Pancakes Recipes

Strawberry Fluffy Pancake Recipe

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Strawberry Fluffy Pancakes is my daughter’s favorite pancake, well she likes pancake but claimed that this is the best pancake she ever ate. This is a very flavorful and tasty pancake. So fluffy and moist, adding fruit to my regular pancake homemade mix made a big difference. Took this pancake into the highest level. What makes this extra special is, it is homemade with love.

I hope you enjoy this video, and please share this recipe, like and subscribe to our channel.

2 eggs (separate yolks)
2 cups all purpose flour (sifted)
Strawberries (cubes)
1 tbsp. hot water  
1 tbsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt
4 tbsp. granulated sugar
1/4 cup melted butter (make sure it’s room temperature)
1 cup whole milk
1 tbsp Vanilla extract
Oil for cooking
Powdered sugar for toppings (optional)

Tips: Whisk the egg whites until fluffy or stiff peak.      
   Use a thick Iron skillet (not non-stick)       
 Use oil instead of butter to cook the pancakes.
Butter tends to get hot easily which will burn the pancakes easily. Cook on Low-Medium heat
I made 8 medium size pancakes. 

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Video Transcription

hello everyone camastawelcome to dash of spices on today’svideo I’ll be showing you how I madethis very delicious strawberry fluffypancakes if you want to learn how I madethis delicious pancake please stay tunedand watch the entire video and foringredients I have here is 2 cups ofall-purpose flour sifted also 2 eggswhich I separate the white and a yolkalso the strawberries for the strawberrypancake and I also have a vanillaextract salt and baking powder I’m goingto use two types of brown of sugar whichI have here is a powdered sugar and somegranulated white sugaralso going to use one cup of whole milkyou could use buttermilk 1/4 cup meltedbutter 1 tbsp hot water and 1 tbsp oilfor cookingfirst things first I’m going to whiskthe egg whites and I’m going to add 2tbsp of the granulated sugar I’ll bewhisking this for about five minutes oruntil the texture is fluffy for stiffpick this is really up to you but I wantmine fluffy and while that’s whiskingI’m going to prepare the strawberry nowwith the strawberry you’re going toslice this into tiny cubes tiny piecesas much as possible you can actuallyprepare this overnight or ahead of timebefore you’re making a pancake we’rebasically making a strawberry jam alsothe process of this is called macerationwe are going to add white sugar withthis strawberries the white sugar willhelp absorb the juice from thestrawberry and the result is you’regonna have that strawberry liquid fromthe combination of the sugar and thestrawberry so you’re creating a stripthe strawberry jam make sure to mix thesugar and the strawberry until they arecombined well combined and I’m going toadd a hot water because I’m going tomake this process faster I don’t have 30minutes to wait for the sake of thevideo I’m basically rushing this but thebest way is to keep this covered forabout 30 minutes so just set that asideand now there is the whisk egg if youwant it more stiff thick you couldcontinue whisking it but this is aperfect texture for meand now let’s just set that aside we aregoing to mix the dry ingredients startwith the all-purpose flour I’ll salt thebaking powder and the salt and also I’mgoing to add one tablespoon of whitesugar and mix this until combined nowI’m going to mix the wet ingredientsstart with an egg yolk I’m going to addtotal of one cup of milkbut I’m adding the milk gradually startwith two cups of the 1/4 cup of the milkbasically that’s total of 1/2 cup ofmilk and I’m adding the melted butterwhisk until combineduntil they’ll combine and now I’m goingto add 1 tablespoon of vanilla extractand again just mix until they arecombined I’m going to add that combinethat with the dry ingredients now thisis really up to you you could combineall of the ingredients at the same timebut for me the my technique is to addthe liquid ingredients graduallyespecially the milk so I could controlthe texture of the pancakenow I’m adding another 1/4 cup of nutsand mix until they are combineduntil you’re satisfied to the texturejust continue adding the liquidingredients with like the milk like whatI’m doing right here now that’s another1/4 cup of milk so total I added onefull cup of milk now I’m happy with thetexture of the pancake I’m going tocombine the pancake mix and the fluffyegg whites just mix that all togethermake sure you fold this gently this willhelp you get a fluffy texture of thepancake the egg whites if you whisk theegg whites separately that will helpprovide the fluffy texture to yourpancake the fluffy and supple textureand right there the mix is perfect forme and now I’m going to start cooking itI’m using a thick iron skillet Irecommend using a thick iron skilletinstead of a nonstick it’s like a thinskillet for some reason if I use anonstick skillet it doesn’t cook thepancake rightI just coped like one-half cup of themixture so this is basically a medium tolarge of the size of the pancake I’mgoing to cover this and let it cook for3 to 4 minutes when it start bubblingfrom the outside of the pancake this isready for you to flip on the other sideand cook for another 2 minutes I’m usinga medium to low heat because I don’twant to overcook the pancake and nowthat that is done just transfer thatinto a serving plate and continuecooking with the other pancake just likethat and same process cover it and letit cook for 3 to 4 minutes and startbubbling and flip it on the other sidenow there is our first pancake as youcan see it’s fluffy and this is actuallysmells good toonow I’m going to pour over or add thestrawberry mixture or the strawberry jamdo this while the pancake is nice andhot because this will absorb thestrawberry juice evenly some peoplewould like to add a slices ofstrawberries while they’re cooking thepancake I like mine this way because Inotice the juice which spread out evenlyto the pancake instead of just adding awhole fruit or a slice of fruit to thepancake mix and with our second pancakejust flip that on the other side andagain cook it for about two minutes thisis done and you’re just gonna put thisover on top of our first pancake in sameprocess you’re going to top this withthe strawberries mixture or thestrawberry jam so you could see thepancake already of sir absorbed thestrawberry juice again I like thisprocess because I notice that this willactually the the flavor of thestrawberry will be divided will getspread out evenly to the pancakeas you can see the cheese is alreadyabsorbed by the pancake and top it withthe powdered sugar and there is ourdelicious super tasty Luffy strawberrypancake now let’s see what she thinkshow is it thumbs up is it good – thumbsup I hope you liked this video andplease come back and see us again nexttime thank you for watching ciao

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