Another day with me and the girls, today grandma invited us around for pancakes and lots of dancing
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Video Transcription
[Music][Music]I can’t forget that we met your eyes soblue we’re pressing through I can’tforget thatthat’s my surprise it made me spawn Ilove it[Music]whatever see why you big Bonacci todayOh give a mummy a good double chin let’ssee if we can do something about thatI’ve to bend down and look up never mindnobody’s perfect so this oneyes you sivanna it’s been very verynaughty today yes why one gene whypulling your hair why putting hair downOh preacher boy doing hi go get Millysoon we’re gonna go to school yeahyou’re just looking at yourself inmirror out yeah oh hey girl sir we’regonna go pick nilly up kisses in loveagain oh do you me we’re gonna give alot of kisses a lot of Saku girls am Igetting it againwell it’s a new season qoodles and thenbecause it’s Friday on Fridays we liketo go to Grandma’s so we’re gonna go tomy mom’s today to see grandma and to seeauntie knocker mister Wow and I’ve beenneeding some baby qoodles from Savannahand Miller and grammar and anti knockerhave said that we’re gonna make monkeyso I’m so excited to go get millionTaylor because she just loves doingthings like that and moves a tension andwas pancakes obviously who don’t Punkit’s so that’s the plan we’re gonna goget Millie go see grandma make pancakeseat pancakes and probably come homechill got a bed sleep and she’s theweekend excuse me I can you not put ornews nap is in the bin please yeahplease are you favorite programs ondancing hello baby[Music][Music][Music][Music]come here and smell your time get readyhello Savannah it’s gonna be wonderfulday it’s freezing and I could actuallycry in pain sure strap in Savannah intothe car and my car who’s got knees onhimso she’s grabbed it as I’m strapping herin and as I’ve pulled awayshe’s like god it’s hit me in the fingerand I know I might sound soft but itreally really her sureshall we go get Milly yay so the nexttime you see us we will have our justplay in what about you do you know whatthe drive good girl guess where we’regoing grandmas and what do thinkgrandma’s got for you and Savannah to doshall I tell you what it is we’re gonnamake pancakes cause she can she we sellthing see you at Grandma’s[Music][Music][Music]an easter egg strawberry jam okay youmet the pancakes kids’ll be there[Music][Music]let me do it without being falseI was a bad bet going on you know theflame we said eight males with[Music][Music]Aska just got back from the shop run andthink I’ll end it here I’m just waitingfor yummy Domino’s to be delivered anice pepperoni pizzapant with bye everyone[Music]