1 Egg
1 Tbspoon Oil
3/4 Cup Milk
1 Cup Flour
1 Tbspoon Sugar
2 tspoon Baking Powder
1/2 tspoon Salt
– Crack the Egg in a bowl, then add the Oil & Milk. Whisk till well combined.
– Add the Flour, Sugar, Baking Powder & Salt. Whisk again very well. (It will start off thick,but the more you mix it will thin out.)
– set mixture aside, for 5 minutes till you take out your non-stick pan and place it on the stove. put the heat to Medium Low.
– With a Tablespoon or an Ice-cream scoop, place our mixture in the pan. once you see the bubbles to appear and start popping you can turn them over, then take out & place in a serving dish.
– Repeat the process until your mixture is done. it Made about 10 Medium size Pancakes.
– Serve with any toppings of your choice.
Enjoy 😉
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Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
hi everyone and welcome to my foodchannel so today I’m going to be sharingwith you my a super easy quick pancakerecipe pancake crumpets it’s pretty muchthe same thing they’re both round andhave bubbles in them so yeah it’s prettymuch the same thing so that’s what I’mgoing to be sharing with you today andplease don’t forget to subscribe andring the bell for future videos and Ihope everyone is safe at home so let’sget started on the ingredients floursugar salt milk oil baking powder andegg so start off by cracking the egginto a bowlthen add in the oil and the milkwisk this wellnow add in the 1 cup flour I have aquarter cup scoop in my flowerpot sothat’s why I put four of these which isone cup and then add in the 1 tablespoonsugarthe baking powder and the salt and whiskthis very well until it is combined andwell and smooth you’ll see it is a bitthick in the beginning but the more youmix the more runnier it becomes now setit aside for about five minutes untilyou’ve prepared your pan and waited forit to heat up on about low to mediumheat I put in two scoops that’s what mypan could fit and once you see thebubbles appearing and when it startspopping then you know it is ready to beturned overplace them on the placeand repeat the process until all themixture is doneand again you see the bubbles poppingand they are ready to be turned over seehow golden and how it fluffed up thereso once all the mixture is doneplace them on serving dish and then dishup and you can add anything you wantI put maple syrup and strawberries enjoyguys[Music]okay so there is my super quick easypancake recipe and in South Africa wegrew up knowing the pancake which is thecrepe Newton one because now few cons acrepe is a Pannekoek so we grew upthinking that pancake was within onesbut in actual fact the pancakes are theround thick ones like the ones I havedone here um so you guys can serve thiswith anything really with bacon andsyrup or strawberries and cream orNutella or just it’s endless again ifyou’re having when you will be having abrunch you can make them a little bitsmaller used I make them smaller and dobite size little pancakes so that’s alsoa good idea this recipe made abouttinned pancakes and I used just show youquick these two sizesthey use this one which is a little bitsmaller but again you can make themwhatever size you want so I hope youguys enjoy making this recipe andactually if you do make my stuff pleasetake photos send them to me on InstagramI will link it down below or Facebookand so please everyone be safe at homeand please don’t forget to subscribe andwin the battle for future videos[Music]