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Delicious, Fluffy, and Easy to Make High Protein Pancake Recipe
Protein Powder Recipes: How to make High Protein Pancakes from scratch
Tags : Baking With Protein , Best Protein Pancake Recipe , from scratch Protein recipe , High Protein Breakfast Ideas , High Protein Breakfast Recipe ,
Protein powder pancake recipe on YouTube
If you want to learn how to make The Best Protein Pancake Recipe from scratch, look no further! A delicious combination of ingredients you likely already have in the kitchen (flour, milk, eggs, baking powder) makes these easy Protein Packed Pancakes the perfect high Protein Breakfast Idea!
Delicious, Anabolic and low calorie!
Protein Powder Recipes: Pre Cooking Instructions
• HEAT Cook over medium heat. It takes longer but the results are better (a non-stick skillet works best).
• OIL Oil the pan and allow it to heat up. Before making the frist batch, give it a gentle wipe with paper towels to remove any big blobs of oil. This will give you perfectly browned pancakes.
• BATTER The batter should be slightly lumpy (image below) and should pour easily but should not be runny.
• If it’s too thick add milk a tablespoon or two at a time.
• If it’s too runny or you’ve accidentally added too much liquid, you can add a bit of flour to get the right consistency.
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Video Transcription
what’s going on guys good morningeveryone I just got done doing a bigpush workout it’s a nice sunny day herein California still no gym so hit in thebackyard gym but really hungry afterthis workout and I decided that I’mgonna share my protein pancake mixrecipe with everyone and it’s gonna befrom scratch with things that youprobably already have in your house ifnot real simple stuff to pick up I’mready if you are let’s get in there andstart making some protein hacks you knoweveryone my name is Mike I used to beoverweight for most of my life butthrough my training and nutrition Icompletely turned my life aroundI created hey what’s going on everyonethere’s a quick flyby of the ingredientswe’re gonna be using today not a lot ofstuff here’s some of the tools I’m usingthis rubber spatula this wire whisk 1/4cup a full cup a few teaspoon andtablespoons now the first thing I’mgoing to do is put this pan down andpreheat the stove to about medium-highI’m also going to be adding some oil onhere and I’m going to spread it aroundwith a paper towel that’s way it’s notjust blocked on and while we’re gettingthis preheated we can go ahead and startgetting our dry mix together now insidethe ball already I have about a cup anda half of flour for normal pancakes Iwould probably do two cups but sincewe’re adding our protein in wedefinitely got to make some room I’madding four scoops of whey islip vanillaprotein you can use whatever proteinyou’d like I’m using one of nutritionvanilla ice cream flavor but any isolatewould wardup to what you want and what flavors youlove you can even get experimental oneup has a blueberry muffin flavor in itis amazing in pancakes as well but forthis one we’re gonna stick with vanillakeep them basic I’m also going to beadding a teaspoon of baking soda here ateaspoon of salt and oh I’m sorry a halfteaspoon of salt as well as fourteaspoons of baking powder I actuallyhad to upgrade the ball size a littlebitnothing not everything was fitting inthat other Bowl misjudged the volumethis recipe actually has all right wegot our baking powder in let’s mix thisup a little bitwant to get everything spread out evenlyget protein mixed around all of thebatter all rightnow we can start on our wet ingredientsI’m going to start off with one egg thisrecipe calls for two eggs but I’msupplementing one of the eggs with 1/4cup of egg whites just to add a littleextra protein less cholesterol you wantto keep one regular egg in there becauseit kind of works this into emulsifierand makes everything stick togetherbetter you take that egg out yourpancakes just aren’t going to be thesame so use at least one one 3/4 cups ofmilk of choice I using almond milk likealwayslittle low-calorie stuff right there beadding 1/4 cup of butter and our almondmilk in I’m sorry that’s actually twotablespoons of butter melted butter andalmond milk[Music]just gonna whisk this round get it niceand mixed together[Music]youall right now with the dry ingredientsI’m kind of going to make up ball insideof the bowl that I can pour the wetingredients into right in the middlework our way from the center and mixeverything together real good[Music]I love using these rubber spatulas herebecause they help get everything out ofthe ball really easy to clean afterwardsand keeps you from wasting anyingredients and it’s just really a greattool to use now we’re gonna whisk thisall together just real easy you don’thave to do it for too long there you canleave it a little chunky you want tojust stir it until it’s all mixedtogether and you’re gonna get this nicebubbly texture and it’s gonna lookamazing it should be so you know alittle thin and watery but if it’slooking too thin you can always add somemore flour or protein powder or if it’slooking too thick add a tablespoon ofyour milk and keep stirring until youget the consistency you like and once Iget this stirred we’re gonna get aclose-up of that bubbly texture so youcan see exactly what I’m talking aboutthe signature pancake look before we getthere I’m gonna throw in a little bit ofchocolate chips and I just throw them inbecause I enjoy chocolate chips and mychildren enjoy chocolate chips and theylove these pancakes so you got to makethem for the whole family but totallyoptional for you you don’t have to putthem inanother alternative could be blueberriesor some nuts and that’s a bubbly texturewe’re looking for right there looksamazingnow I’m gonna sprinkle some water herejust to make sure the pan is ready to goeverything looks goodusing 1/4 cup to measure out