Pancakes Recipes

Quick and easy Pancakes || Home Made



1 Cup Flour
1 teaspoon Baking Powder
1 teaspoon Sugar
1 Pinch Salt


1 Cup of Milk
Olive Oil


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y’all welcome to be helpless so this isa very very simple recipe to makepancakes okay well some Khalid flapjacksso basically then I need one of eachyou’re gonna start off with 1 cup offlour and 1 teaspoon of baking powderI’m using baking powder because I wantedto rise a bit and since it’s not the flypancakes that we usually use – theseones can be used to substitute braidsand yeah it’s any starch so then you canadd your 1 teaspoon of baking powder toyour flour[Music]so remember I said we’ll be taking oneof each right so that’s the time whenyou take we put in our egg so we’re justgonna take one egg so in the beginningwe use one cup of flour 1 teaspoon ofbaking powder and now we use one egg soyou’re just gonna beat it and it doesn’thave to be very very very very beatingback and just so that the egg yolk andthe whites are mixed properly it shouldbe good enough the next thing we willadd now is milk it should be 1 cup ofmilk but wow I’m used to doing this so Ijust use my discretion so if you tryingthis for the first time just use 1 cupof milk and you will add on to get theconsistency that you want just make sureit is not too runny[Music]so now that go all of that is mixed inproperly I’m gonna add my salt it shouldbe a pinch of salt and one teaspoon ofsugar but in this case I’m just gonnayeah do exactly that and add my sugarbut the sugar I added two teaspoonsbecause I like mine a bit sweet it’slike cakes some prefer sweet some beforeand not some sweet cakes I like mypancakes with some sugar they won’t bevery sweet though cuz you can still eatthem with your bacon and eggs so this isactually all up to you as soon as youget used to making pancakes you know andfigure out some how’d she like your saltand sugar so now I’m going to be mixingmy dry and wet ingredients together makesure that you mix them properly and yeahthis is the stage where you will decideif you want to add a bit more milk ornot I decided to add a bit more cuz mypastry was effective very thick so yeahI just added some more lemme say here ishalf a cup but yeah you will see foryourself how you want them and just toremember never make them too too toorunnyunless you really want those flatpancakes[Music]now it’s time to fry our pancakes I’llbe adding some oil to the pan andcovering it properly with the oil andlet it get war as if you’ll be fine ooheggs can start frying your pancakes nowand the trick here is to look at thebubbles as soon as the whole surface ofthe pancake is covered with bubbles youcan flip it over[Music]so I decided to get a bit fancyand because I love chocolates I’m gonnaadd some roll of chunks into my pancakemixture and continue the process waylifted which was continued to fry[Music]to make a cinnamon sugar is very simpleyou just gonna take a teaspoon ofcinnamon and add some sugar to it andyou’re done you can sprinkle some allover your pancakes and eat with tea[Music]you[Music]

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