Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
I logic about 50k of money to anyone whomade 25 plates of pancakes for me Ithought was a bad idea was I why not wecan do it so I went to this person’sface and she started make the pancakesthen she asks for helpers and I was likeok get two helpers and they’ll be donewith and there was doing the banking’sand then they actually made make 25pancakes actually 26 pancakes and coolone more so yeahthe woman who told me first got the 50kand maybe split it or took herself buteither way she’ll to that person welllike editing the video the thought thefile didn’t work out it said it wentwrong some sort but you know I have likethis little clip of booper of silentcounting pancakes we’re trying to dosomething of those get but yeah I waslike this looks badanyways the other feature I’ll be doingchallenges like this hope so have thatfile so you guys can like see where Ichallenge was like doing either wayenjoy the little clip I have earr likefrom the video of supposed to like editpublish but subscribe like if you likesee you in the next videothen we got a knot yeah we got teen okayI’m gonna stop herI almost press that drink button almostalmost trip I could have I could havelost all of the pancakes there