eachserving shouldn’t make me about 12pancakes I’m sorry 16:10 cakes and let’sget these underway I’m gonna be flippingsome tangible quick and I’ll come rightback and we’ll try these things out[Music][Music][Music]you really like and how these pancakescame out this is my first time makingthis recipe this way a lot of times Iuse the Kodiak cake mix and it comes outgreat as well but these are just sofluffy so I’m gonna be dressing mypancakes today with some fruitsstart off with some strawberries it’sall up to you you can add whatever you’dlike but for me to make this more of acomplete meal I like to add some berriesespecially because it’s reckless andbanana blueberries strawberries for themorning great way to get some energygreat delicious healthy foods to go withyour pancakes I feel like the hardestpart of baking your own protein snacksis keeping yourself from eating themwhile you’re baking them if youunderstand what I mean think aboutwhatever you’re making cookies youalways end up testing a little too manynow I’m using sugar-free syrup here youcan use whatever you like a greatalternative would be honey pure maplesyrup even a little bit of whipped creamwon’t hurt that it’s minimal calories itit’s delicious add it you can addwhatever you’d likehonestly it’s up to you now I made a lotof these pancakes and that’s because I’mgoing to use them for my breakfast mealprep and it’s a great way to you knowhave that breakfast already made for youwhen you’re on the go you’re busy youhave to go to work in the morningany kind of situation these things canbe frozen I mean obviously you can buyfrozen pancakes at the stores there’s noreason why you couldn’t do that withyour own so before you start baggingthese up let them sit out for a whileand get you know cooled down a littlebit you don’t want to bag anything upright away after it’s finished cookingbecause that can lead to some foodsafety issues and I mean it’s not gonnahappenevery time but if you bag it up rightaway and put it straight into thefurniture freezer without letting itcool down and you’re sealing this bagit’s kind of keeping it from cooling asquickly as you plug it to my bags arereally thin so it’s not as crucial butjust something to look out for just kindof let them sit for a minute you knoweat a plate of them and then come backthen put the rest away and you’ll begood to goI’m putting alright I hope that videowas easy enough for you guys to followthese came out really goodthey’re really good for milk prep like Isaid and easy to grab and go we’ll getdown to the macro breakdown right nowbut let’s enjoy these real quicklet’s take these pancakes and let’sfigure out exactly what the macros arenow as always I’m going to be comparingthese with a normal version of whatwe’re creating today so for today’smacro breakdown what we have is somehomemade pancakes now this is just ageneric pancake recipe here nothing toocrazy but let’s look at what the macrosare so for our homemade pancakes fourinches I mean I kind of just guessedbased off the mine mine are about fourinches so they’re gonna be 86 calorieswhich isn’t bad that’s pretty low prettylow amount of calories but pretty smallpancake as well our fats are gonna bethree point seven grams the carbs areten point eight no sugar which is greatno fiber would be better and protein istwo point four so that’s not what I’mlooking forthis is protein X let’s see what we canimprove on here and there it is here’sour protein X version of our proteinpancake recipe now 100 calories perserving which is a little bit more thanthe homemade pancakes the button let’skeep going here 2.5 grams of fat whichis lower than the homemade total andthat’s probably because of the almondmilk I mean the almond milks in it youknow cut a lot of that out next we’ll goon to carbs so we actually went down andcarbs you went up in calories but downin carbs 9.2 grams of carbs compared tothe ten point eight grams and finallythe protein nine point nine grams that’sbasically ten grams of protein perpancake compared to the two point fourin the regular pancakes 10 grams ofprotein 100 calories sweet two of thesethat’s 20 grams you eat three of themit’s 30 grams of protein it’s gonna beamazing for your breakfast it’sdeliciousthey’re super fluffy amazingly deliciousgreat for any breakfast and that’s aprotein hack guys really really happywith how theseI hope you guys enjoy the recipe if youguys have any questions just let me knowin the comments let me know on InstagramI’m always willing to help you guys outif you’re having an issue with therecipe thanks for checking out the backrow breakdown let’s wrap things upthanks again everyone for checking outthe video on the next protein hack goingto be showing everyone how I make myhigh-protein coffee creamer which I useevery single morning to help me stayconsistent and get some protein as soonas I wake up in the morning usually Iuse it when I’m trying to do someintermittent fasting to cut some weightbecause instead of just starving myselffor that first whatever it it’s eighthours before I eat I drink this coffeeand it holds me until that time and I’mstill promoting muscle growth healing mybody and I’m excited to show you guysthis if you follow me on Instagram yousee me posting it all the time and it’sreally simple to make you don’t youdon’t even need a smoothie blender oranything like that you can do it withthe shaker if you like I’ll be droppingthat maybe in about a couple days shouldbe a real quick video and it should helpa lot of people save money coffee atStarbucks and Dutch bros can really addup and this is a good way to get someprotein and also get that caffeine boostyou need in the morning so you knowtackle for everything you need to do solook forward to seeing you guys on thenext video thanks again for checking outprotein hackseveryone who enjoying the videos makesure you get that subscribe buttonchecked out the video and I’ll catch youon the next protein-packed