this video make sureto subscribe to my channelalso make sure to put a thumbs up clickthe logo icon to get a notificationwhenever I post a new video thank you somuch for watching and I will see younext time bye

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