Pancakes Recipes

Sally and Possum Season 4 Episode 11 – Sally makes pancakes

This is the big day! Sally is going to show Possum, not just how to make pancakes, but how to flip them. If Possum is flipping pancakes, where will they land?

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Look.Ah.I’m Sally.And I’m Possum.BOTH: Hello.Oh, hello, everyone.Good morning.Oh, today is a very special day,
because we’re making pancakes.(LAUGHS) I’m so excited.Sally makes the most delicious
pancakes ever.But unfortunately, we don’t get
to have them every day.Oh, well. And you know what?Sally’s not making
the pancakes today.I am!I’ve been watching Sally,and now I know how
to make pancakes myself.Right, I know to start off
I need a mixture,then I pour that mixture out,and then comes my favourite part.The flipping! (LAUGHS) Yes.But sometimes I see Sally using
a special thingto turn the pancakes.Right, before I go in,
I need to practise flipping.Hmm. (GASPS) I know.This one.There.That one. And this one goes there.Oh, good morning, everyone.I wonder what Possum’s up to?He’s got his cricket bat,but he’s got my cushions
out here too.I don’t think he’s going
to be playing cricket.Usually, he has his ball
tied to a string off the tree.Hi, Possum.
Hi, Sally!Are you having fun?Yes, I am.What are you doing, Possum?Well, today’s a very special day.
I need to practise.Are you going to play cricket?
No.Oh, well, what are you doing?I’m making pancakes.I need to practise flipping them.Oh, I know you would love to flip
those pancakes.Yeah, watch this.Whoop!
Oh, you’re very good.Whoop!
Oh, wow.Whoop! (LAUGHS)Oh, Possum, if that was
a real pancake,do you know what would’ve happened?You would’ve flipped it so high that
it would’ve flipped on the ground.Oh.Ooh, Sally, watch me.Watching?(CHUCKLES) Oh, you’re funny.Pancakes aren’t big and round.
They’re flat.Hmm. Oh, Sally, watch this.Watching?(GRUNTS)Oh, you’re funny.
Come on, Sally.That way.(GRUNTS)(LAUGHS)(LAUGHS)Oh, that was fun.
Yeah.You are just like a big pancake,
aren’t you, Possum?Yep.Well, why don’t we tidy up here,
go inside the kitchenand actually make some real pancakes?Yeah, let’s go!Ready!Have we remembered everything
we need, Possum?Yep.Great, but there’s one more thing.Can you remember every time
we’ve made something,there’s something we do beforehand.Oh! I know! Wash my hands.That’s right.OK, Sally, it’s very important to
wash your handsbefore you cook,
to make sure they’re nice and cleanYes, you’re right, Possum.We’ve got everything ready,
but before we do anythingwhy don’t we watch children making
some pikelets.They look just like pancakes.Let’s watch.
Yeah, let’s watch.Oh, that looked great.Oh, they were delicious.All those little pikelets and
the fruit and healthy toppings.They looked so delicious.Oh, yes. Are we going to make some?Oh, yes. I want to make them.
Can I flip them too?Oh, yes. We have to get
the recipe out.OK.Mmm.What else do we need, Possum?Oh, I know, Sally. Hold on.I wonder where he’s going?(LAUGHS)Oh, you look lovely.Now you’re ready to be a cook.You look like a chef. Are you ready?Yes. Alright, let’s put it
all in now.Oh, no, Possum, we can’t just throw
it all in together.It might not taste very good.
It might ruin it.We need to follow the recipeand follow the instructions
step by step,so we know how much of
each thing to put in there, OK?OK.
Right.What does the recipe say first?We need three eggs.Right. What’s next?Oh, I know. The milk and the flour.
Put it all in.No, no, not just yet.Possum, we need to measure
and see how much milk we need.We need the jug, the measuring jug.We need 250ml.
Where is it?There. Just a bit more.Ah, we need the flour.I’ve got the flour here.We need 125 grams. OK?
OK.Now, we need to mix it together
into a nice liquid mixture.(LAUGHS)Is it done?
Yes!It looks ready, Possum.Let’s go to the stove. Let’s go.OK.Ooh!Now, be very careful.
It’s very hot, OK?OK.And only hold it by the handle.
Don’t touch the pan.Got it.Hmm, that could be hot enough.
I’m not sure.I’ll get some water on it to test.
Hmm.(SIZZLES)You see how it’s sizzling?Ah. Yeah, I see it.That means it’s hot enough.
We need some butter.Great.(SIZZLES)Wow. Oh, a little more, Sally.(LAUGHS)
Can you see it bubbling?The underside is starting to cook.Ah.Can you see that?
Yeah, I can see it.Now I’ll turn it.
OK.Sally, are you going to flip it?Oh, not yet, Possum.
You need to turn it over first.OK.Ha, ha!Looks great.Now, we need to let
the underside go brown too.OK.Now what are we going to do?
Can I flip it?We’re going to flip it.
Can I?No, I’ll go first.
I’ll show you how it’s done.OK.Alright.Alright. Are you ready?(GASPS) Yay!(LAUGHS) Now it’s your turn.OK. Ooh.Ready?Huh.
Try again.Huh.You need to do it harder than that.OK.Huh?Oh.It’s gone.Oh, it’s stuck to
the ceiling, Possum.Sally, can I have another go?Yes, try another one.
OK, one more.Huh.
Oh.Oh? Huh.Huh? Oh! Oh!Oh! (LAUGHS)(LAUGHS)(GRUNTS)
Yes! Whoo-hoo!Yes! I did it, finally.Oh! Yes.
Ha, ha. Yes!Hooray. Whoo!(LAUGHS)Whoa.Oh, you are getting
so much better at this.Yeah. Oh, hold on.Ooh.There you go.Oh, it looks great. Should we eat it?Oh, yes, please.Hmm.Oh, yum, yum.Mmm.(MUNCHES) Mmm.These are delicious.They are delicious, Sally,and they taste even better
because I made them.You’re right, Possum.But when we have finished eating,
do you know what we need to do?What’s that?We need to get rid of all
of the pancakes in the kitchen.They need to be cleaned up.Oh, I am sorry, Sally.It doesn’t matter, Possum.Well, our time is up.
Thanks for watching.See you next time.Huh?Huh?Oh?
Bye!Oh, that’s funny.(LAUGHS) Oh, Possum.

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