Original of the video here
Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
okay so guys I own back my brotheractually didn’t press the button and itwas the stop button so we stopped it Ididn’t know what that vials I just mightbe a part too but yeah okay so what isshe journey what is she doing okay showquestionpancakes big or small oh man hi try toparty with your pickings big or smallalmost like milk it does look like milkthank you the camera is the besthonestly to me she taught you[Music][Music]he’s shy haha sauce how the butter shelooked like kids please don’t touch thatguy how you wear it over there alrightso we’re just gonna win so that’s moveit all around mankids are none left to touch that becausebacon yeah ten or older is your twentyor order then yeah better you just wantto everywhere that’s how it’s supposedto look like you could chop it up butnow looks like okay we’re gonna do okaylet’s just get it and pour it you wantto just like pour it all aroundokaythat pancake is big sorry if you hear abreeder noise and not nice words because[Music]wait dude is doing that okay so if youdidn’t know what pancakes take thecameraso if you didn’t know what pancakes whenyou see these bubbles right so when theypop that means that they’re ready sothen you can just grab it and flip itover and you kind of let your fingers tobe too too big because then it might beharder so yet and also every single timeyou do a new pancake you want to putbutter all over the pan so like we’renot going Billy’s pancake I don’t haveto get some give this back to theCameron[Music]yes ok bubbles are awesome haha yeahthat’s how I’d be lost and lights rightthereso meatloaf kind of meat then you littlebrat little mini bread and then thatketchup rub color didn’t really mean ithere’s the stand up not yetoh so that’s how it looks and I supposeto do it so quick you just do that likethis alright I’m not the UH go back guysI’m gonna show you guys when I’m donedoing this things what words[Music]pancake has been flipped I just flip thepancake and almost done and you see wehave a perfect pancake good and ready sowe just want to wait my sister’s makingbag right now[Music]okay this pancake is rinsing I’m gonnaput them on the platenice okay we gotta get some more butternow she grabbed some bread and just putlistening it up and eating itOh pancake look at the bed and my shouldwatch her butter not so goodyou looked like you had chopped itWinslow’s they probably don’t have thistype of butter well any kind of others[Music][Music]boo there’s two pancakes and that’sgonna be all think on being consciousyeah I think I’m a delicious where areour that’s how they are they justgetting burned up from this get the UHbackside good and then you get the andthen when you run your bread you gottaflip it get the other side go which isawesome so that’s still going there youcan see it’s kind of like burning offit’s like to make for a fire we don’thave to we don’t meet cooking some meatand recording is the best I wish I coulddo that every day that’s a tiny word forsomething in there yeahhook your loved one er and cooking withJaylinwhat is that time of me like I was togive you a certain time to stop the autooh look at them that look I’m just gonnashake like a bum whose name fish feelingthat eyeball right sorryand then that was like it’s just gonnabe like a weird little ballyou better flip it this is how you mightyou might flip it flip itoh okay in it cook it what I did oh solet me turn this offand y’all this pancake going on see yareal sick wow that is so raw honey youknow you just folded cooking was you tocooking with Jaylin well actually notcooking with Jaylin but I’m just atleast doing something because I’mrecording the camera yeah but it’s goodokayput some more butter on the band[Music][Applause]moved on I mean I said but I’ll wait anawesome nothing tank is it looks like ait looks like we’re doing it stakeoutwhenever it going you do not needassistance it’s all like thatdon’t touch that right there it willreally get you in a booth at birththe batteries lost the murder to mulletoh my hands it burns a lot family to getanother pancake another business[Music]maybe it’s time me and my brother gonnaget another pancake you know how we doit making this time making thisokayif you want you your[Music]OhThanks that was just a mini song[Music]camerasHey okay all right guys that was the endof this videoKukui jr. as you see you got thebeautiful pancakes and peace