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In this video I will be making pancakes alongside my sister. Due to quarantine we are not able to cook together so we thought it would be a great idea if we would do a fun video having a cook off.
* I do not own rights to this music
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#pancakes @quarantinemeals
Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
[Music]alright guys welcome back to my channelso today I decide I’m going to dosomething different I’m going to bedoing a quarantine cook-off featuring mysister because of isolation she liveswith my parents and obviously I livealone with my son so we decided we’regonna do a little fun video so todaywe’re gonna be actually making pancakesand yet see who has made it best sohopefully you guys enjoyed this videoand I’ll see you soonalright guys so the first thing thatwe’re going to be doing is putting ourflour into our bowlsI’m using a much smaller bowl becauseit’s just me and my son where’s mysister is using a bigger bowl becauseshe’s making for myself my stepdad andmy mum okay so the next thing my sisteris adding is some baking powder I havenot added baking powder to my mix okayand now she’s just adding some sugar[Music]and now I’m just gonna add my egg I’monly using one egg whereas my sisterwill be adding three whole eggs[Music][Music]and now I’m just adding some semi skimmilk and my sister will be doing thesame okay as you can see she’s using ameasuring jug I have not used ameasuring jug I’ve just been measuringmyself and going along with what I feelI need[Music]okay so now we’re just gonna mix all ouringredients in all together and makesure there’s no lumps[Music]okay and now I’m just adding some tablesalt[Music]okay and the next ingredients I’mputting in is some cinnamon powder okayso I’m just gonna mix all that intogether and I don’t believe my sisterwill be using cinnamon powder buthopefully this works out well for me[Music]okay so the next ingredient that Athenawill be using is Proctor again this isanother ingredient and I have not putshe’s really good at baking so I knowthis is just a fairlyI’ve decided I’m gonna add someblueberries into my mix I’m not sure ifthis is gonna work out well but we’llgive it a go and see how it does turnsout now we’re just gonna put some oliveoil into our pan and let that heat up[Music][Music]okay so I’m just gonna pour my mix intothe pan and hope for the best[Music]okay so I’m just going to check to makesure that it’s not burning and that it’snot sticking to the pan[Music]okay so I feel like now it’s ready toturn over as you can see it wasn’t quiteready yet but that’s okay I will turn itback over again I saw my sister’s turnedhas older as you can see has has comeout really nice and brown and that’sstarting to look really good[Music][Music]you can see so much chicken pancake isdone I’m gonna make the last one plainand this one will be for my son as hedoesn’t like boobies anyways so this onewill be for him[Music]case finally the last pancake is readyand I’ll just show you guys[Music]okay so that’s my finishing product asyou can see about two blueberry pancakeswhich I’ll be adding syrup to and theplaneman I will be adding some chocolatesauce for my son[Music]going back over at my sister’s houseshe’s putting the finishing touchesshe’s adding banana look how nice andthick and fluffy her pancakes look[Music]guys I’m finally gonna try I know didn’tcome out as I expected or hoped it wouldcome out I’m sure it’s gonna taste goodit so looks good so that’s the one withthe blueberries mm-hmm mm-hmmthat is actually not bad at allit’s actually nice I’m just gonna takethe chocolate one before I give it to myson I’m just going to have a littletaste okay that’s the chocolate one thatone’s really good mm-hmm right guys thatwas a fun little video hope you guysenjoy this video and I’ll see you soonbye