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Pancakes Recipes
Waffles Recipes
Pies Recipes
Cookies Recipes
Bread Recipes
Video Transcription
today I’m going to be following and asuper spy laughing your pancake tutorialso let’s try this okay first of all thethe video is goodso yam cooking I think it’s from somecooking and it’s a perfect fluffy softfull pancake let’s try to make this[Music][Music]it’s quite a different recipe fromwhat’s happening right now if youhaven’t checked out me and my friend wewe did a competition well who come backwho can make the best I hate she had togo early and so my own was like aseparate little Peggy’s her doll waslike a beak big sheet will true look notyou really go to the crate that’s theresults[Music]this is egg this is egg you sure this isthe egg okay actually that was prettygood that was thank you she does apretty sure[Music]yeahthat she’s gonna add milk I really add 1tablespoon tablespoon so I’m using thisgiant[Music]yeah that’s no way that is No oh by theway my cat loves it oh no no it’s[Music]yeah one person[Music]there’s a flower[Music][Music][Music][Music]thirty grounds throw the grounds okay[Music]okay that’s I think I’m just going toput sound and then just estimate theseare the Lots[Music][Music][Music][Music][Music]that’s the big sisterwhatoh good yeah we go that’s a bettertexture so we’re just gonna whisk quickoh it’s by the where the cookie is how Ithink on Lori’s Museum vodka Pete and Ireally like the cookies and they havewith the planet bad ones but I didn’tknew that they had chosen ones and yeahI’m just baby one and I was likeI’m not okay it’s pretty smooth it lookskind of like bears what nextokay now we’re going to beat out the[Music][Music][Music]okay[Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music][Music]okay hot cheese because I’m gonna haveto do that yeah so pi-1 this is hot oneand two[Music]