Tara and maya make pancake with dad. they make pancake and decorate them like different animals. They used fruits, maple syrup and chocolate syrup to decorate them. pancakes were really tasty. Maya and Tara really enjoyed make them and eat them.
Why not you try making pancake at home.
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Pancakes Recipes
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Video Transcription
[Music][Music]today’s Pancake Day so guess what we’redoing yes we’re just writing honkingthat’s all or new wanted called hotplate man we got tea and fruits and gotsome syrupanimals so satisfying look it up is whatI look like a walking stick today I’mlike do you find me big guys so no Ithink you shouldso now guys the butcher is ready seeit’s melted it’s bubbling a bit so nowwe’re gonna make the actual Patek forthe pig’s head so you’re gonna use thisdie cut and then we’re gonna use thatone for the nose so I’m gonna mine keepup okay drop it I do thisokay I’m gonna skip ityoubut looks a bit guys don’t know ifthought will help the noise oh I have anidea let’s see this what happenokay this time switch is nearly readyI’m oh good mm-hmm it’s like pancakesrobot oh I don’t like this oh goodcomment down below that looks good Ithink it does it looks really goodguys let’s drop this okay okay I amgetting steamed on my face of all bodieswhat’s doing so we need to make a newone great wait what are you doing you’redoing grapes Oh got to make flourpancake comment wait let that sit oh ohoh not a giant pancake you know we’regonna pick up packages guys the biggestI think we’ve ever made and last time wetried to make pancakes it was really notreally good butter dingo really goodlucksizzling it offwhat does that mean it turn off this itgoes but Maya doesn’t go out of theright time Pat chalamaiah so god I needmore time Oh No Oh eat pancakes mmmwe made a planning season oh okay ohlook the drop the drops are burnt[Music][Music]oh that’s ready what a beautiful timeyou[Music][Music][Music][Music]the end of the video yeah oh yeah okay[Music][Music]so what we did to make it we put milkplain flour and one else vanilla extractwhat else I think you sold eggs fiveingredients[Music][Music]that’s going into a perfect so far aftermahmud gamers let me demonstratebeautiful perfect well doneoh no I wouldn’t eat that many 100anyone I’m gonna eat it I’m gonna usethe mini one daddy can I eat the minione yeah I’m gonna eat that anyone I’mgonna eat that one teeny-weeny one Ineed to flip it that one looks like it’snearly ready okay no no no the one mommywhat are you doingyou’re crazy doing it funnycutie Master wonky[Music][Music][Music][Applause]no-no-no slow[Music]I’m a waiter the Lewis guys cool down[Music]okay broke and I blew blew it what do wedo some two ice blueberries guys I gotsome glue and glue it here there’s likeglue come on you need to eat alreadyalthough my hair it’s only my hairrakaat we make across okay tiny oneready blue guys if you like it yeahOh[Music][Music][Music][Music]I was right[Music]it’s all a white in this room Oh daddy Idon’t have to be fussy you know you’re a top okaywe’re destroying the Apple sorry mr. owl[Music]the owl is upon you guys good luck toget it hi Daddy you like a baby yeah[Music][Music]