The City of Montclair wants to share a virtual Easter Eggstravaganza with you – please enjoy the following YouTube videos put together by our Montclair AfterSchool Program (MAP) staff.
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music]my name is[Music]in this manual[Music]hi and welcome to another episode ofFreddie sick or today we will be makingbanana pancakes for this easy recipe allyou need is a cook mix filter water onebanana and cooking spray or butter oroil for your might to stick so to beginyou will peel your banana once it’speeled you would put it in your bowl andyou will once that’s done it’sgonna take maybe a little bit you willhave a mix I already have one preparedand it will look like this so make sureit’s really mashed up you don’t want bigchunks because your pancake mix will gointo this so now use at that aside andyou will in a bowl pour one cup of yourpackingmake sure be a little tricky one cuponce you have that toughyou will pour it into your banana thatis smashed up after that you will goahead and grab your milk or your waterand make sure you pour a cup once it ispoured you will go ahead and mix it mixand mix you don’t want any chunks therebecause they taste good so this mighttake a while you will make I have onedone already for us and it will looklike this it should look like thisif the consistency is too thick where itdoesn’t even you like just awfulyou can go east or some more milk andyour problem will be solved if it is tooliquidy you don’t know what because onceyou put it on the griddle it will justgo everywhere and you will not getthinking if it is too liquidy you canalways add a little bit more of yourpancake mixso once you are done mixing and you likethe consistency you have you will pourit onto your warm-up griddle make surevery important that an adult a parent iswith you because this is hot and wedon’t want any accidents so once that isdone I almost forgot you will cut someof your cooking spring so your pancakeswill not stick if you do not have someof this do not worry you can add somebutter you can add some oil and yournonstick so now we pour a good amount soyou don’t have like a huge pancake or alittle tiny and it cooks right so I’mgoing to pour two you can always make itfun and try to make something a designface whatever you’d like so now you’llleave it there for a couple of minutesfor it to cook before you flip it whenyou know it’s ready the top will startbubbling like to have bubbles and thenyou can always check the sides with yourspatula to each tag if it’s almost doneand Bradley has to be brown if it’s notbrown and that couldn’t get I just leaveit on there for a couple more minutesso we’re going to wait see is it so Ican show you guys the fun part is thefloating part but make sure you have aparent with you and this doll as you cansee some of them are bubbling learningthat’s because this was warm morning ifyou just turned it onbefore you poured it it will take alittle bit longer but you’ll see themlike bluffinglady I remember does this go to use inthe morning at night whenever you feellike Sunday’s family time for thislocation for Easter we’re making somegood banana teaso now is flip and you let it go I havesome done already to show you guys so Istacked two pancakes and now the reallyfun part is the adding the toppings tothis so you have been only the chocolatechips to a on top through any type offruit slice it up I personally likestrawberry so I slice some up slice someup you can use any other type of fruit Ilike syrup you can use Jam chocolatesyrup and you pour it on and they’reready to enjoy thank you for watchingReady Set cook and we’ll see you guyshere next time[Music]you[Music]